

Alice Monroe a Renowned 25 year old psychiatrist. She works for the biggest psychiatric hospital in London. She is not only known for her professionalism and good work ethic but also her extraordinary beauty.

Being a young psychiatrist and a female one at that, she was often admired by women younger or older than her and also looked down on by men who thought she's a woman and at her young age did not meet the required level of being a big shot psychiatrist.

She's managed to make the impossible possible with her special abilities. She's always been a good girl and abided by the rules, with a bubbly personality and caring nature.

Alexander Dante Bianchi an Italian 28 year old billionaire, the name is enough to make women swoon over him and make even the straightest of men question their sexuality.

His known for his cruelty in the business world, and his strong sex drive. The man is as ethereal as a Greek god. He never commits and always gets what he wants.

He does not follow the rules and oozes dominance. But the eccentric billionaire playboy carries a very dangerous secret that no one knows about, not even his family.

What happens when a goody-two-shoes girl who's badass at her job is hired to be the psychotic billionaire's personal psychiatrist.

Will she ignore the steamy stares of the man or will she fall into his trap?

' The Psychotic Billionaire '


Under the starry sky of London, two silhouettes seated on the soft green grass on a hill, bundled up in each other's embrace staring out at the beautiful lights adorning the city below.

The wind blowing ever so lightly, a calm and comfortable silence filled the space. The two forget about the world, only knowing of them in the open space of the hill.

Love filled eyes staring at one another, words need not be spoken for the two to know how much eternal affection they carry for each other.

' They say you'll meet your soulmate in the most weirdest and strangest of ways,'

Well looking at these two, let's just say for them it was more of a sickening psychological game, than a love at first sight kind of cliché romance story. If they did not play the cards right they would both fall into a pit of drowning misery.

2 years Earlier

"Okay I want you to take deep breaths, now tell me, you said you've been experiencing some sort of insomnia, what else is bothering you" she calmly asked her patient seated across from her.

"I also have weird nightmares, everytime I close my eyes to sleep I find myself stuck in a dark room and weird voices echoing through the room, the voices were either high pitched screeches or low deep growls as I try to run away and find some sort of escape I would see a light coming from the very end but before I could reach the light a gruesome sight comes to my view blocking me from the light.

It's about 6'5 ft tall, has black scaly prude skin, bold, with sharp claws kinda looks like the improved version of Freddie kruger.

It would choke me, throw my body across the room, slamming me into the wall and the most scary part about this is that it feels so real.

I wake up sweating with a pounding headache scared out of my wits, please Doctor you gotta help me I can't even have a normal sleep schedule and it's messing me up" the patient speaks, bits of sweat grazing their skin.

"And could you please tell me from when those dreams started to take place" she asks patiently waiting for her patient to calm down seeing as they are having a little mental breakdown.

"It started the day my parents died on my sixteenth birthday, they were brutally murdered right in front of my eyes, m-my m-mom and d-dad were my world and seeing them in that s-state b...brought so many thoughts, pain and unforgettable memories I just can't e..erase t-that scene from my head no m...matter how many t-times i-i-i try" by now the patient was crying hard, trying to tell her doctor everything.

The doctor's heart melted and shattered at the same time her patient went through a traumatic experience and as a teen it must have been really hard.

Being a psychiatrist she's come across a lot and everytime she hears stories of her patients or sees them going through mental breakdowns, fighting with themselves it breaks her heart.

' They say the biggest enemy you could ever have is not anyone else but yourself.'

And seeing how there are some people who struggle like this everyday breaks her heart.

That's why she become a psychiatrist in the very first place, of course it started off as curiosity, the way the human mind worked intrigued her, till one day she saw someone who went through that die by commiting suicide.

He was autistic, he was often bullied a lot for his condition and just couldn't take it anymore and took his own life. It was heartbreaking.

It hurt her to see him take his life, she was the only friend he had. The sad part was that it was too late to talk him out of it and he took his life along with a small part of her.

She couldn't stop him, there were days she blamed herself for not being there when it was happening. He jumped off the roof of their school building.

Ever since that day she knew she wanted to help people who had such disabilities. She didn't want innocent human beings to have to take their lives all because people couldn't see them as normal or identify them as mentally deranged animals.

To her every human being on this planet was normal just because some people suffer from mental disorders doesn't make them less human.

Pushing her professionalism aside she stood up from her chair walking towards her patient placing a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

All these people needed was comfort for them to fight what they have, they needed to know that someone out there would always be there for them, love them no matter what happens.

"shhhh it's okay, let it out this is your safe place, you don't have to worry" she spoke comforting words to her patient softly.

"Am i-i go...going m-mad do..ctor?" her patient asked in between sobs, it broke her heart hearing those words.

"No you're not, you're just experiencing some form of PTSD and schizophrenia all because of your past, it hurt you to see your parents go through that and because you think about it and can't get it out of your head it's haunting you,

but that doesn't mean you're going mad, your mind is just trying to process whatever you went through, it was a really disturbing time for you. Don't worry you'll get through this. I know you can just keep fighting, know that I'll always be here" she said, you could hear the sincerity in her voice calming her patient.

After her session with her patient, she was called by the director of the hospital saying he needed to speak to her about an urgent issue.

She quickly rushed to his office, knocking on the door, hearing a come in from the other side she went in. As she was fully inside and turned to face her front she saw another man seated on one of the sofas in the office...

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