
The Psychopath's Game

Class 1 at the National High School is known for being one of the most prestigious classes, only for the geniuses. However, after the school abolished the entrance exams, it was no longer the exclusive domain of the elite students. Oliver, a normal student, finds himself among the students accepted into Class 1, but soon realizes that the class is not what it seems. On the first day of school, the students are trapped in the classroom with a mysterious teacher who announces that they must pass a series of life-threatening tests to advance to the next year. If they fail, they will be killed without anyone outside the school knowing. Will Oliver and his classmates be able to survive the intense and deadly tests, or will they become victims of the twisted curriculum of Class 1?

Wordo_Wardo · Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 3.5 Vol.1

My name is Olivia Garcia. I had just been accepted into the highest-ranking class of our school, but then everything changed. The school abolished the entrance exams, and now the class is treated like any other. I felt disappointed, but I was determined to make the most of it.

However, that determination quickly turned to fear and panic on our first day in class. Suddenly, we found ourselves trapped in an experiment that we didn't even know we were a part of. My heart was racing, and I felt a knot forming in my stomach. Our lives are at stake, and I can't believe this is happening. I need to find a way to survive, but I don't know where to turn.

Our advisor teacher, Sir Ray, informed us that we would be taking a test to assess our capabilities. However, I can't help but feel extremely anxious and scared about it. I'm not sure if I have what it takes to pass this test. . Although I am slightly above average in academics, I am not particularly fond of these types of tests. The thought of failing fills me with dread, and I'm struggling to calm my nerves.

As Sir Ray opened his suitcase and approached the person next to me, Abigail Astor, I couldn't help but notice that she seemed like a really quiet kid. I mean, I don't know if she's super smart or anything 'cause she's been reading the same book since the start of class. But, to be honest, I haven't really had the chance to get to know her well enough to figure out what her personality or strengths might be. I have been trying to talk to her all this time, but every time I do she always ignores me.

Sir Ray then handed a stack of papers to Abigail and instructed her to pass them to the person on her left. She took one sheet, flipped it over, and gave the remaining pages to me. Following her lead, we all passed on the flipped paper until everyone had one on their desk.

After that was done, Sir Ray tied a small yellow bell to his fingers and gently swung it, creating a tinkling sound. "You all have only 30 minutes to answer. Once you have finished, you can pass it to me on my desk," After Sir Ray said those I quickly flipped my paper along with everyone else's. It was at that moment that my anxiety for the test increased tenfold.

"These questions are impossible!" I thought to myself, feeling overwhelmed. How am I supposed to answer all of them, let alone complete them in just 30 minutes?

After contemplating for 4 minutes, I finally mustered the courage to tackle the first question. I observed that the test consisted of 10 items, which were divided into four sections: three for Math, three for Psychology, three for Science, and one peculiar question. Strangely, it didn't seem out of place with the other questions, as each one appeared nearly impossible for us, mere 7th graders, to answer.

With 10 minutes left on the clock, I was feeling incredibly overwhelmed. I had only managed to answer 4 out of the 10 questions on the test so far, and time was running out. My anxiety levels were at an all-time high as I frantically tried to read and comprehend the remaining questions. As I scanned the next question, I could feel the frustration building up inside of me. I could feel my heart racing and my hands shaking as I tried to focus on the question, but my brain simply wouldn't cooperate.

The pressure was mounting, and I knew that I had to keep pushing through if I wanted to have any chance of passing the test. I forced myself to take a deep breath and calm down, but the clock was ticking, and I still had six more questions to answer. I knew that I needed to work quickly, but my mind was so jumbled that it was hard to focus on anything. All I could do was try my best and hope for the best.

As I struggled to complete the remaining questions, a glimmer of hope appeared. A small paper flew towards me and, to my relief, I managed to catch it. It seemed to have come from my right side, where Abigail was seated, leading me to believe that it was her who had thrown it to me.

I opened the paper and was surprised to see that it contained answers to all ten questions. I couldn't believe it - was Abigail actually trying to help me? I couldn't understand why she would choose me out of all the other students around her. Nevertheless, her gesture gave me hope and I knew that I could rely on her support from now on.

"Time is up. Please submit your papers to the person in front of you", the frantic pre-test was finally OVER. After everyone had passed their papers to the front, Sir Ray collected each one and placed them back in his suitcase. "As a reward for everyone who completed this pre-test, we have decided to conclude today's class here," Sir Ray announced, which equally brought a sense of relief to us all. "Goodbye everyone, and please be advised that the dormitory you will be staying in is located near the Arts Program building," he added.

As the other students filed out of the classroom, my heart was pounding with anticipation. I couldn't wait any longer. I needed to know what Abigail's small paper meant. Was it an act of kindness or something more sinister? I had to find out...

I wanted to give perspective to another student in the class during the test, because I felt like that I didn't do much into giving each student's thoughts on the test situation yet, and of course their individual reactions for the so called "Experiment" they are apart in.

I am still fleshing out each of the character's personalities though, so each chapter after this might take a while to release.

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