
The Psionic Hero: Raven (old version)

Akiko Imai was reborn into the world of MHA, and she plans to change things. Using her powerful psychic quirk, she's going to make sure that things change for the better. I'm re-writing this to make it more like Raven in MHA its titled Raven: MHA for now unless I can come up with a better title

vexinity · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Ch 1. Rebirth

I died.

Currently, I'm in a pristine waiting room, waiting for what I can only assume is my afterlife. The walls are clean white, and the ceiling is open to an endless sky. The chair I'm in isn't anything special, just a regular office chair with a mahogany wooden desk in front of me. Behind the desk is an ambiguous person not quite masculine but not quite feminine either.

"Hello. I am the god of rebirth, and you have been chosen for a once in an afterlife opportunity to live again with any three wishes you want. World selection and appearance are included in the rebirth process, so don't worry about wasting wishes on those things."

"So this means I died? I can't remember how it happened. Is that normal?" I ask them. I'm not upset. I'm dead, I don't really mind it, I think because I'm dead.

"It is not, in fact, normal. Your death was particularly gruesome, so for your convenience, we erased it from your mind. Do you have any further questions?" They ask.

"No, that's all of them." I say, and when I finish, they begin speaking again.

"Alright then on to business. You can take your time to choose everything I understand it may be daunting."

"Actually, I think I know what I want." They look surprised for a second but nod for me to continue. "For my world choice, I would like to be reborn into the My Hero Academia world at the same time as the main cast." Obviously, I would know exactly what world I want to choose as this has been my dream ever since I first read the manga.

"For my appearance, I'd like to have raven black hair, with purple eyes ringed with gold, pale skin, and when I stop growing, I'd like to be 167cm tall. All my other proportions can be genetics." Before I died, I was kind of a Raven fan-girl, and I really want to look like her in my new life.

"Now for my wishes.. actually, is there anything I'm not allowed to wish for?" I ask them, slightly embarrassed for not realizing this sooner when they asked if I had any questions.

Chuckling lightly, they say, "No need to be embarrassed, I'm surprised you even knew where you wanted to go. There aren't many restrictions on your wishes. Judging by what you've asked for so far and your actions in your past life, it's unlikely you wish for anything that is restricted. Also, for further clarification, if you wish to keep all your memories, death excluded, you are free to do so without a wish."

"Okay, thank you for letting me know. I would like to keep my memories. In that case, for my first wish, I would like my quirk to awaken as a growth type psychic quirk that allows me to train my abilities to get stronger." I stop my explanation to look at them, and they nod, letting me know it's ok to continue.

"For my second wish, I would like an Infinite Inventory that only I can access that unlocks when my quirk awakens. To use it, I only have to think about putting something in or taking something out, and it will come out into my hands. If I put clothes or accessories in the space, I can replace them with what I'm currently wearing directly from the inventory." They motion for me to keep going onto my final wish.

"For my final wish, no one can cancel or take my quirk from me." This wish is for the obvious future problems involving AFO and the Shie Hassaikai.

The god of rebirth smiles and says, "I hope your new life is to your liking." The last thing I hear before everything goes dark is a snap of the gods fingers.