

God created many beautiful things.

The world, nature, animals and people. He made it all from scratch before resting up in heaven where he could watch over the amazing things he had breathed life into.

However, things changed.

God watched as his world became unbalanced, evil and suffering spreading across the globe, corruption filling its core.

"Satan!" The angel at God's side cried.

"It's Satan! He's trying to take the world as his own!"

The angel was correct. Satan wanted to take the world as his own, he wanted control over the people, he wanted an empire.

He wanted to be God himself.

He attempted to do this by sending his worst demons and devils to Earth to possess the humans who had been devoured by their own negative emotions.

God thoughtfully looked over his people, his heart aching at the sight of his children suffering, the evil swallowing others whole.

"We must install the Hero System ." God bellowed, his eyes solemn. The Hero System sent Angels down to Earth to find the humans who are pure at heart, and granted them divine and holy power. But there was a catch to this, humans who are pure at heart and granted the title of 'Protector' will become engaged to said angel that brings them power. They would be bound through purity and light as soulmates.

"But father, it's too risky. Humans are greedy, they may seek more power, they may even corrupt themselves in order to achieve it." The angels attempted to persuade God, but God had already made his decision. He knew what was needed. The world needed protectors, and that's what God would grant them.

"And so, in 2019 the world was changed forever. The few people who have pure hearts would be granted the title of 'Protector' and would fight against those possessed by the vile demons of hell in order to defend the Earth's goodness while eradicating the evil. The Hero System saved us all, and for that, we shall be forever thankful. Protectors aren't common, but they are all around us, stopping the evil and protecting the people. You, yourself, may even be a Protector, today, tomorrow or some day in the future." A loud chime filled the room as Miss. Duffus closed her book, a smile gracing her features.

"That's all for today. Next week, we'll be learning about the types of suffering in the world and we will be later writing an essay on both Evil and Suffering. Until then, I hope you all enjoy your weekend! " Students quickly stuffed their bags with pencil cases and notepads, the sound of zips echoing in the room. I quickly grabbed my bag before slinging it over my shoulder, my hands slipping into my pockets.

"Lara? Can you come here for a minute?" A smile tugging at the corner of my lips, I turned around to face Miss Duffus.

"Yeah, what's up?"

Miss Duffus excitedly gripped at her book before stuffing one of her hands into her trouser pocket, pulling out something square.

"Tadaaaa! You won the award!" She shoved the square object in my direction, her eyes glimmering with happiness.

"Award?" I questioned, my hands reaching out for the object.

"Gosh, just read it!" She was practically bouncing as she spoke, I raised an eyebrow at her strange behaviour before directing my attention back to the object that was now in my hands. Eyes roaming the post card , I read it out loud.

"Congratulations, Lara Dobson. You've won this award for getting the highest marks possible for the Evil and Suffering unit of Philosophy worldwide. As a reward, you've been invited to attend a meeting about the world's current situation of Protectors and Destroyers. We would love for you to attend, and are eagerly waiting for your appearance."

Eyes widening, I glanced up to see my teacher clenching her fists.

"I. Am. So. Proud!!!!" She shrieked, taking me into her arms.

"I always knew you had potential! I just didn't realise you were a prodigy! And, you've even been invited to a REAL and SERIOUS meeting about the protectors and destroyers of the world!!! Do you see how cool this is!? You're only sixteen, and yet, you've already been recognised by those of high status! Ohhhhh, well done Lara!" Her hold tightened as my body froze up.

"What. The. F-"

"Don't finish that sentence and ruin the moment, Lara."

"F-Hell. What the hell. What the hell is going on!?" I could feel the post card slip out of my grip, a million thoughts flowing through my head as time seemed to stop.

Believe it or not, this is not where my story begins. Actually, this moment is completely unrelated to my new life.

But this was the last moment I had as a normal human, my last experience before everything changed. For better, or for worse. You'll find out as my story will unfold soon enough. My tale, my life as a 'Protector'.