11 Becoming ultimate class

It was now Monday and Vergil woke up in his bed remembering the three consecutive dates he had with arguably the three most beautiful females in all of anime, Vergil had a smile on his face as he imagined how may guys would kill to be in his position, life really is good. But before he went to school he decided that this would be the day that he finally broke through to ultimate class as he can feel he's so close to reaching it he just needs one more push.

Vergil got up from bed and got dressed Vergil knew he would need a lot of [exp] to level him up since his level was so high so he decided to go to a [S rank gate] he opened it and stepped through it without a second thought, as soon as Vergil exited the gate his environment changed to one that he could only describe as a frozen wasteland, the entire area was frozen solid behind a thick sheet of ice, Vergil's vision was blocked by a snowstorm so strong that it would have killed him if he was just a regular human, before Vergil could even decide his next move his Haki warned him of multiple attacks coming from nearly every direction, Vergil danced around every attack, he moved so quickly that if anyone looked at him all they would see is a blur, Vergil caught the final attack and looked at his hand to see what it was, it was an arrow made of pure ice and as soon as Vergil touched the arrow ice started so spread across his body.

Vergil quickly let go of the arrow and used devil magic to cover himself in flames and melt the ice, all of Vergil's senses were on high alert since he couldn't see through the blizzard he had to rely on his Haki and without it Vergil didn't doubt that he would have been most likely killed by the thousands of arrows shot at him at such blinding speeds. After spreading his observation Haki to its utmost limits Vergil could sense at least 100,000 enemies all of which had varying power levels, the weakest being around the strength of a mid-level devil and the strongest being about high-Satan class almost super-class devil. The enemies that Vergil would be facing were snow elves and ice golems, the elves had a murderous look in their eyes as they re-stocked their bows ready to fire another volley of arrows while the golems looked ready to charge at Vergil.

Vergil wasn't sitting idle either, he summoned out his shadow army and in almost every direction dark shadows rose from the ground taking different shapes, in his army their were magicians, wyverns, devils, fallen angles and a variety of different mythological creatures, in total his shadow army numbered in the 1,000s, 1,450 to be exact since that was the maximum number of shadow soldiers that he could currently store, as soon as the ice elves saw the number of their enemies to from 1 to almost 2000 they got extremely pissed off and launched the next volley of arrows.

Vergil and his shadow army seeing this charged at the enemy, Vergil and Igris were the first to arrive in front of the enemies, before the elves or golems could react hundreds of magical circles opened in front of them and bolts of lightning came directly from the circles, Vergil using his lightning devil magic managed to take out at least 700 of the enemy in one go, Vergil was about to send more lightning at his enemies but his Haki warned him of a golem that was about to attack him, the golem swung its large arm at Vergil hoping to kill what it believed to be the leader of the shadow army but as soon as its arm made contact with Vergil's body its arm shattered as Vergil had instinctively coated the part of his body being attacked in armament Haki the golem was shocked and confused seeing its arm shatter instead of his enemy dying and before it could react Vergil swung his armament Haki infused fist at the centre of its body creating shock waves from the strength of the punch and shattering the ice they were standing on.

Vergil's punch shattered the ice golem into tiny pieces as the longer him and his shadow soldiers were in combat the more their power is boosted and since they've been in combat for a few minutes now Vergil's strength was boosted from low ultimate class to mid-Satan class and it was still rising as he was still in combat, "{Arise}" as soon as Vergil spoke those words the elves and golems looked with shocked and horrified faces as shadows rose from the corpses of their deceased comrades and stared at them with cold and empty eyes.

As the fight continued for several more minutes the more intelligent ice elves realised something, that their enemy was getting stronger and faster in the beginning of the fight they had superior numbers and strength but now not only was the enemy catching up to them in terms of numbers as those who died in battle would come back as those dead eyed shadow soldiers but also that their enemy was stronger as before they could take out one of the weak looking soldiers with ease but now they could barely even scratch them.

Vergil decided to end the fight since his power had been boosted up to mid super devil class, Vergil opened his wings revealing 8 wings as he had finally broken through to Ultimate class, Vergil flew high into the air and looked down as thousands of magical circles started opening in the sky, Vergil looked downwards as massive bolts of lightning came raining down onto the battle field from the magic circles, the continuous rain of lightning didn't stop until Vergil saw a notification pop up.

[All enemies have been cleared, host can either fight the boss or leave the dungeon now]

Vergil didn't leave he stayed flying in the air waiting for the boss to reveal itself and as of right on cue the thick layer of ice in the area started to shatter and the dungeon started to shake, the ice shattered as large wings came out of the ice followed by claws and out of the shattered glacier came an ice dragon that was at least 300 meters tall, Vergil used his Haki to sense the dragon's strength it was around mid super- devil class so with Vergil's current boosts from being in combat both him and the dragon were at least equal in power.

The dragon noticed Vergil almost immediately wanted to kill him, it opened its massive jaw and got ready to fire an attack, out of the dragons mouth came a fire that looked blue but anything it touched would instantly freeze and at the same time burn whatever it touched, ice so cold it burns. Vergil decided that the last thing he wanted was to get hit with that ice so he used his speed and agility to avoid the ice-fire coming out of the dragons mouth.

Vergil appeared directly beneath the dragons jaw and sent a Haki infused uppercut directly at it, with the amount of strength Vergil now possessed the uppercut sent the dragon flying upwards with a few shattered teeth as well, unfortunately for the dragon of it had come at the start of the fight then maybe it would of had a chance but at this point Vergil's power was boosted so much that it was no match, Vergil then used his stop-stop fruit to freeze time, he appeared a over the dragon and grabbed it by the roof of its mouth and pulled as hard as he could.

With Vergil's incredible strength he managed to rip of the dragons head with his bare hands . Vergil unfroze time as he watched the dragons headless corpse fall from the sky onto what remained of the ground below, Vergil let go of the dragons head as he felt his power return to normal falling from high super-devil class down to mid ultimate class, Vergil breathed heavily as the fight took a lot out of him and even with his boosted strength ripping the dragons head off had been no easy feat.

[Ding! For clearing [S] rank gate host has earned a box]

Vergil smiled as he looked at the notification as he couldn't wait to see what he earned

[Obtained The Seven Deadly Sins power pack x1 S rank

Pack opened host obtained:

Absolute full counter x1 Rank:S

Demon assault mode x1 rank:S

Commandmant of Love (Modified) x1 Rank:S+]

[Absolute full counter (Rank:S) description: Able to counter any physical or magical attacks sending back 100% of the damage back at the enemy]

[Demon assault mode (Rank:S) description: When the user unleashes their demonic power which increases all basic starts by 100% (If you don't know what it looks like search up Meliodas demon assault mode on google)]

[Commandmant of Love (Modified) x1 rank(S+) : Anyone who holds hatred in their heart for the user will not be able to afflict harm on the user they won't even be able to lift a weapon to harm the user]

Vergil laughed after seeing his rewards, by far his favourite was the modified version of the commandment of love, the original version of of the Commandmant of love would mean that anyone who held hatred in their heart for another person would not be able to afflict harm onto another while he was in the area and the commandment included himself so if Vergil hated anyone he wouldn't be able to harm anyone else but the modified version didn't include him so he was allowed to hate as much as he wanted and still harm others but if someone hated him then they wouldn't be able to do anything against him, they wouldn't even be able to lift a weapon against him.

Vergil decided that this was a good place to end it for today as he was too tired to go into another dungeon, he was happy with his rewards so he decided it was time to get ready for school after taking a hot shower. Vergil stepped out of the portal back into his room and looked at the clock, not even a second past in the real world since he want onto the dungeon.

After doing his daily routine Vergil went downstairs and had breakfast while watching anime like normal, he was looking forward to how Sona, Rias and Akeno would act after the dates he had with them and especially after having kissed all three of them, after Vergil finishes eating he goes down into his garage and decided to take his Porsche 918 Spyder to school, even though Vergil could just walk to school or teleport it was much more fun to flex on the other boys at kuoh academy.

As Vergil drove up to school as usual he drew the attention of every student that was walking through the entrance and when they saw an expensive looking car drive up to the school they instantly knew who was driving it, the king of kuoh academy Vergil Lucifer Dante, as he got out of the car Vergil saw the usual sight of girls looking at him with blushes on their faces while the other guys looked at him with hate and envy, Vergil looked towards the entrance and saw Sona welcoming the students into the school standing next to a female that was slightly taller with large breast and glasses, Sona's queen Tsubaki Shinra.

As Vergil approached both girls Sona noticed his approach and immediately blushed and began fiddling with her hair and clothes to make sure she looked nice while Tsubaki looked at her king with slight confusion as to her Sona was a confident person who never let down her poker face but just the sight of this boy could make her drop her composure like some sort of amateur. Tsubaki then looked at the boy who put her queen in such a state without even doing anything and smiled slightly, he seemed like quite the interesting person.

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