

"Does life have a meaning?"

In the vast endeavor of this seemingly meaningless existence, this one single question echoes throughout the ages, propelling wisdom into the realm of madness.







What if meaning itself never existed?

Why do we even strive for that meaning?

And in the end, does it truly hold any significance?...


Amidst the myriad of countless philosophical beliefs, each containing a glimmer of the meaning of 'Meaning of life'...

But... does it truly matter in the end?

Aren't they all simply beliefs held by those perceived as the greatest fools?

When I use the term 'Fool', I do not intend any disrespect towards them.

For the meaning of 'Fool' to me is distinct and profoundly personal, unlike anyone else's...

Returning to the beliefs:

Some claim that the meaning of life lies in serving and worshiping a higher entity or deity.

Others argue that the purpose of life is to attain enlightenment, breaking free from the cycle of suffering and rebirth, ultimately achieving the ultimate goal, Nirvana.

There are those who believe that life has no intrinsic meaning or purpose, rendering it ultimately meaningless.

On the contrary, some contend that the meaning of life is not predetermined, and individuals must create their own meaning through their choices and actions.

Additionally, some suggest that the meaning of life is found in living in harmony with nature and accepting the world's order.

Furthermore, there are those who assert that the meaning of life lies in cultivating moral character, harmonious relationships, and social responsibilities.



There are so many beliefs, but in the end, no one truly knows which is actually the most suitable.

But we should also consider the fact that Time and people with us defines the true value or meaning of life.

What will you do if you only had one last hour to live?

Doesn't life, in itself, suddenly lose its meaning? The Earth will still rotate, the Sun will rise tomorrow, the moon will continue to shine as beautifully as it once did, but you will be long forgotten within the grand trespasy of Time.

No soul shall recall your name, your laughter, or the tears you shed, but....does it really matter at the End? Isn't it fine?

Who knows... It's does depend on the person afterall.


Every fool finds solace in his own beliefs, making other beliefs just a facade of another fool's effortless endeavor.

"Should I cut my throat open?...

Or, should I go for one last stroll?"

Yet, what if there existed a Fool unlike any other—drenched in trespasses of ultimate madness, entangled in their own insanity?

What would be ■■ ultimate End? Will ■■ ever discover the 'meaningless' meaning?

The concept of finding 'meaning' is futile in itself.

A Sinner's senseless pursuit.