

A few words before you start reading.

So the plot is quite large with a lot of different things. Everything will be revealed with time. The timing may not be right as this is just the first draft of the story.

The main protagonist of the story is Akuro, but the story will revolve around many other people. So while keeping Akuro the center of the story, we will work on other characters as well.

As for the antagonist. There are a lot of antagonists. They will change according to the situation. But there will be one big antagonist that he faces off with at the end.

This story contains a lot of GORE and may contain some strong language.

Everything that happens, happens for a reason. Keep track of things as they may prove to be vital later on.

[Dialogs are written like this.]

If there is a conversation between two people, each square bracket will represent a person. For example:

[Dialogue of person 1.

Still the dialogue of person 1.]

[Dialogue of person 2.]

[Dialogue of person 1.]

Thoughts of a character are written like this. If multiple characters are thinking, the thoughts will be specified.

Onomatopoeias are written in asterisks, like this: *Bang* *BANG*

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