
Chapter Two

Bakugou's POV:

Where in hell did the nerd get a fucking black eye? How did this happen? The only thing the nerd ever did was try to be helpful so why did he get a fucking black eye?

I though through everything. I couldn't believe that the fucking nerd got a black eye. This can't be true..

"Damn Bakubro, what's got you thinking so hard?" Shitty Hair said in a very quizzical tone.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I screamed to Shitty Hair with an intense glare.

I then stood up and walked away from the Bakusquad's table and over to the shitty nerds table.

Deku then looked up and stared with a solid and intense glare. Noticing his gaze he held his breath.

"We need to talk damn nerd." I said to him. He looked at me and his eyes turned more intense and more rigid.

"Ok." Deku said with a rigid and angry tone. Urakaka turned to Deku.

"Hey, Deku-Kun are you sure you should go with Bakugou-Kun?" She asked looking slightly concerned.

"Yes, Urakaka.. I'll be fine." He says quickly to respond.

As he finished he got up and walked out the cafeteria door. I followed.