
Don't fight anymore.

"What are you doing!? Even the fucking president couldn't shoot someone ins plain sight like this and get away with it!" Sarah screamed.

The man who was at the end of the pistol's aim was sweating profusely, he could feel his warm blood pouring out of his shoulder and the burning pain. But he didn't dare to scream or move. Because while the ginger lady managed to push Raquel's hand at the last second, the blue cold eyes were telling him that she would shoot again without hesitation.

Raquel lightly pushed Sarah off "This street's only camera is the one in my house. And we are the first to move to this part of the neighborhood, there'll be no eyewitnesses."

Biting her lips Sarah looked back at the house with the loud music

but Jefferson didn't come.

'How am I supposed to handle this freak alone!?' She cursed on her mind.

Raquel Dias, adoptive elder sister of Jefferson by one year. Normally a tough, level headed person, but when things are about her family, she goes unstable.

"Haaa, listen here, even if you do that, it won't affect Isabella in any way, these are just thugs. They are saying her name with so much gusto that I'm starting to doubt if they are really sent by her. You're the leader of an elite group, you should know that too. Even if you want to pay her back for betraying him, killing thugs are not the way."

Suddenly Raquel stopped and looked at Sarah with a tilted head.

"Betrayed?" she asked.

"Y-You don't know?"

Raquel put her gun down, "Tell me everything." She said with a grin.

Causing goosebumps on Sarah.


"....So he was cuckolded" Raquel said aloud.

Sarah cringed with the term.

"Using the Chinese term; he wore the green hat." Raquel said with a chuckle

Sarah watched with incredulity. She understood the resentment she has for him. but to mock like this after learning of his depression...Then she saw it.

Raquel's eyes turned slightly red. She was smiling but her neck was rigid. She was clenching her teeth beneath her smile.

Raquel had no news of him from the last three years. She even told Bella to not mention his name to her. But to think he was depressed through all these last years. She hated herself for not knowing. but she also couldn't forgive him easily for leaving them behind with some monthly allowance.

She crouched down and covered her face with her palms."How bad was it? I know you keep track of him. 'Only look but no touching' right?" Raquel's quiet voice leaked through her hands.

Sarah flinched. Seeing no one around and the music still blasting. She spoke of how he didn't bother to choose food and only ate for sustenance how he would often talk to nobody when drunk. His gradual loss of self-care. Everything.


The door was ajar. The living room looked like a chicken coop, clothes and sheets spread all around with rest of potato chips a cat suddenly hissed from under empty milk cardboard.

Jefferson covered his face in shame. "I didn't know my absence would turn them into pigs"

"Who are you calling a pig!? You're the pig!" A high pitched voice reached his ear. A slender small thing stood in front of him wearing pink. He smiled

It was his fifteen years old sister, Bella.

She forced a cold look at him. But he could tell through her fidgeting that she was nervous. She hadn't seen him personally for years.

Her hair had grown so long it reached her waist. she still had baby fat on her face. her bust also has grown considerably but was still small, like big lemons.

"You're grown more like a lady, you even have chest now." He said with a smirk.

Her composure broke completely and her face went red as a tomato. she stomped the ground with fury. "What's this!? You're an uncle! you shouldn't talk like that to me! Shameless!"

Catching her own loss of composure she went back to her cold manner, but her face was still red as a tomato. She walked in front of the Tv and started to dance. Ignoring him completely.

She was playing a dance game. he sat on the sofa behind her silently. She looked at him from the corner of her eye but continued to dance. with her mind on two places she messed up a move.

"Pfft!" He laughed.

She stared back at him with anger.

He looked a the corner of the room whistling.

She stomped her feet "REDO MATCH!"

She passed that song completely and smiled proudly putting her lemon breasts forward.

He scoffed in disdain. "I can do better."

"Yes? Do it then!" She put on 'extremely hard mode' and pressed play.

"GIrlie, you're about to be in awe of this big brother." He said with a smirk and started to dance.

The little girl in pink pj's scoffed.


Suddenly two people stood astonished on the opened door staring with wide eyes,

"I'm gonna show you♪ Loco- maniac- sick-bitch- psychopath♫"

An Uncle's voice mixed with a high pitched teenager one. And they sang loudly with the man waving the teenage girl in the air as if she were a feather.

Sarah's eyes suddenly shone and she jumped in their middle.

Raquel sighed. 'This girl only lasted a few minutes eh.' she shook her hand and organized the mess around.

After half an hour...


The scene of a shirtless Jefferson holding one small and another big in the air while all three of them sang together stood in front of her.

Raquel's vein bulged "ENOUGH!" She yelled

"J-Just one more please?" Bella pleaded cutely.

Her trembling eyes and hesitating tone made Raquel looked at Jefferson coldly.

Jefferson smiled at the little girl "Let's go see mother?" He said.

The anxiety bit into her heart and she fidgeted a little more.

Sarah embraced the little girl from behind with a smile. "Jefferson said it would work so don't worry too much."

Biting her lips Bella followed them.

Jefferson led the way. truthfully he could feel his nerves going wild since he heard the whole story. So the first thing he did when he arrived was to come directly to the main bedroom, He used the method Léo gave him and felt the energy around converging inside his mother. But she didn't wake up.

His mind raced and rage rose but he calmed himself, it didn't make sense for Léo to be lying if he did then the contract would become nothing. He calmed himself down and thought maybe it was just something related to time, or amount of essence gathered. He went down and bought time, by trying to re-attach his strained relationship with his little sister.

Even now his insides were trembling, 'What if I did something wrong? What if mother is beyond healing already?'

But he didn't flinch, the girls behind him were naturally sharp and he couldn't show any questionable signs.

He side-eyed Raquel when going up the stairs. "Why was the house so messed up? do you live in a pigsty?"

"Eh?" they all thought.

"Not your business" Raquel answered.

"E-Eh, My friends were here, but after that big voice in the sky, they went back to their home," Bella said awkwardly.

Their small talk broke the tension and they reached the door.

Jefferson's hands almost trembled as he touched the handle. He forced himself to not gulp down because of tension.

Raquel had the same ice-cold posture, But he chuckled inside, he had put a stray sock that was on the living room on top of her head before going the stairs and she didn't notice, for someone like her it was a big deal.

Sarah stifled her laughter after seeing the pink sock hanging on the blonde air.

Bella trembled. she wanted her mother to get better but didn't want to lose hope another time. She embraced Jefferson's waist from behind and buried her face in his back.

He opened the door. The clarity of the bedroom's window illuminated the corridor they were in.

He looked and sighed with relief. 'A little thin, but as beautiful as ever.'

He looked at the forty years old lady who seemed to have stopped aging at thirty. She was sitting up on the bed and looking out of the window with a smile.

She turned her eyes to them, Jefferson felt something crawl upon his chest and trying to reach his eyes. The tip of his nose felt sour. But he knew it wasn't his time right now. He held it down somehow and pulled the little thing from behind him.

She yapped and looked at the bed. Seeing how beautiful the little thing had become, Maria a natural blue-eyed blonde smiled with warmth.

"MOTHER!" the girl's face went red she barely managed to walk two steps and started wail in place.

Raquel sighed and shook her head, she took the little girl and rough her to the woman, who embraced and kissed gently.

"Her body's weak right now, be careful," Jefferson said with red eyes.

But the girl only wailed lauder "PLEASE DON"T GO AGAIN!!!"

Sarah smiled with tear filled eyes. Raquel stood beside Maria, who squeezed her hand tightly with a smile.

Jefferson didn't move from the door.

The woman on the bed sighed and looked at him meaningfully.

Seemingly saying that it was okay for him to come and bawl his eyes out.

He walked beside the bed and kissed the top of her blonde her, then her forehead. "I'm sorry to take so long. Welcome back."

She held his hand as he pulled back. He sniffled almost imperceptibly.

"I'm sure you been through a lot. Rest, Don't fight anymore. Take your Sarah and move in with us."

Next chapter