
Battle to Ruins

"C'mon guys, pick it up. The evil guys could be attacking right now!" A lively Pierre said.

"We're trying P." Darasu sighed.

"Yea man, that's the truth." Taiyo smirked. He was not very enthusiastic about this mission. He felt for Kumogakure, but just not to the point of putting his life on the line. The group continued on their way. Until an abrupt stop. "Everyone stop!" Chita screamed. *SLASH! Pierre turned around, only to see one of his best friends, Kosen Uchiha, pierced by a sword through his arm. 'How?' Pierre thought. He lept into the air, scouting the area for the mystery attacker. 'Got him.' "Wind Style: Blade of Wind!" A wind blade was sent flying in the trajectory of the target. Trees were cleared, leaving one person standing in the open. 'Is that a- Kumogakure headband?!' Pierre thought.

"Giragan!" The assailant yelled, activating some sort of dojutsu. "smota fo noitcurtsed: elyts terces!"(Secret Style: Destruction of Atoms)

Hikari activated his Heizugan.

Kosen vanished.

"H-h-how- where did kosen go?!" Darasu asked.

The mystery attacker shimmered away.

"He got Kosen, we gotta get him!" Pierre lept into action without a second thought.

"Pierre wait!" Hikari said, proceding to chase Pierre deeper into the woods. The other ninjas followed.

'I gather it's some sort of dojutsu, i'm sensing that it has the aurora of the rinnegan, sharingan, and byakugan. Now if only I can lock onto him so I can stop him.' Hikari thought. Pierre was quick, he had caught up to the assailant. "Where'd you take Kosen?! Huh?!" Pierre asked intensely. The mystery man turned around. "ssap ot sninoj eht wolla tnod. sdnammoc retsam tahw ot netsil tsum. ssap ot sninoj eht wolla tnod. sdnammoc retsam tahw ot netsil tsum." (Must listen to what master commands. Dont allow the jonins to pass. Must listen to what master commands. Dont allow the jonins to pass.) He muttered.

"You know what man, silence. I'm tired of this nonsense gibberish. Die!"

"loof yap tsum uoy!" (you must pay fool.)

Pierre scowled as he charged into battle. He chopped into the mystery man's arm. The man lept into air. Pierre saw an opportunity to use his fire jutsu. "Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!" The man was engulfed in a fireball. Out of the fire, he delivered a brutal punch to Pierre's face. Pierre was sent flying into a tree. The man then went airbourne, yelling 'This is no ordinary Kumogakure shinobi.', he thought. "Well, I guess since you seem pretty strong, I can stop my training." He took off his wristbands and tossed them to the ground. *BOOOM! A third of the forest was cleared. He took off his leg weights and threw them to the floor. *KA-BOOM! Even more trees were eradicated. "Pierre must've caught up with that creep!" Tsuki said. "Whoo! That feels better! Now youre gonna pay." He charged at the man. *BOOM! Pierre landed a violent punch to the face of the man. The man was sent flying. *ZOOM! Pierre flashed before man in mid air. "Time to finish you. Lighting Release: Volt Ball! An electric sphere of energy formed between Pierre's hands. He launched the ball at the man.

The man lie there, barely clinging to life. "deliaf evah i rof .retsam em evigrof esaelp." (please forgive me master. for i have failed) By now, his eyes had returned to normal.

The man's breathing slowing by the minute.

Cassius rushed over to the body. "I gotta keep him alive! Maybe he'll give us some information on Kosen!" He grabbed the man's palm and proceded to use his medical jutsu. He could feel a pulse thumping, and thumping.


The man awoke, eyes completely black. He quickly grabbed Cassius' thigh, in an attempt to grasp onto his own life.

The man's grasp on Cassius' thigh released, as his body dropped to floor with a smile on his face.

"No!" Cassius yelled, knowing this might've been the only way to save Kosen.

Pierre frowned. He had never liked to kill, but it was of his duties as a shinobi to kill one trying to take the lives of other shinobi. He looked at the now lifeless body. Observing the headband, he thought, 'Why would a Kumogakure ninja attack us?'

"Hikari, what info have you gathered from him?" Pierre continued.

"That ocular jutsu he was using was someone kind of mutated blend of the byakugan, sharingan, and rinnegan."

"Wow." Taiyo repiled.

"Do you think that he had anything to do with the Kumogakure attack?" Chita observed. "Maybe a member of the mystery clan?"

"Well, I don't know," Pierre continued, "But we have to find Kosen!"

"Well, as i'm sure we'd all like to, we have absolutely no idea to the whereabouts of Kosen." Cassius said.

Pierre came to an actualization. He stared at Hikari.

"You want me to use… that jutsu?"

Pierre sadly nodded to Hikari's words.

"Yea, but its a risk." Hikari continued, he bent down and extracted the eyes from the corpse. He examined the eyes. "Abyss Release: Blind Reality!" The dead black eyes became white, with purple ripples, and 6 red tomoes. The group crossed their fingers in hope of Kosen's and Hikari's wellbeing. A few minutes later the eyes returned back to the black color. "H-h-he apparently used some sort of jutsu to completely- dismantle Kosen's atomic structure." The group was in disbelief.

"No way! No way!" Pierre repeated. "Hikari, can't you do something?!"

"I- can't- i dont know how. I could only go back into his thoughts so far." Hikari sputtered.

He tiredly collapsed of fatigue. There were risks to using jutsu that powerful.

'This was all so random. There has to be more to it. If only- If only I could have, stopped that guy sooner.' Pierre's regrets dashed through his mind as he picked up Hikari.

"We have to keep moving. Maybe if we get to Kumogakure, we'll find out more answers." Taiyo blurted.

"First, we must doccument our findings to Lady Hokage!" Cassius said as he pulled out his communitcation ninja tool out of his pocket.

"Yea, we should." Chita agreed. Taiyo didn't really care so much about the safety of kosen, he just wanted to get out that area of the woods. It gave him the creeps.

Pierre hated the thought of the possibility of his friend being dead. But only had one way to try to stop it. By heading to Kumogakure.

"Umm, Miss. They're here. The jonin of Konoha. They're here."

"Very well. You know what to do."

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