
The Acception

Should I have frozen yogurt or donuts for breakfast? Oh! I should have a donut filled with frozen yogurt!

"Hey Rosie!" I yell out as I finished tying the shoelace of my bright yellow shoes.

Rosie answers back, "what, you loud freak."

"I'm not a freak! Anyways, do you know any place that sells donuts filled with frozen yogurt?"

"Nope. Are you gonna have that for breakfast?"

"I was gonna. But I don't think there's a place that sells fro-yo donuts around." I sigh.




After having an event less adventure to Denny's, Rosie and I decided to take a walk to the park.


"I got a text from an unknown number." I show Rosie the notification.

She takes a glance at it. "Read it."

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>Congratulations! You've been accepted to Crystal Academy! A car will come at 8 AM sharp to pick you up in 3 days. Please be prepared to leave, the driver will wait for 10 minutes. If you aren't in the car in those 10 minutes, then your enrollment will be cancelled. Farther information will be said when you have arrived at the academy!

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Rosie laughs, "what the fuck. You only applied last night, and you're already accepted in that fast? Ha! That's a defy scam."

"I don't get how I even got accepted in. I filled out the application truthfully, I even said I'm dumb as hell. I was 100% sure I would get rejected, after all I only filled the application out for fun" I reread the message.

"Like I said, that message is a scam!" Rosie laughs even more.

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<pffffft. i only filled out the application like 13 hours ago. there's no way this isnt a scam.

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>I assure you this is not a scam. Your application form fascinated the headmistress, so she automatically accepted you in. Again, congratulations!

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"Rosie! It texted back!" Rosie and I read the message.

"Nah, that's just weird. There's no way a headmistress would just accept a dumb rock to be in a fancy school." Rosie says.

"True, but what if I really did get accepted in? I have the chance to attend a fancy school with fancy kids!"

"You wouldn't fit in."


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<how do ik this isn't a scam that wants to kidnap me? Huh?!?! HUH?!?!

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>It's up to you, get in the car or not want, let me remind you again, you only have 10 minutes to confirm your enrollment.

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<that's bullshit!

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"What was that for?" Rosie points at my last message.

We both sit on a park bench.

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know, I just felt like saying bullshit."

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>ITS NOT BULLSHIT! Fine whatever, you think of what you want to think.

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<woah aggressive. please don't yell at me 🥺👉👈 I'm a really sensitive gal ya know!

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"Ugh! Gross!" Rosie elbows me.

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>Exchhse me, whst?

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<hehe you got some typos!

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>Excuse me, what?* I'm sorry, that message just caught me off guard.

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<woah woah woah wait ! I'm not talking to a bot ?!?! 🤭

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>No, you're talking to an intellectual human being.

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<ew you talk to fancy.

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>This is how you are expected to write in CA, so you should learn how.

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<CA ?

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>Crystal Academy.

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<ohh. well I'm not smart enough to learn how to write properly ✌️

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>That's the least of my problems.


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"How far is this school?" Rosie asks me while re-tying her loosed shoelace.

I look up at the light blue sky, not a cloud in sight. "It's a 15 hour drive."

"You gonna get in the car?"


"So you're gonna be 15 hours away. That's how much you wanna get away from me?"

"What?! No! I'm only attending to see what type of place it is. If I don't like it, then I'm gonna leave the place." I stand up from the bench, "Let's go home!"

I start running off, not hearing what Rosie said next. "What if you like the place?"


I hug Rosie bye as we parts ways. She was heading to her house, while I head back to my house.

Once I arrived at home, I headed to my room to list the things I would be packing up. I'd be pretty pissed if I didn't actually got accepted, and the smart human lied to me. Oh! I should ask them what I should pack up.

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<hey uhhhh human? I have a question!

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>What do you want.

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<woah! you must not have a life!

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>Why do you suspect that?

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<you respond fast ._.

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>Are you here to judge me or to ask me a question?

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<oh oh. What should I bring to the academy?

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>The important stuff to bring is clothes and toiletries. School supplies and the uniform will be given to you by the academy. You may also bring anything else you want, except dangerous objects.

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<kayyyy. Thanks for the help smart human!

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>You're welcome. Spend your last 3 days saying good bye to love ones, as you will be far away from them.


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Hmm. Is bringing candy allowed?

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