
Tying Up Loose Ends

I sat in my room and stared at the ceiling. William had already bandaged my side and now I was just thinking. I had been through so much in so little time. Andrew hurt Christina, he tried to kill me...life was indeed a crazy thing. Christina cried so much. Did she think I was going to die? Did she care that much? I almost smacked myself in the head. Of course, she did! If not, why would she fight back so much? I heard a soft knocking from my door.

I stood up and opened it to see Christina. I couldn't help but notice the bruise on her face hadn't entirely gone away yet. The thought of her getting hurt on my behalf made my heart sink.

"What is wrong?" she asked. "Do you need to be rebandaged? Are you hungry?" I said nothing, just reached up and held her cheek. I felt tears coming to my eyes.

"I'm sorry," I told her softly. "This is my fault." She grabbed my hand gently and smiled.

"I caused you a lot of confusion and hurt and I'm very sorry," she told me. "Can you ever forgive me?" I nodded my head.

"Of course," I said. She looked back up at me, teary-eyed. I pulled her close to me. I could now do it without betraying anyone, and the weight in the chest disappeared. I looked down at her. We held each other's gaze for a while, just appreciating the moment. I heard the door open and looked up to see William at my door looking shocked.

"...I-uh...um…," he struggled for words and coughed awkwardly. "The people in the village are waiting outside for you."

"They are?" I asked him, surprised.

"We should go," Christina told me. By the time we stepped into the hallway, William had already vanished.

Christina's P.O.V.

Treyvon took my hand as we walked down the hallway. I couldn't help but think this is how everything was supposed to be. As we stepped outside, I heard deafening cheers. Adults and children screamed our names and clapped wildly. We walked down the stairs, then the priest stood in front of us.

"Prince Treyvon," he announced. "Yesterday, you challenged your brother and won. That means you will inherit the crown and become the king of the North Kingdom." He held up a gold crown adorned with jewels so everyone could see it. The people marveled at its glory. "I am honored to crown you as such." Treyvon kneeled down, and the priest placed the crown on his head. Then, Treyvon turned to his people.

"May I now present to you all...the North King: King Treyvon!" the priest declared. The people screamed, clapped, jumped, and even hugged each other. The priest looked at me.

"And, Christina, I believe my old ears heard Treyvon when he said you had permission to leave," he told me. "Do you wish to go now?" I looked to the right to see my family and Michael watching me. I looked back at Treyvon to see his head down, facing the other way. I squeezed his hand and he turned to me.

"I want to stay here with you, Treyvon," I said, looking into his eyes. I fully turned to him and grabbed his hand. "It was arranged for me to marry Andrew, but I never did or will ever feel for him the way I do for you. I love you more than I could've ever imagined."

"And I feel the same way, Christina," Treyvon told me, smiling. He went down on one knee. He held my hand and looked up at me, eyes full of love. "I do not know if this is too fast, but I wanted to tell you how I feel about you now. We don't have to do this now but...Christina, will you marry me?" I couldn't contain my happiness.

"Yes!" I squealed. I pulled him up into a hug. The crowd cheered but in my mind, there was only the two of us. I could finally hold him and call him mine, and I was in complete bliss.

When we finally separated, the priest showed me a crown that was similar to Treyvon's.

"I was hoping you'd say that," he said gleefully. "You know every king is empty without his queen." After he put the crown on my head, he turned to the crowd again. "May I now present to you all: Queen Christina of the North Kingdom!" All the people bowed and I felt breathless. I finally felt like a true queen, someone known and respected by the people.

I glanced over and saw my family standing off to the side. They smiled and cheered. I walked over to them and Treyvon followed.

"I have decided that I am going to stay here with Treyvon," I told them as I held his hand. "I will miss you all." My father nodded his head.

"I am happy for you, Christina," he said. "Even when things turned for the worst, you helped fight back."

"I told you Andrew seemed suspicious," Michael told the South King.

"Well, your new husband seems wonderful," Johanna complimented.

"Thank you," Treyvon replied. "And it seems like Christina comes from an honorable and supportive family."

"Handsome, smart, brave, AND well mannered," Queen Brianna admired. "Christina, I approve of him."

Later that Night (3rd P.O.V.)

The South Kingdom royal family, Michael, Anthony, Xavier, William, Treyvon, and Christina all sat at the long dining table. King Caldwell and Queen Sheryll weren't able to join due to their slow recovery from the sickness, but they sent their blessings. The dinner guests shared jokes, stories, and congratulations to the new couple.

"Oh, I just cannot wait until you have children!" the queen cooed. "I will spoil them from afar with gifts and visit often to see their faces!"

"Mother!" Christina called out, shocked. "It is too early to speak about children!"

"Well, with all of the affection you two have been showing each other today," Xavier started with a sly smile, "I wouldn't be surprised if something started tonight. So, Treyvon, your room or hers?" Treyvon choked on his wine. William lightly smacked the thief on the back of his head.

"Could refrain from speaking of such things at the dinner table?" he asked, shaking his head.

"Why not?" Michael countered. "We're all adults here."

"Some of us more than others," Delilah added. "I say you still act like a young boy."

"But if you love him, wouldn't that mean you act like a young, silly girl?" Johanna asked with a smile. Everyone at the table laughed except for Christina and Treyvon, who were still embarrassed. Several men came out of the kitchen carrying trays of food, and they began to serve everyone. Then, the chef came out.

"I heard my favorite prince was getting married!" Carter announced.

"King," Anthony corrected smoothly.

"Ah, yes," Carter said, smiling. "What a day to celebrate. This will be an exceptionally marvelous banquet."

"Everyone really seems excited," Treyvon told him.

"Of course we are!" Carter exclaimed."We've been waiting for love to come your way! I've watched you grow up from an energetic boy to a courageous man! I'm so proud!" When the food was all on the table, Carter clapped his hands.

"Now I would like to initiate a toast," he said, smiling wide. Everyone lifted their glasses. "Now let's toast to Treyvon and Christina for overcoming their obstacles and hope for a bright future for them!"

A large chorus of "To Treyvon and Christina" echoed around the room and down the halls. Their glasses clinked and everyone began to drink. The sound of utensils hitting tapping and lively chatter engulfed the room. Christina leaned over to Treyvon.

"Do not drink too much," she whispered to him. "I want to show you something later."

Everyone had been talking and eating for a while, allowing the happy tone to buzz through every person. Christina and Treyvon occasionally spared each other lingering glances and smiled. Under the table, they secretly held hands. As the conversation grew louder, Christina led Treyvon out of the room.

"Where are you two going?" the king demanded. "This feast is for you!"

"Relax, Jordan," his wife told him. "Leave them be. They probably want some alone time." Everyone made comments and laughed until the couple left the room. Christina pulled Treyvon to her room and onto her balcony. She pointed down towards the village.

"Look," she told him. "They are celebrating also." They watched as the people sang and danced under the hanging lanterns.

"It looks so lively," Treyvon observed.

"Do you want to go?" Christina asked. Treyvon smiled at her.

"Of course," he said. She turned to walk out of the room.

"Let's tell-"

"No, let's not tell him," Treyvon said, grabbing her hand. "I want to have you for myself tonight."

He smiled mischievously at her then led her down a different hallway and to the stables. He retrieved Midnight, and they rode off through the field. Christina giggled softly as she held onto Treyvon.

They arrived at the village where everyone was celebrating. When the people saw them, they rapidly crowded around them.

"We are so glad that you are okay," said a man.

"They are so romantic, it's beautiful," a woman gushed.

"We heard you celebrating and wanted to join the party," Treyvon told them.

"Of course, you can join!" a little girl shouted excitedly. "You have to dance together, just like in the stories."

"That's good to hear," Christina said, smiling. Treyvon helped her dismount Midnight, and the music started back up again.

"May I have this dance?" Treyvon asked her. He held out his hand.

"Yes, you may," Christina said happily. She put her hand in his and he pulled her to the dance floor.

Just like the first time, it was lovely. The musicians played slow music just for them. In the dark sky, the stars seemed to shine elegantly on them, like a spotlight. The people marveled, enchanted at how clearly the new queen and king were in love.

"Treyvon," Christina said. "The first time we danced like this, I refused your love. I wanted to be with you but I feared Andrew would've killed you. However, I remember that everything was perfect, just like this moment."

In the Castle (3rd P.O.V.)

After a while, everyone began to question where Treyvon and Christina had gone.

"It has been quite a long time," Johanna commented. "Are they going to come back?"

"I told you what was going to happen," Xavier said as he finished his glass of wine. "When alcohol and affections mix, emotions run high."

"I don't think they would do that," Michael said. "At least not yet. Christina is very reserved, it is much too early."

"Yes, if they get embarrassed by kissing in front of us, I doubt they will make it that far," Delilah agreed. William rubbed his head with his hand.

"I'm just going to go look for them," he told the group. "I'm not comfortable with continuing this conversation. I think you all have been drinking too much." He jogged out of the dining room and down the hallway.

First, he stopped at Treyvon's room but he didn't find them there. Then, he went to Christina's room but still didn't find anyone. Before he could leave, he heard loud cheers from below. Curious, he turned around and went onto Treyvon's balcony. He looked down onto the village to see a large crowd surrounded something. He squinted harder to notice that the "something" was actually Christina and Treyvon dancing as a crowd watched.

"That's where they went," he thought. He chuckled and let out a small smile. Turning around, he walked out of the bedroom and headed back towards the dining room. When he arrived, everyone looked at him.

"So where are they?" the queen asked him.

"Oh, they went to sleep," William told them. "They're not used to drinking, so I'm certain it made them tired." Carter sighed dramatically.

"And I thought young people had much energy," he said, laughing. Everyone joined in and continued to get to know each other better.

The Next Morning (3rd P.O.V.)

After Treyvon and Christina woke up, they decided to speak with Xavier.

"So Xavier, I already have everything for your trip," Christina told him. "Is there anything else you need?"

"No," he replied. "But thank you for your kindness."

"Are you sure?" Treyvon asked him. "After all, you did risk your life for us. Surely, there is something more we can do or give to show our gratefulness."

"Well, if you really want me to ask for something, I will," Xavier said casually. "Can I put the trip on hold?"

"Of course, but why?" Christina inquired.

"I think it would be a real pain if I risked my life for the both of you to be together but didn't see you two get married," he shrugged. Treyvon laughed.

"That sounds fair," he said.

"Exactly," Xavier said, nodding his head. "So I'll leave after you get married."

"But aren't you in a rush to get back to her?" Christina asked him. Treyvon turned to her.

"Who?" he asked.

"Ah, yes," Xavier sighed. "I should've told you this before, but I didn't have the time. I am...actually a thief. I stole to get money so I could give it to a woman I loved. When she found out, she was ashamed. She took her things and went to the South Kingdom. I only steal because my job doesn't pay much, but I only steal from those who have done wrong now. I still love her, but I have no money to get to her." Noticing Treyvon's pitiful gaze, Xavier cleared his throat.

"That is why Christina and I made a deal," he continued, shrugging. "I agreed to help her save you, and she agreed to get me to the woman I love. I hope that you will not look down on me, but instead understand." He bowed to Treyvon but the king stayed quiet. After a moment, he spoke.

"I will never think less of you, Xavier," Treyvon told him thoughtfully. "You did something wrong, but you are trying to fix it. You have already suffered in your heart from being away from that woman, so I will help you get back to her also." Treyvon shook his hand. Thank you for all of your help. You're more than a thief to me, you are a good friend. Xavier smiled at him.

"You are a good man, Your Majesty," he said.

That's the end of this. Cheesy, yes. But I'm ultimately proud of my brain at this age. Hope you enjoyed it. Review if you have some criticisms or thoughts you would like to add

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