

2 Weeks Later

An ecstatic Treyvon stood at the altar, waiting for his bride. He looked calm and ready, but on the inside, he was terribly nervous.

Treyvon's P.O.V.

I can't believe this is the day. Today, Christina will become my wife! I would've never imagined that I'd get to say that. I love her so much. I want to live out the rest of my days with her.

As I stand at this altar, I can only pray that everything is perfect. I want to be perfect for her. Do I look stiff? I'm just anxious. Everyone's staring at me, when is it just going to start? Is she ready? I wonder what she looks like right now. Am I smiling? Of course, I am, this is the happiest day of my life! I scanned the room and made eye contact with William. As soon as I did, he raised an eyebrow.

God, why does he always see right through me like a glass window? Maybe he's looking at my clothes since I don't usually wear royal silks. Maybe the tailor made a mistake with the collar because I'm certain I can't breathe. Then I heard the music as it began to play. I looked towards the doors as everyone stood and turned.

And there she was. My beautiful bride. The love of my life, Christina. She was wearing a complimenting white gown with a veil. My heart swelled at the thought of lifting it up and seeing her face.

Christina's P.O.V.

As I walked down the aisle, I felt everyone staring at me. This was my true wedding and it was wonderful. I tried to look confident, but my legs were shaking with each step. I prayed to the Heavens that I wouldn't stumble. I slowly glanced around the room, barely seeing faces since the veil covered my face. It was Delilah's idea.

"I veil represents a pure bride. You're pure inside and out, so this will be perfect for you!" Delilah squealed. "And it will be so romantic when Treyvon takes it off. I just can't wait!"

Beside me, I could hear my father sniffling. I looked at him to see him teary-eyed, and I couldn't help but notice how he wasn't like this at my wedding with Andrew. When he reached the end of our walk, my father handed me over to Treyvon. Before he left, he whispered something in Treyvon's ear, and my groom responded by chuckling and saying, "Forever and always."

After my father left, Treyvon and I intertwined hands. We said our commitments with bright smiles on our faces.

"King Treyvon," the priest announced with a large smile. "Do you take Princess Christina, in sickness and in health, through rich or poor, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Treyvon looked at me and squeezed my hands gently.

"I do," he said lovingly.

"And Princess Christina, do you take King Treyvon, in sickness and in health, through rich or poor, to be your husband?"

"I do," I replied without hesitation.

"By the power vested in me, I now declare you: husband and wife, King Treyvon and Queen Christina of the North Kingdom! You may now kiss the bride."

Treyvon's P.O.V.

I looked at Christina. I knew marriage was a big step, but I was willing to take that step with her. After all, she was my first true love. I carefully lifted the veil from her face. All of my nervousness and anxiousness was swirling inside of me. I felt like my fingers were shaking. Then, all of those feelings were washed away and replaced with love as I saw her gorgeous face.

She was already pretty before, but now she looked absolutely stunning. Her smile warmed my heart, and I moved closer to her. At that moment, all of the people in the church had disappeared, and we were the only people in the world.

Christina's P.O.V.

When he removed my veil, all of my insecurities washed away. I looked into his warm, brown eyes. They reminded me that he was the man that loved me through whatever we went through. He was the man that I would love for eternity, and my heart would belong to no other.

As I've said before, his smile was contagious. I smiled at him, and I felt him move in closer. I closed my eyes in anticipation. When I felt his mouth on mine, I was totally in his world. I wrapped one of my arms around his neck and ran my other hand through his hair. I felt like I was floating in a flawless bliss.

Treyvon's P.O.V.

I never thought I could feel this way before. Life before this has always been complicated. When Christina arrived it became even more complex and yet, she gave me something to hope for. William told me that God would repay good deeds with beautiful things, and she is my ultimate blessing. Other people claimed the kiss of your wife on your wedding day is a moment that you will never forget and I always scoffed at them. As I stand here, however, I realize that a young fool like myself would never understand the privilege of being able to stand at the altar with someone you love.

When we pulled away, I finally noticed the cheers of everyone else in the room and the slight embarrassment was still there. On the other hand, there was no way I would ever let go of her. Then I remembered something.

I've thought about this for a long time, even in daydreams, and now was the day to make the announcement. I raised my hand to let the people know I wanted to speak and they immediately quieted down.

"My people, I am honored to have your support," I started. "But I have something I must say to you all." I looked over at William.

"William, may you come here, please?" He nodded his head and stood by my side.

"I respect you more than you will ever know," I told him. "For my entire life, you have raised me without complaint, always by my side. Though you may think of yourself as nothing more than a servant, to me you are my brother. Even more than my actual one."

"Your Majesty -" William said.

"No, do not argue with me about this," I said. "First, you were my servant, then I declared you as my best friend. Now, I must give you the title you deserve. I apologize that it has taken so long." I turned around and picked up a crown that was behind the stand on the altar.

"You are a brother to me, and I shall treat you as my equal," I announced. "I no longer wish for you to serve me, but stand by me." He looked astonished.

"Treyvon, this is surely against tradition," he argued. "Are you sure this is a wise decision? I am satisfied with my-"

"I am certain," I replied. "I know it is a unique request. But as my last command to you: please accept this." He hesitantly looked from me to the crown.

"William, please accept it," Christina added with a smile. "You deserve this."

"It was made especially for you," I concluded, gesturing to the words inscribed on the back of the headwear. It read:

"Prince William: The True Heart of Royalty".

"And I don't think there's any other William who fits this description," I chuckled. He laughed too and finally obeyed, getting down on one knee. I felt proud to be the one to crown him. He stood up and turned back to the crowd as the priest declared:

"May I now announce to you the new newest prince of the North Kingdom: Prince William!" Once again, the church erupted in cheer.

"I'm so happy for you," Christina told him, giving him a hug. As I looked at them, my heart felt even lighter. This was my family.

*The Next Day...3rd P.O.V.*

"William, can you stay here and watch over the castle while we are gone?" Treyvon asked.

"Of course, Your- of course, Treyvon," William said, smiling.

"Christina's family and Xavier are going to the South Kingdom," the North King explained. "Christina is going to accompany them and I would like to go with her." He nodded his head.

"Have a safe trip, brother," he said, walking back towards the castle.


Treyvon met up with Christina, her family, and Xavier near the coast.

"Is everyone ready?" he asked.

"Yes," his wife replied. "Everyone is aboard already, we were just waiting for you."

"The ship is ready, Your Highness," the captain called out. "The weather seems well, so we should be there soon."

The trip to the South Kingdom passed pretty quickly to the passengers as they all talked animatedly throughout the time. Everyone laughed as the South Queen shared stories about Christina's younger days. Afterward, everyone quieted to pay close attention to Xavier as he explained his past, then marveled at the story of how he helped Treyvon and William escape the dungeon. They spoke until nightfall and separated to their quarters to sleep.


When the ship docked at the South Kingdom, the people onshore clapped at the arrival of their royal family.

"Oh, how was your trip?" someone asked.

"It was wonderful," the South Queen told them. "The wedding was lovely." She turned to her middle daughter. "Christina, don't be shy. They were your people too not too long ago." Christina walked forward to stand next to her parents and the people cheered.

"As you can see, my daughter Christina is now the Queen of the South Kingdom!" King Jordan announced. "And her husband is also here, King Treyvon!"

"I thank you all for your support," Christina told them. "But I need to make an important announcement." She turned to Xavier and gestured for him to come forward.

"What is her name?" she asked him.

"Nicole Adams," he replied, scanning the crowd.

"Is there a woman Nicole Adams here?" Christina asked the people. "If so, please come forward." The crowd was silent and people started looking around at each other.

*Xavier's P.O.V.*

To say I was discouraged would certainly undermine my heart. No one said anything. I looked down. It was foolish to think I could return after all this time and still have her. She probably didn't even remember me. I'm nothing worth holding onto. Or worse, she probably loves another man now.

Back in the crowd, I noticed one person leaving and glanced up to see a woman in a blue dress pushing through the crowd, her black hair bouncing on her shoulders. She turned around to me and her blue eyes set on mine.

I started pushing through the people. It was her. Nicole. She was actually here! She turned around and began to walk faster but I was determined to not let her get away. I started to run after her, dodging through walls of bodies.

"Hey! Stop!" I called out. Finally, I was right behind her and grabbed her hand.

"Please, Nicole," I told her. She didn't turn around but she stopped walking.

"I'm right here so please don't walk away," I pleaded. She turned around and looked at me sadly.

"Why are you here, Xavier?" she asked me. "I left for a reason."

"I wanted - needed to see you again," I explained. "I've been thinking about you ever since you left."

"It's been years!" she exclaimed. "Why show up now?"

"Because now I had the opportunity!" I cried. "I didn't have enough money to come here on my own! I'm here because of them!" I pointed at Treyvon and Christina.

"I'm surprised all your stealing didn't help pay for the trip," she said harshly. She attempted to pull away but I maintained my grip. Her words sliced my heart but it wasn't going to turn me away.

"I didn't steal like I used to," I informed her. "And I'm not going to make you leave anymore. I risked my life for you, just to see you. And I will not give up on you so easily." She just stared at me.

"So what is the matter?" I asked. "Is it that you have moved on already? Am I too late?"

"No, I have not," she stated quietly. "And it is your fault." I didn't know how to respond and she sighed.

"Ever since I left, I could not stop thinking about you," she started. "It made me upset. I just kept wondering: Why am I thinking about some thief? But I knew you weren't a thief. You were my love. I couldn't and still can't push you out of my heart." I grabbed her other hand.

"Then let me reclaim it," I told her hopefully. "I still love you, and I've been waiting for this opportunity to show you that."

"How do I know that I can trust you again?" she asked me.

"You said you couldn't stop thinking about me and I said I couldn't stop thinking about you," I reminded her. "I believe that means we are meant for each other." She laughed and held my face in her hands.

"You better be right," she said softly. Then she kissed me for the first time in years.

*3rd P.O.V.*

"I'm so glad we helped them reunite," Christina commented.

"Actually, that deal was all you, Christina," Treyvon told her. "You saved their love life all on your own." Xavier and Nicole walked up to them hand in hand.

"I would like to thank you again for all your help," Xavier said.

"You are very welcome," Christina said, smiling.

"It's the least we could do for a man who saved my life," Treyvon added.

"You are a hero in the North Kingdom?" Nicole gasped.

"Yes, he saved me from my brother's wrath," Treyvon explained. "And he helped stop the unjust wedding to save Christina."

"So you HAVE changed," Nicole teased, squeezing Xavier's hand. For the first time, he blushed.


"Farewell to you all!" Christina told the people of the South Kingdom as the ship set off back towards the ocean. She and Treyvon were now going to return to their own kingdom and begin their new duties as king and queen. Everyone waved to them until the couple could no longer see their faces. Christina sighed. She would now begin a new journey elsewhere. She turned to her husband as he leaned over the side of the ship. He glanced at her and smiled.

"What is it, my love?" he asked.

"Nothing, it's just..." Christina trailed. "Now it has settled in that you are mine to call my own."

"Yes, I am," Treyvon said, straightening up and facing her. "And you are mine."

"I chose you," she continued, placing her hand on his cheek.

"I thank God you did," her husband replied. "I promise that I will protect you until my last breath. your happiness is my goal and your smile is my air. I owe the newfound joy in my life to you."

"You flatter me, Treyvon," Christina gushed. "Be careful, I may want to hear those words more and more."

"I'll tell you that and more...forever and always."

The End