
My Brother, My Enemy

*Earlier With Prince Andrew… Andrew's P.O.V*

After dinner was over, I walked to my room to go to sleep. I had allowed Christina to leave earlier - this time anyway. It's her first day here, so I'll attempt to be patient with her. I just don't understand her sometimes. I'm her husband, but she tried to defend Treyvon. Before she becomes my wife, she must learn about obedience.

Then I remembered I told Christina that I would visit her in her quarters tonight. I changed directions and started walking to her room. When I reached the door, I knocked. No answer. I knocked again and was given the same results. She must already be sleep. I opened the door to find it empty. The only evidence of someone being in there was the dress Christina had changed out of earlier on the bed. Confused, I stepped back out into the hallway and called for a guard.

"Where is Christina?" I asked him.

"She said she was going to look around the garden, your majesty," he told me.

"Is there someone there with her?" I inquired.

"I'm not sure, sir," he said. "I only guard these hallways." I scowled at him.

"Why would you let her leave this castle by herself?" I exclaimed. "She doesn't know her way around here! She's new!"

"I will find out her locations, Prince Andrew," the guard told me. "Do not fret." He quickly left.

"Such an incompetent fool," I thought.

As I began to walk to my room, I started thinking about my brother. The last time Christina went to the garden, she had walked away from me and found him. It was pretty dark out, so why would she want to be in the garden anyway? Suspicion clouded my mind, as I started walking to Treyvon's room. He better be in his room. Upon reaching his door, I pushed it open and walked inside. Everything was perfectly clean. Probably the work of that annoying servant he has.

"What are you doing in Treyvon's room?" I turned around to see William.

"What are you doing in here?" I countered.

"I heard the door slam," the servant explained. "I came to see what had happened."

"Where's my brother?" I asked him.

"His current whereabouts are his business," William said. "I have no right to share his privacy." I frowned at him.

"Do not be foolish," I told him. "I will soon be king, so you must obey my every word. Tell me, where is Treyvon?"

"You are no king," William replied evenly. "You will never be fit for one. As for now, you are a prince, the same title as my master. His word is above yours." And with that, he left. At that moment, I had no doubts. Treyvon had taken my bride to his usual mysterious whereabouts. I went to the front of the castle and called for a search.

"Find Christina and bring her back here," I informed the guards. "If you see my brother, bring him back also." The guards nodded their heads and took off on their horses into the village. I stayed at the castle, pondering on what I should do once I see my brother and my bride again.

*With Christina… Christina's P.O.V*

"You came here to avoid Andrew, didn't you?" the stranger asked. I wasn't sure if I should tell him. His confident but careless demeanor put me on edge. It was as if he was just asking questions he already knew the answers to.

"You don't trust me?" he asked, with a self-deprecating laugh. "You're not the first one. But then again, you can't be trusted either."

"What makes you believe that?" I asked him.

"You told Andrew that you'd be in your room earlier, but you never went," he said, counting on his fingers. "He told you to not talk to his brother, yet you followed him here. And you haven't checked back up on your soon-to-be husband to let him know where you are."

"I was bored at the castle," I stated, defending myself. "Andrew doesn't want me to go outside, but I didn't know what activities I could do at the castle. Treyvon left, so I wanted to see what he does." The stranger nodded his head.

"Andrew will be sending a search after you soon," he told me. "Or, it may already have started." They began to hear voices and the sounds of hooves beating the ground rapidly.

"We must move very quickly," one of the guards said. "Andrew will be angry if we don't find his brother and the princess." The man looked back at me.

"You don't have much time," he observed. "I suggest you get back to the castle quickly. We'll finish this conversation later. Perhaps in a lighter atmosphere." The man seemed to just vanish into the darkness, and I took that as my cue to leave. I retreated to where I had last seen Treyvon.

"Treyvon, I have to go now," I told him quickly.

"I'll take you back to the castle then," he said.

"No, thank you," I declined. "I can get back myself."

If that man from earlier was correct, that means Andrew is furious. If he has such a problem with his brother, it wouldn't be a good idea to come back with him. I ran away from Treyvon and headed to the castle before he could stop me.

I ran back towards the hole I had come from before. After quickly slipping through, I sprinted to the castle. When I arrived at the front doors, a guard began to question me.

"Where have you been, Princess Christina?" he asked. "Prince Andrew has been worried about you."

"I was looking around," I told him quickly. "Now I am very tired, so I would like to go to my quarters now." I walked past him and started going down the hallway. After dodging other guards, I made it to my room and sat on my red bed. Too many things had been going on recently, ever since I had arrived in the North Kingdom.

*With Treyvon… 3rd P.O.V*

A few minutes after Christina ran away, Treyvon got Midnight and headed back to the castle. He didn't understand why she was in such a hurry. He went back through the garden to the back of the North Kingdom castle. There, he brought Midnight to the stables, and then he headed back to his room. When he opened his door, he saw an angry Andrew standing before him.

"Is something the matter?" he asked his older brother. Andrew scowled at him.

"Do not ask questions you already know the answer to," he replied. "Why did you take my bride?" Treyvon paused.

"What are you talking about?" he questioned.

"Do not make me repeat myself!" Andrew roared. "You and Christina went missing at the same time! She doesn't know her way around here! You are the only culprit! You took her out of the castle, and I'm asking you why!"

"I did not take her," Treyvon explained. "I saw her out in the village, but I didn't make her go out there."

"Why would she be there?" Andrew asked. "She's royalty, not some filthy commoner! This is the work of your foolishness rubbing off on her!"

"I am not going to stand here and let you speak down on me," Treyvon told his older brother. "You can leave."

"I am not done talking to you," Andrew said stubbornly. "…Why were you in the village in the first place?"

"What makes you think that I was there?" Treyvon inquired.

"There are walls surrounding this castle," Andrew explained. "They only way to see a peasant in the village is to go down there yourself."

"Or you could look from a balcony," Treyvon countered. Andrew glared at him.

"I see you're not going to admit your fault," he said. "So I'll leave this alone…for now. I'm going to find my bride." Andrew walked back into the hallway and went to Christina's room. Upon reaching the door, he opened it without asking and entered. He saw his future wife sitting at her vanity. When she saw him, she jumped up.

"Andrew!" she said, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm seeing my bride," Andrew said casually as he closed her door and locked it. "I told you I would be visiting you tonight, and you weren't in your room. Care to tell me why?" Christina grew alarmed. She did not feel comfortable being alone in her room with Andrew.

"I was bored, so I started looking around," she told him.

The future king walked up to her, and she took matched steps back. Finally, he grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to himself. He put his hand on the side of her face and rubbed his thumb on her cheek. Christina looked up at him, confused, but his dark brown eyes were cold and calculating. Then he pulled away from her.

"So it's true," Andrew murmured. Christina hesitated.

"What's true?" she asked him.

"You have been in the village," he told her. "This proves it." He showed her his thumb, which had some dirt on it. "What were you doing in the village?"

"I was helping the people clean up," she confessed. Andrew narrowed his eyes at Christina, and she moved away from him in fear.

"That was very foolish of you, Christina," he told her coldly. "Why don't you understand that you are above them? You shouldn't have anything to do with them unless they're worshiping you at your feet." Christina couldn't believe the things Andrew was saying. To her, he was being so rude and selfish.

"The people in the village are very kind, not inferior," she refuted. "I am a princess as you are a prince. You cannot control me. I like to help people from the goodness in my heart, and I won't let you stop me." Her rebuttal made Andrew very angry.

"Yes, I can control you," he told her. "I will soon be the king of this kingdom. I will have all the power. You will listen to me! You will not come into my homeland and disrespect me!"

"And when you become king, I will be queen," Christina continued. "I will have power just like you." Both of them stood in Christina's room, unwilling to back down. The princess was tense and had her arms folded. For once, Andrew didn't say anything. Then, the older prince laughed. It wasn't short and sarcastic, but a genuine action. After getting a hold of himself, he smirked at Christina.

"You are very stubborn, Christina," Andrew told her. "But I am smarter than you. Much smarter. You believe you can come here and understand how everything works, but I'll show you otherwise." He walked to her door and unlocked it. "You're new to this game, but I've been playing it for years," he said. "And I've mastered it." Then, he left the room.

Christina sat on her bed, mentally exhausted. Andrew was way more demanding than she expected. However, she made a promise to herself to not back down to him. She was raised to be intelligent and willful, and a marriage would not change her morals. She thought about all the things that happened that evening. She recalled all the things the man in the village claimed he knew. She was hesitant to call him a liar since he was correct about everything that was occurring. Then the princess made a resolve: she had to talk to that man again.

*The Next Day… 3rd P.O.V*

In the morning, Christina heard a knock on her door. She opened it expecting to see a servant but instead saw Andrew.

"It is early," she told him. "What are you doing here?"

"That is not the kind greeting I was looking forward to," Andrew said with a smile. "Tell me, were you lonely since I did not accompany you to bed last night?"

"I was perfectly comfortable on my own," Christina replied. "Now if you'll excuse me, I will be staying in my room." She started pulling the door closed, but Andrew firmly held it open with his hand.

"Actually, my parents have requested you at the dining room table for a morning meal," he told the princess. "You cannot escape my sight this time." Christina glared at him and walked past him, towards the dining room.

"It warms my heart knowing you hold so much emotion in your eyes for me, Christina", he said with a smirk. He walked next to her and she started to move faster. He matched her pace and wrapped his arm tightly around her waist to keep her next to him.

*At the Table*

Everyone was at the breakfast table it was mostly silent. Treyvon didn't speak, so he was in his normal routine. For once, Andrew wasn't disrupting the silence by bragging about something that he had done.

"Christina, where did you go last night?" King Caldwell asked. "It is normal for Treyvon to leave suddenly, but we were all worried when Andrew couldn't find you."

"It was truly frightening," Andrew added in. "I thought you were lost somewhere." Christina ignored her future husband's mock sincerity.

"My apologies," she informed him. "I was just in the vil-"

"She got lost in the castle," Andrew interrupted. "I found her last night." Christina shot him a questioning glance.

"I have figured out a solution for that problem, though," Andrew continued. "I propose that she has a guard around her at all times. Well, except the times I am near her." Christina's eyes widened, and Treyvon choked on his drink.

*Andrew's P.O.V*

I saw everyone stop once I made my announcement. I have really thought it over, and I believe this is the best solution. Even though I did not catch them together, I have a feeling that Treyvon was with Christina last night. With a guard around, I can know her every move. As a result, Treyvon will not be able to secretly see her without me knowing. His games will soon come to an end.

"As we all know, this kingdom is very large," I explained. "Having a guard around her will make her will make sure Christina will never get lost again."

"Someone will be watching and following me every day?" Christina asked.

"Yes, but not after our wedding," I told her. "When we are married, you will be around me more, so it won't be necessary." I was proud of my decision, but Treyvon just had to interrupt.

"Must you really go that far?" he asked me. "You are going to make her uncomfortable by having someone following her around all the time. I understand that you are worried, but I assure you that she won't get lost all the time. Christina is very smart, so a guard wouldn't be unnecessary. You do not have to be so paranoid."

How dare he say that to me? The only reason he said that was because he was with her!

"Andrew, I agree with Treyvon," my father said. "You have to think of Christina's feelings." I turned to my mother.

"Surely you do not agree with them," I said to her. She looked at me sternly.

"Although I am glad you care so much about Christina's safety, I will side with your father on this decision," she said.

What was this madness? Since when was Treyvon's word over mine? I was itching to tell everyone that he was the guilty one in this situation but unfortunately, I couldn't; I did not have enough evidence.

*Treyvon's P.O.V*

It was a little surprising that my parents actually agreed with me. I'm a little glad they did though because making Christina have to be followed by a guard would be very uncomfortable for her. Andrew doesn't really understand how to be considerate of others. He's used to everything going his way, especially at his age, since the crown is so close to being his. I had been hoping that having a wife would melt his stone heart, but I see that is easier said than done. I stood up from the table an excused myself.

"I have some business to attend to now, so I will be leaving," I told them. I nodded to parents, Christina smiled at me so I smiled back, and Andrew just glared at me. I sighed. Maybe he'll forget about the whole conversation and forget that our parents didn't agree with him.

"Treyvon, do you have to leave so soon?" my father asked. "You are always absent, but I would like to talk to both of my sons." I reluctantly sat back down.

"Oh please, father, you don't have to act so politely to him," Andrew said snidely. "If he is always missing from the family, then that should hint you about something."

"Andrew, what are you implying?" Christina asked him. "Treyvon is your brother. Losing an argument doesn't excuse your attempt to belittle him." Andrew tightened his jaw in annoyance. Just when it seemed like he was going to say something, he didn't. He stayed silent for the rest of the breakfast.

3rd P.O.V.

After the morning meal, the princes and princess left the North King and Queen to talk to themselves. While walking in a hallway, Andrew grabbed Christina by her arm tightly.

"Christina, we must talk privately… now," he told her. Treyvon overheard and something didn't sit right with him. The last time they spoke privately, she came back unharmed. However, he didn't know if the results would end the same this time.

Andrew led Christina to his room and locked the door. For a minute, they stood in there quietly. Andrew just looked at her with an unpleasant expression, but the princess was avoiding his gaze.

"Your parents convinced mine that you were a good girl," he started. "But so far, I can tell that they lied. Why do you disobey me constantly?" Christina didn't answer.

"You will speak when spoken to, Christina," Andrew commanded. "Especially to me. Why do you deliberately do the opposite of what I tell you?"

"Because your way is wrong," the princess answered. "You do not care for your people or your family. You have deceived them, and I cannot trust you."

"Your fate in this kingdom depends on your choices, and right now, you are choosing the wrong path," Andrew told her. "You need to stop trying to defend my brother. I know him better than you do and if I say to leave him alone, then leave him alone!"

"You are so cruel," Christina said. "Treyvon cares about you. He just withstands any low blows you send to him, just because he is used to it. He doesn't fight you, he doesn't argue with you. Why are you so cold? What could he have possibly done to you?"

"He was born," Andrew replied darkly. "But you don't need to worry so much about the 'why'. Just follow the result."

"I am not a follower," Christina defied. "I was raised to be a leader and do what is right." Andrew put a hand her cheek and smiled at her.

"And you shall lead," he told her. "But you will do so by my side and by my word only. Not against me." Christina wished her glare was strong enough to make him drop dead. She smacked his hand away and walked towards the door. Just as she was about to unlock it, he pulled her back.

"…You don't have to worry about being a great leader," Andrew informed her. "We will be magnificent ones as soon as every unnecessary imperfection has been erased. And that is what's right."

Christina looked at her future husband wearily. What did he mean by 'erased'? She recalled what he told her in the garden the other day. "They do not stand tall and strong, like the others. Therefore, they are unnecessary." He was talking about the roses at that time, but who was 'unnecessary' now?

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