
The Princess's Obligation

Maddoc is a king with no power and no responsibilities. He enjoys his carefree life. Anwen is a princess who carries the weight of her kingdom on her shoulders. Recently left in shame by the one she loves for her cousin, she only wishes to spend her life helping to relieve the suffering of her people. When Maddoc is attacked outside of Anwen’s palace, she saves his life and feels obligated to see him safely back to his kingdom. They begin the long journey back to Maddoc’s home. Anwen is sure she will experience nothing but frustration and boredom. Maddoc finds the princess intriguing and increasingly tempting. They find neither is what they first imagined, and that Maddoc’s life is in more danger than they realized. As they come closer and closer to his kingdom. Anwen wonders how she can ensure he is safe, and Maddoc wonders how he could ever let her go.

castarkington · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 2

Anwen Claran picked one of the last roses on a bush close to the bloom, making sure to avoid the thorns. She held the flower in her hand, feeling the soft petals. She looked back at the bush and placed her finger over a bloom that looked half dead. She concentrated for a moment and then sighed as her shoulders sagged.

She supposed at this point she should just stop trying, but so much in her kingdom could be fixed if she could just live into her Gift. She was said to have it, and at times she could use it in ways. Yet she was never able to full wield her life magic, not in a way that would truly help her kingdom.

"Stop being so hard on yourself," said her companion.

"How did you know?" Anwen asked looking over to her right.

Brennan gave her a small smile. "I have known you almost all your life, Anwen. I know when you are troubled, and I know when you are upset with yourself. You cannot help how your powers have manifested. No one blames you for Lucidala's troubles."

"I think you are wrong, Brennan. I believe my aunt holds me in much blame for our continued troubles. I am sure my mother is disappointed in me as well."

"Your aunt blames everyone for the kingdom's troubles except herself. I can tell you for certain your mother does not fault you for our kingdom's lack of resources. How could she? How could anyone?"

"If I lived into my gift as was prophesied, I could end the famine that stalks our lands," sighed Anwen. "I could heal our crops, and make our livestock healthy and fat. I could save those who suffer from sickness."

"So, you would just spend all your time riding from village to village, keeping everyone's crops healthy, and seeing to anyone with a sniffle? Our kingdom's troubles are bigger than you could fix, even if your powers were fully developed."

Anwen felt the soft petals again and then let the rose drop from her hands. She stared at the beautiful flower on the ground for the moment and then looked back at the barren bush. It was barely fall. The bush should still be full of blooms, but like most things in her kingdom, it failed to thrive.

She felt much like that sad rose bush at the moment. Picked clean much too early in the season. She felt like her promise had never bloomed in full, and now she had been set aside as a sad, barren thing, never to live into what she should be. She was as useless as that half dead rose bush.

"What can I do to make you smile, Anwen? I haven't seen you in two months, and I should dearly love to see you smile," said Brennan.

"Tell me about your journey. I want to hear all about your betrothed." Anwen took Brennan's arm, and they started walking slowly at the edge of the forest.

"I will tell you my journey was uneventful and dull. I stayed at some very clean inns and met no one interesting in any of them. Bellican is a beautiful kingdom. Their people are hospitable and generous as you can see from the supplies they are sending and will continue to send."

"Thanks to you and the alliance you have made," said Anwen with a grin.

"Thanks to your mother and her charm, you mean. By the time she left, I believe the king was quite smitten with her. I almost think he would have asked for her hand if he thought she would accept."

"Mother always leaves men half in love with her. It is a part of her own Gift, and she is very lovely."

"Yes, she is, and she has passed that loveliness down to her daughter," said Brennan looking at Anwen out of the corner of his eyes.

Anwen laughed. "Hardly, Brennan. You must see how I am nothing but a pale shadow of my mother."

"Don't be ridiculous. You are not a shadow of your mother. You are your own beautiful woman. No one could look at you and not think you are a lovely creature. You know how the young men of our village stare at you."

"I am a princess and presumed next queen of our kingdom. They see nothing but riches and a title," said Anwen waving her hand.

Brennan shook his head and laughed.

Anwen ran her free hand through one side of her long golden hair, moving it behind her shoulder. She wasn't being modest. She was not altogether unhappy with her looks. She had her mother's lovely thick golden hair and her full lipped smile. Her small nose, which came from her father, was presentable enough. But where her mother was tall, and trim, with just the right curves, Anwen was short and thin. When he was alive, her father called her his little fairy. He said she was so dainty and small, he thought she could fly away with the wind.

"Enough with trying to flatter me. I think well enough about my own looks. Tell me about your betrothed. I want to hear you go on about the beauty of Lady Roxanna. I want you to tell me of your undying love for her."

Brennan stopped walking and looked at Anwen. He opened his mouth, but hesitated.

"Go on, Brennan. Do not worry about me. You think just because I have been disappointed in love that I do not wish to hear about another's joys? I wish you to be happy. Reassure me that you love your lady, and that I will like her."

"I believe you will like her. She is desperate to meet you, though she is disappointed you will not be her sister," said Brennan looking down. He kicked a pinecone on the ground and looked up at Anwen. "He is a fool, Anwen. I hope you know it."

Anwen chuckled. "He is your brother, Brennan. You cannot speak so of him."

"I can if it is the truth. Any man that would throw you over for any woman, let alone Gwendolyn, must be an idiot."

"My cousin is very beautiful, and some say she will rule instead of me. Your brother has been a friend of hers his whole life. It is no wonder his affections changed."

Brennan walked a few paces away from Anwen and looked at her. "Do not try to excuse what he has done, Anwen," he growled. "He told you he loved you. He made you promises." Brennan walked forward and took her hand. "I know he took liberties with you."

"He took nothing from me, I didn't give willingly," said Anwen with a small smile.

"Only because you loved him and believed he loved you," said Brennan pulling her closer. "I have half a mind to call him out, Anwen. He may be my brother, but it does not change the love I have for you. You have always felt much more like my sister than him my brother."

Anwen leaned down and kissed Brennan's hand. "You cannot do anything to your brother, and you know it. I would not have it. I could not bear your poor parents suffering through it."

"My parents would more than likely understand. Mother cries when she talks about it, and father can barely even look at Lachlan."

"I am sure they will understand in time. Gwendolyn is known as an impressive woman, and she will be a good wife to him. I believe your parents and you will come to care for her in time, especially if she is the queen."

Brennan shook his head. "You are too good, Anwen. In fact, I should be happy you are not marrying Lachlan. There is no way my brute of a brother deserves you." They started walking slowly again. "As far as Gwendolyn being queen, it will never be. Our people will only accept the daughter of Queen Eira. They would never accept someone like Gwendolyn, when their true princess and future ruler is as wonderful as you."

Anwen laughed. "I think you might be biased."

"No, I just see you as you truly are. I see you as most people do. You are a strong, beautiful woman who will serve her kingdom well."

Anwen sighed. "Let us not try to guess the future. Instead, let us talk of the present. Now tell me about your future wife. I would very much like to know all about her."

They walked at the edge of the woods while Brennan told Anwen all about his betrothed. She was happy to hear Brennan say his future wife was not only beautiful but kind and intelligent. He went on quite a bit about the many wonderful things about her, and it made Anwen smile. Even if he was exaggerating the future lady of his home, it showed that Brennan was very in love with Lady Roxanna.

She let her mind wander a bit as he went on and on about his love. She could not deny her heart had been broken this past year. She had always been sure of her love for Lachlan and his for her, but she had been wrong. It shook her to her core. She had determined she would not spend her life pining over a man who did not want her, but it still made her question the things she believed. It reminded her of her shortcomings. It made her doubt her future.

She had been raised the future Queen of Lucidala. She was the only child of the true queen and her king consort. Her father died ten years ago when she had just turned ten. Her mother had never married, though she had plenty of opportunities, leaving Anwen as the only heir to the throne of the Lucidian Palace. It had always been a known thing that Anwen would be the next ruler, but as her mother traveled the land looking for new alliances and supplies for her kingdom, Anwen's Aunt Roslyn seem to have other plans.

When Queen Eira left a year and half ago with her two most trusted lords and a bevy of guards, it was thought that Anwen would rule in her place. Queen Eira had instead said her trusted sister would lead as Anwen was still young and unexperienced. She hoped her daughter would grow more into who she needed to be in the next few years. Anwen was disappointed, but her mother had explained to her she did not want Anwen to have the responsibility of ruling at such a young age.

"You should spend your time being a free young woman a few more years, my dear," she said the night before she left. "Enjoy this time with your young man and your friends. When I return, you will wed, and I will start giving you're the responsibility of the throne little by little."

Now her mother had been gone for over eighteen months, and Anwen was left alone with the knowledge there would be no wedding. Many of her friends had married and either moved or were too busy with their own wives or husbands. As Anwen listened to the happy chatter of Brennan, she felt a little sadness mix in with her joy for him. He would soon be busy with his lady, and Anwen would not be able to monopolize his time. She was not angry about it. He needed to spend most of his time with his future wife, but she would still feel the loss of his companionship.

Brennan stopped speaking and looked at Anwen. She realized he was waiting for her to say something. "And will you travel to her kingdom for the wedding?"

"Yes, at the start of spring, but she will come here for the winter festivities as long as travel is possible. She is very much looking forward to seeing Lucidala, and meeting all the people I care about." He paused for a second. "I hope you will truly like her, Anwen. My greatest wish is that you will be dear friends with Roxanna. "

Anwen nodded. "Then I shall do everything I can to make her feel welcome. I hope she shall like me. I would do almost anything to see you happy, Brennan. I am in every way prepared to love your wife as a sister. You and I may never truly be brother and sister as I had hoped, but that does not mean I love you or will love your wife any less."

Brennan looked pleased and opened his mouth to say something when they both turned towards the main road just through the tree line. There was noises that could only be described as men fighting. Anwen looked at Brennan who shook his head at her. She ignored him, dropped his arm, and moved towards the road.

"Anwen, don't," said Brennan as she heard him hurry to catch her.

Anwen did not stop. She ran the rest of the way and stood behind a tree. She poked her head out to see several men fighting. Three already lay on the ground, two not moving. A well dressed man on a handsome, large horse sat still in the saddle in the center. His sword was out and ready, but he made no move to fight.

"We need to get out of here," whispered Brennan from behind Anwen. "This is none of our concern."

"It looks like those people are attacking that man and his guards." Anwen glanced behind her at Brennan. "We can't just leave them."

"They seem to be doing well enough on their own. Come on before we are seen."

Anwen almost turned to leave with Brennan when more men came out from the forest on the other side. They circled around the group, overwhelming the guards. A few broke through and rode towards the man in the middle. She watched as the man was hit with something thrown at him. He looked like he might recover when another man hit him in the shoulder with the hilt of his sword. The man fell off his horse and hit the ground hard.

Anwen shook Brennan hand off of her arm and automatically moved towards the man on the ground. Brennan yelled something, but it was lost in the buzzing that was sounding in Anwen's mind. She felt the power within her swell as a man moved towards the injured man on the ground, his sword raised. She moved out on the road and raised her hands, letting her power have its way. It moved through her in a rush, erupting in a bright, white light that moved over all of the men in front of her. She felt nothing but warmth and a want to protect the life of the defenseless man on the ground.

The light faded and Anwen felt herself sway for a moment, overcome by the energy the power had taken from her. She felt arms steady her and looked up to see Brennan looking at her with concern.

"Anwen, Anwen," he said urgently, his voice sounding distant.

She shook her head to clear it and took deep breaths. "I am well, Brennan."

He slowly let go of her as Anwen stood straighter. She looked over and saw a few men lay dead on the ground, but the rest had disappeared with their horses. The injured man lay still by his horse, and Anwen moved swiftly over to him, kneeling down.

"Sir, are you well? Sir?" she asked as she reached out to him.

He looked at her, studying her for a moment before he grinned and fell back with his eyes closed. Anwen put her hand on his chest, feeling it rise up and down. She looked over him and could see no wounds or blood. She carefully raised his head and felt a knot forming where he had hit the road.

She looked up at Brennan who was behind her. "He has a head injury. We should get him back to the palace." Brennan didn't move. He only stared down at the man. "Brennan, did you hear me? We need to get this man some help."

"Anwen, do you know who this is? I mean, I think I know, but it can't be, can it?" Brennan looked shocked, and he was rambling.

"What are you going on about?"

"Look at the standard on his shirt. Look at the sword he is carrying."

Anwen examined the man's shirt to see a large red fox surrounded by a golden circle. She traced it with her hand, remembering it was the standard of the royal family of Calumbria. "You think this man is of the Caddens? You think he is connected to the royals of Calumbria?"

"I think he is the royal of Calumbria," said Brennan softly. "Look at his sword. That is a sword of a king." Brennan slowly picked up the man's right hand and tugged his glove off. "He is wearing the fox standard ring on his hand. This has to be King Maddoc of Calumbria, Anwen."

"You think the king of the most powerful kingdom in our land was traveling through Lucidala with only a handful of guards? Why isn't he in the royal carriage or with the rest of the royal guard? If this is truly King Maddoc, why was he out traveling so vulnerable?"

"I don't know the answers to any of your questions, but this has to be the King. Who else would be dressed so or wear the royal ring?"

Anwen looked at the unconscious man as Brennan stood up. He looked very young. She didn't know much about the king, but she knew he had lost his father and come into his crown at a young age. She knew his mother was seen as the true leader of the kingdom. She also knew his kingdom was not looked on favorably by her people.

Anwen sighed. "We can't just leave him here, Brennan. We must take him to safety and see to his injuries. We can notify his palace of his whereabouts."

"Your aunt will not like you bringing him back to the palace," said Brennan. "He will not be welcomed."

"What do you suggest we do? Should we just leave him here to be taken or die?"

"Where are his guards? Where did you send them?"

Anwen shrugged. "I'm not sure. I just told my power to protect this man. I am not sure what it did with the men who were fighting. Now come help me gently lift him. We can place him on his horse and take him directly to the palace. My aunt may be overseeing the kingdom for my mother, but the palace is still my home. I can bring back whoever I like."

Brennan didn't look like he wanted to help. Anwen straightened up and looked at him. "We cannot leave this man here to die. Our gods demand we treat every life like it is sacred. We must help him. Please, Brennan, I cannot leave him out here like this. My mother would want us to help an injured man no matter who he is. You know she would."

Brennan looked as if he would like to refuse, but he put his hand on Anwen's arm and gave it a light squeeze. He nodded and bent down to pick up the king.

"Be careful, and mind his head," instructed Anwen as she gently held the king's head while Brennan lifted the man and placed him over his shoulder. King Maddoc was a tall, well built man, but Brennan was strong. Brennan took him over to the king's horse as Anwen held the bridle, keeping the stallion still. She stroked his nose as Brennan positioned the king over the saddle.

They walked slowly together, Anwen making sure the king's head did not bounce too much against his horse as Brennan led the horse.

"Thank you, Brennan," said Anwen as they walked. "I know this is not something you wish to do."

"It is not, but you are correct in this is the right thing to do." Brennan gave a small smile. Besides, who I am to ignore an order from my future queen."

Anwen smiled back at Brennan and then fell back to check on the king. She hoped his injuries weren't too serious, and that she could see him out of his kingdom before long. She would like to think her aunt would be understanding of the situation, but she didn't dare believe it.