
Chapter 2| A new town

a week passed since Seto was exiled from his Kingdom while people all round finds out about his fake crimes that his father made up, so he was noticed all around and was ignored from everyone, so he decided to travel far away from his old home. He starts to set up a campfire in the middle of a forest, as he built it he had a lot of memories flown into his head remembering the reason why he wanted to help the people of his kingdom, he shook the thought out of his head and continued building the fire.

He sits down on a rock after he finished the fire, he looks up to the dark night as he thinks about what he should do next, he hears screams in the distance, he puts out the fire quickly and runs to the screaming. He shows up to see a village being invaded by wolves, so he ran to the village while he clenches his fists, he covers his fist in ice as he strikes multiple wolves, he touches the ground and starts to freeze it while freezing some of the wolves legs.

He starts to freeze every single wolf one at a time as he protects the villagers, he then shatters all the wolves at once creating a mess of blood and ice, the village leader comes to Seto, the man says

"Thank you, sir we are in your debt!" the man bows to Seto, it seems like the village doesn't know of Seto.

"No problem I always help people who are in need" Seto responded

the man looks up to Seto and says "Of course you would want a reward, right? Surely you wouldn't leave without one" The man asked.

Seto then stood there in silence thinking about the reward he would want, but he didn't want one, but they really wanted to give him one, "Tell me, how good are the warriors who protect your village?" Seto asked

"Well they were greatly wounded after the last attack, so we had nobody to help us"

"Ok then, my reward I would like to be the leader of this village and help you all survive" Everyone was surprised by the request of the man who just saved them "But why would you want to be the village leader? we're weak and our warriors are about to be dead so why?" The man asked him

"I'll tell you this, I think anyone can grow with the right person to lead them, you did a fine job protecting your people, but I think I could help everyone grow stronger".

The man was speechless by the response that Seto said "So is it a deal? you will still be high ranked in this village" Seto said to the man "W-Well... i guess you could, but all our warriors are near to death!" The man said "Well i can fix that" Seto said.

He asks were the men are and so they point over at multiple small wooden huts that seemed poorly made, he walked into one of the huts were he saw around three men who were near to death, he looked down at the wounds which seemed very bad so he put his hand in his pocket were he brings out a sheet that his sister gave him months ago that held healing magic instructions, so he used healing magic on each men in the huts

"ALL RIGHT I FEEL SO GOOD!" one of them said "my wounds are completely gone, and I feel so refreshed!" Another one said, "You're welcome!" Seto said "now I think it's time for me to ask you something old leader, what's your name?" Seto asked "Oh pardon me, my name is Genkei" He said

"Well then Genkei, can you lead me to where I should be staying?" Seto asked "Oh well we don't have any spare houses around so I guess we could start construction on one?" Genkei said "Uh you know what I think I'm fine for now, I'll just build a small house by dissembling the huts".

Seto starts to take down the huts and lays each wooden slab down, he then realises he has no tools so he goes to find some, he looks at a small store for tools and he asks to have a hammer and nails so he comes back to the wooden slabs "Well time to start building", a few hours passed and he finished making the layout for the house, it wasn't too big and it wasn't too small, he starts to build the outside and it constantly fell down, hours later he finally made the outside and it was still pretty bad so he just went with it for the mean time. He went inside and it was pretty cosy but he spent so long that it was day already so he couldn't do anything at the moment

he goes to the village hall where he wanted to discuss things to try and make the village better, "Hello? I'm here, I wanted to talk about the village?" Seto said "Oh, sir welcome, so you want to talk to me about the village?" Genkei said "Yes, I want to get more people in the village and also people who could make armour, swords and stuff like that, and also people who could make houses as well so we could be safer" Seto said. "Oh well, we do have the warriors but their weapons are getting rusty so we do need blacksmiths, and our houses are starting to get collapsed so we would need an architect to help us" Genkei said

"Ok then I'll go to a nearby area so i could go and recruit people but i would need a disguise" Seto said "Why sir?" Genkei responded "Oh well i don't want my identity being shown everywhere just to be safe" Seto said which was a lie to make sure they can trust him.

"Okay then sir I'll take care of the village when your gone" Genkei said "Thank you Genkei!" Seto said, Seto summons a face mask and a white wig for him to use so he wouldn't get noticed, he puts the wig on and puts on the face mask and new clothes as well, he puts on a black coat and does up the buttons that's on it "Well I'm off, I'll start to walk there make sure nobody dies while I'm gone okay!" Seto said to Genkei "Of course sir!" Genkei said, Seto starts to walk as he holds his face mask.

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