2 The Vortex



In a realm of the unknown, there was a lone soul that appeared near in the center of a blue spiral vortex.

Specifically, it was not known how that soul had gotten there. But, the method did not matter in the end, for the soul has already appeared there.

Near to the center of void, there are little spheres of white, gold and blue that wandered around the realm in a circle.

They are the ones that lived in this realm.

Hence, they found themselves curious by the lone soul that suddenly appeared within the midst of their territory.

They took a closer look at him, and saw the memories that were encoded within the soul.

The owner of the soul was strong, capable and wise. Young and powerful as he had been, he did not let himself be corrupted by the sins of the world like most would turn out.

He had been fair and wise in his reign. While a just King in his own right, he was also flexible in his rule and knew how to judge a person's true character.

The little beings admired this one, for he was different unlike the rest they had seen.

Knowing that the soul would be going through the cycle of rebirth, they gave him a parting gift as compensation for their intrusion to his memories.

Together, the little spheres of light had all gathered and covered the lone soul with their smaller forms.

The soul wavered for a while, and appeared to be in pain. But, that was natural, for their parting gift is not a normal one.

Time does not exist in their realm, but it did not take long for the lone soul to vanish and return to the cycle of life, to be reborn.

Once again, the little spheres of light found themselves alone in the realm of the vortex.






[... Northumberland, England — Night ...]

Lucia was in a rare blissful state, despite her somewhat haggard appearance.

Earlier, she had just given birth to her first child that she made with the man that she loves deeply.

Her thoughtful and loving husband, Arin von Aelfryth, was seated beside her as they both gazed upon the sleeping face of their child.

The newborn was currently wrapped in a baby blue cloth that keeps his body warm from the cold weather of the night.

"Hmm... he looks quite beautiful, no?" Arin smiled softly, whispering as he took care not to speak audibly in fear for their son to wake up.

"I know I have said this often enough, but he takes after your beauty, my love. I can only imagine how many women would be following after him once he grows up into a man."

"No, he's the perfect mixture of us, Arin." Lucia giggled, amused by the idea of women going after her son. "I have seen his eyes, albeit briefly. He has the color of your eyes."

Arin looked at her in surprise, obvious excitement and joy clear in his cyan eyes for anyone to see.

"Really?" Arin asked, smiling widely when he received a simple nod of confirmation from his wife before he turned his gaze upon his son once again.

"Ha, I can't wait for him to open his eyes."

"So can I, my love." Lucia smiled, giving her husband a loving peck on his cheek.

The married couple stared at their child in comfortable silence before it was broken by Arin, who appeared to have remembered something important.

"By the way, have you informed father yet?" Arin asked in wonder, curiosity obvious in his voice.

"Why, of course." Unperturbed, Lucia answered his question without even turning her gaze away from her son's adorable sleeping face.

Seeing how red her son's cheeks are gave her a strong urge to pinch them, but she managed to restrain herself as she continued.

"My father, of all people, is never one to be the last when it comes to important news."

With a proud smile that only seems to amplify the level of her beauty in his point of view, Lucia turned to look at her husband as she held their beloved son closer to her bosom with great care.

"This is his heir to the family's house and to his legacy, after all. Our son has become the most important person in our society simply by existing. I do not think my father would dare to let anything harm him now that he has confirmed that our son is suited to inherit his power."

"If anything, this would motivate him to train our child to be the perfect heir to inherit his magic than those unscrupulous and unworthy ones that he was forced to settle with in the past."

At Arin's surprised and somewhat dazed expression, Lucia merely smiled before turning back to her son, cooing softly to him as she felt the newborn wrapped in baby blue gripped her finger lightly.

"But, learning the ways of True Magic can come later, little one. For now, let us first make sure that you grow up well and not turn out like your dear grandfather. One of him is enough in our family."

With a soft kiss upon her child's forehead, Lucia and Arin had spent the entire day watching over the cute sleeping face of little Hadrianus Mathius von Schweinorg, who is blissfully unaware of his great inheritance that many individuals in the moonlit world had tried to covet for themselves for years.






[... West Wing — Clock Tower ...]



In the main office of the West Wing building, there was a man who was sitting on a chair, looking greatly pleased with himself.

The room was dimly lit, almost too dark to safely walk around, but the man in the chair did not mind it, not one bit.

There had only been several moments in his life that truly made him happy.

The first was when he met his wife. Second was when he married her.

Third was when she gave birth to their first child, a girl.

'Fourth... Hm? ... Hmm...'

The man rubbed his chin in thought, frowning.

No, giving away his beloved daughter to a man does not count, but when it made her happy, he supposed it's a bittersweet moment for him.

Besides, the man doubted that Arin would dishonor his daughter. The boy clearly loves his daughter, and that's all that matters to him.

And fifth, was when he had achieved his life-long dream that most of his kind would often lost their lives to gain.

Now, there is a new one that was about to be included into the list of things that made him happy.

Several hours ago, his only daughter, Lucia, had given birth to a healthy boy.

His grandson. His heir.

'Finally... To think that the only one who would be worthy of my legacy would come from my own flesh and blood.'

Crimson eyes with vertical slits glowed brightly in the dimly lit study as he stared at nothing in particular, lost in his own thoughts.

What caused his elation even further was his most recent discovery.

His grandson, a mere babe, has a direct connection to the Root.

In addition to that, the man found that his grandson has extraordinary circuits and is gifted.

Meaning, his grandson has a natural talent in the mystical arts.

He chuckled, which soon turned into a full blown laughter.

For a whole minute, the office was filled with the sounds of his laughter.

While it may cause a concern to the local residents and everyone who walked pass his territory, the man does not give a damn nor does he care.

He is allowed to do whatever he please while in his own space. Besides, he doubted that anyone could have the courage to deny him from doing what he wants.

The laughter slowed down into low rumbles until silence reigned the room again.

The (in)famous Magician of the Second Magic, the Kaleidoscope, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg grinned.

'Fuhuhu, I cannot for the time when you are ready to learn. I wonder how much you'll grow strong, and how far you'll go... enkel.'

He let out a loud laughter once more, unknowingly terrifying the poor students who were only walking by the West Wing building.



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