20 Is this the so called revenge?

Open your eyes Stefan! Trust you, the bottle of rainbow potion is now in my hand. Well, I can feel it. Just like this? This is very easy. I have been the first to successfully retrieve the sealed rainbow potion for thousands of years. Wow ... this is so real, even I can feel the flickering color of this gem bottle, so beautiful ...

Bukhhh .... !!!

"Auhh it hurts, who dares to knock me down?" I asked in pain. The bottle! Where's the bottle? Suddenly the bottle of antidote disappeared from my grasp.

"Hahahahaha .... hahahaha ... you stupid brat! You just got into my trap! Hahaha ..." That big voice ...

"You're a sneaky witch, so this is what you were aiming for after escaping from the underground prison?" I asked Prince Joe's stepmother and son of the evil witch Buroe.

"Yes, of course my goal here is to get the antidote for this rainbow. Are you starting to realize now? Hahaha ..."

Starting to notice? I see ... I understand now. This is all hers plan since she attacked the King, then she knows that the only way to restore the King is only with the antidote of the rainbow. And she needed the antidote for hers sake too, but she didn't want to take the risk of being like the other magicians who had fallen, because of that ....

"Do you think I'm that stupid? No, even though I realized it too late but it's not over yet. You cunning witch, you better give up mine now, I got it hard, how dare you seize it without feeling!" I said.

"What? Seize it without feeling? Heh, watch your words, boy, you are the one who stole mine without feeling, do you remember? Right, you stole everything from me, you!" stern with anger.

"Is this called revenge?"

The witch smiled strangely. "No. You forgot someone more vengeful and have to take their revenge on the person who made him a vengeful demon! Hahahaha ..." What the hell was she saying. Who is this person?

Ha? Why is this, the wind suddenly blows hard, even though this cave has no air gap? That newly appeared ... who?

"Hahahaha ... I am King Buth, come for revenge! Hahaha ...."

What? Ki..King Buth?

"D ... Dad!" I said with a strange feeling.

"Hey kid, who are you calling father? Obviously you are not my son, I only have one daughter, that is your stepmother who you put in jail! You are very sneaky to my daughter and I have to reply and don't forget before that I will repay you. My grudge against you, because ... you killed my wife, Queen Buroe! " he said full of anger and revenge. But, why did he say that?

"No! Everything you say is a lie? I mean, you know your wife is not Buroe but Katrinei and your son is a son, Prince Buth Stefan! You didn't forget that?" I looked at him hopefully.

For the first time I met my father Raja Buth, he looked wise and manly. I felt like I wanted to hug him and say 'Daddy' but, he won't believe it because my body is Prince Joe's body. So, he thought I was the witch's stepson. But ... I still don't understand why Dad said that.

"What do you mean by that? My wife Katrinei and my son are princes?" he was surprised.

"That's right, your wife is Katrinei and you have a son named Buth Stefan!" I assured him. Looks like Daddy looks doubtful and thinks of something. Could it be ... that witch has manipulated my father's brain and said things that turn the facts. Now, my father has become a vengeful person. No ... I won't let that witch play with my father's spirit! My father should have been calm there with my mother, at that time my mother told me to follow my father in that nature calmly and peacefully. But ... how dare that cunning witch bother my father and make him suffer!

"I won't let .... you .... aaaaaa ..." I shouted uncontrollably.

It is time for me to take out my wand to eliminate that witch.

"Hiaakk ...!"

"Stop!!!" The magician held my magic and knocked me down.

"Auh ..." I was too busy.

"Hahaha ... don't hurry up, boy, we haven't finished talking yet, right? After all, if you fight me with your weak magic you will still lose, even that poor Goa King I can beat in just one attack," said the witch. arrogant.

"Why are you doing this, even though the King of Goa is your husband, he never hurt you, but you are the one who betrayed him," I replied.

"I don't care who he is, but all this has happened since your arrival after escaping from the palace. Strangely, at first you were afraid of me, but ... why when you returned to the palace when you became so brave? Like a hero, you were so brave. cool at that time, even when the scene you told the king to put me in jail, hahaha ... i really hate you! " the witch glared at me.

"Heh, so you don't know who I really am? And should I tell you what really happened when Prince Joe ran away from the palace?" I replied arrogantly.

"W..what do you mean? Aren't you Prince Joe? What happened? Of course you were the one who killed my mother at that time!" she confused.

"Yes, you are right. Prince Joe tried to kill your mother with his magic, but your mother is too strong for Prince Joe's little attack."


"Don't cut. After that my mother came to fight with your mother. The strength of a mother is very powerful, willing to sacrifice for her child. Even though for the first time we met and I called her ... 'Mother' heh, no! Everything has happened, and sacrifice My mother will never be neglected. It was during that sacrifice that Prince Joe's body was saved, otherwise Prince Joe might have melted into black mud. ! " that's my explanation which is quite clear

"What? So you mean that Prince Joe is actually dead, but you entered Prince Joe's body. What are you?" she asked in surprise.

"I am ... Prince Buth Stefan and my mother is Queen Katrinei!" I said.

The woman was surprised and hesitated. I can see how creased my father's forehead is, he must be confused.

"What ... no way! You liar!" screamed the witch not accepting.

"But here are the facts you should know!" I explained.

"So what's the truth? What should I believe, I'm so confused! Auh ... my head hurts!" said Father confused.

"There is nothing you need to doubt, I am your daughter and it is she who has brought bad luck in our family. We've been waiting for this moment for so long, what do you doubt Daddy? Remember our purpose here to seize this rainbow antidote to regain the happiness of our lives. captured and revenge. We must kill him! " said the wizard assured Father.

"You're right ..." answered my father confused.

"Attack!" ordered the cunning witch.

