
Lost in the Woods

"We're lost right?" They've been circling around the forest. George kept on telling him they're not. But they obviously are. Then finally He admits it. "I.. I think so. I mean. Yes. We are." From the guilt on his face and that cute thing he do when he did something wrong. Can't resist to be mad.

"Right" Gord sat on a big rock next to a tree. It was very dark. And cold. And the forest is a lot more spooky at night. They don't even know if they are still in the forest.

"How are we supposed to go back? Im so hungry. I want some Fish. And I really need a beauty rest." Oh come on? A beauty rest? In this kind of situation? If he's not the Prince I might've hit him hard on the face.

"Sire. We've been circling around the forest for hours. It's dark and we don't even know if this is the same spot we've been before. Maybe it's best if we rest here and wait for the sunrise"

"Sunrise? Didn't you notice there is no sunlight entering these forest? When it's morning, It's still night here"

The Prince was right. But it's darker at night.


They heard a sneeze. They looked at each other and stand up.

"Where did it come from?" George whispered.

"I don't know. Not sure but I think it came from the trees."

"What? The trees are sneezing?" Oh that doesn't sound good. A robber, a troll and now a sneezing tree? What else is hiding in this forest? A dragon?

"Are you fu****g kidding me?" Jenny whispered to Claude. He sneezed at a very wrong time. The two are now alarmed they are not alone. And they are leaving the perfect spot for them to attack.

"Let's go sire. It's not safe here." Then they begin walking fast. They keep alerted. Might have some enemies watching them close by. They just keep walking trying to find a safe spot. It was very dark but they can't stay there.

"What are they doing?"

The two keeps circling the trees. It is Five trees close to each other. They are living up those trees these two are circling. They thought they were walking away from the spot where they heard Claude sneeze but the fact is they've been there maybe the fourth time.

The people were laughing at them and kept watching until Jemny signalled to come down. Three of them came down. Jenny, Claude and Big Mike.

"Well! Look who's lost in the woods." Claude maybe cute but his voice is intimidating. And with Big Mike on his side, Anyone's knee will sure be shaken. Big Mike is a 10 footer guy with a very impressive muscle mass. A long hair and a beard. He kinda look like he xame from the Family of the Vikings.

"Who are you? If it's the jewels you want, I am sorry but someone came earlier than you" Gord is a very calm guy. Even he knows how to fight. He always think first before he acts. Could be many of them hiding in the dark. So I can't initiate a fight.

"We are not lost. We are heading somewhere and we know exaclty where it is. Please get out of our way David and Goliath." The prince is the vice versa though. "Didn't know you were friends now" He laugh but he keeps it to himself and walks toward Claude and Big Mike. The 10footer guy stopped him just by standing in front of George. And he fell on the ground.

"Ow. What the.. Didn't you know who I am?" And that's it. The prince lost his patience. He is really willing to reveal himself. But then the beautiful robber from before just slowly... slowly... and slowly emerging from the dark. She's so pretty like an Angel shinning even she has this two short lines drawed in her both cheeks. Maybe she's a worrior Angel?

"Well, Who are you really? We know you two are from a castle, living a luxurious life. But we don't know your names."

Her voice. Ugh! It's so sexy!

"We... Uh. Well yes. We can't deny that we really are from the palace. We.. I" The Prince doesn't want to reveal himself. He wanted to disguise. So he could tell what kind of lady she is.

"We are the King's Advisor." Thanks to Gord. His Princey character is now hidden.

The thrre robbers raised their eyebrows. What woukd the King's advisors do in the Emerald Forest? And there's two?

"Well, He is the King's advisor. And I am the Prince's"

Well that make sense. Oh yes the prince. Everyone heard of him. Aside from a sneaky and out going prince, He's a womanizer indeed. Going out with beautiful princesses. They bet he's good looking alright.

"What are you doing in the forest?" Claude asked them while Big Mike is looking closely at their clothes.

"Well" George cleared his throat looking for what to answer. He looked at Gord who's looking at him nervously. No idea what he's doing.

"Uhm. The King ordered us to look for the Prince's bride. Personally ofcourse." What the hell are you saying George?

"In the forest? What exactly are you looking for? Witches?" Jenny is confused.

"There's a very good and long explanation for that." George chuckles nervously. But then they heard a loud howl. They can't figure out where it came from because of the echoes everywhere.

"Let's go." And she meant just the three of them.

"Wait? You're leaving us out here?" George holds Jenny's hands. "In the dark?"

"Yes." A very plain answer from a very plain woman. She's pretty but she's rude too!

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