
Sneaking Out

Under the enchanting light of the full moon, large and strong tidal waves clashed on the shore and danced up and down. Sound of the waves hitting the rocks with force makes the sea frightening to see. While it seems violent outside, under the depth of the sea it is very calm and silent.

In one particular part of the sea, where the kingdom of mermaids is there, silence fell upon the houses where the sound of waves can't be heard. When everyone is fast asleep in their houses, a dark figure tried to move out of the palace without creating any attention.

The figure went on swimming in cautious way, but if watched closely one could hear the heart that is beating loudly. Neha tried to control her heart that is beating loudly but it got louder and louder on nearing the door. If she was caught at this time, what would she say as an excuse? Even if she tells something that is reasonable, her parents will not believe her.

"This time I should not be caught." Neha muttered under her breath and looked left and right.

Once she stepped out of the main door, she let out the breath of relief.

"Now how to cross the guard?", Neha tried to come up with the plan. With her frequent sneaking out from the palace to the seashore, the security has been tightened.

She waited for few more minutes. But her mind could not conjure anything. "If only I can have someone to help me, this would be easier. But every Mer people here opposed the idea of going to the shore very much."

She waved her hand and the water near the gates swirled. She thought that would attract the guard's attention. But it seems they are not moving from their place.

One of the guards who is new saw the swirling and asked the nearby guard, "Look there, what is that? Let's go and see."

Nearby guard looked him with stern eyes "Did you forget the instructions that is given to you? Whatever happens we should not leave gates unprotected. You check on it while I guard here."

He went to check the places around them and returned saying he didn't find anything suspicious.

"Don't you think someone might have intruded?" Benji asked.

"This might be one of the tricks of the princess. We might not know. Don't get fooled and fall for it Benji. If Princess steps out of palace today, then we will be held responsible for that. I don't want that to happen again."

"Why does the princess go to the shore anyway? I mean most of the people here don't want to come across any of the creatures of the land. Going to the upper part of the sea is too risky and she is constantly doing it even after so many times of warning from the king."

The guard smiled remembering the princess who always want to visit the shore especially on the full moon. He knows the princess since she was small, and she always is different from the others. "I don't Know." he shrugged.

"May be once she comes to know the danger that is lurking outside the sea, she will stop. She is still a child with innocence to understand the world."

While two of the guards are having conversation, Neha slipped out of the palace. The kingdom is protected by a magic that allows only Mer people to cross the boundaries. The boundaries are set invisible around the kingdom.

Though, it is safe for the mermaid people to be inside the boundaries as the external intruding is not possible, there are still guards to protect the kingdom from other races of the mermaid. One can't expect peace every time with other kingdom, and it is always good to be ready for everything.

Once Neha passed the boundaries, she felt the relief flooded her mind. With the excitement she began to swim as fast as she can to the shore. She came across so many creatures but not any that she has to be afraid of.

On reaching the sea surface, she couldn't contain her excitement and did a somersault and laughed jumping up and down. The cool air and the harsh waves under the moon light excited her for no reason. Waves played with her by pushing her into the water when she jumped out of the water.

After some time of playing with excitement, she decided to go the shore. She swam near to the shore and reached one of the many rocks that is constantly being hit by the waves.

She sat on the rock dangling her fins in the water. The rock is quite longer one and its larger part hinders the water hitting her.

She looked into the full moon that looks awesome with its full brightness. Some sort of peace and joy filled her.

Her fins and eyes glowed bright blue under the moon and it looked like some sort of blue light is emitting from it and she liked it.

The rock is a favorite place to her and being here always brought peace to her mind.

"Hey moon, are you my lost lover? Is that why you seem alluring to me?" She laughed saying this.

Her blue hair waved in the wind, and she laid down on the rock facing the sky.

Looking the stars and the darken clouds, she slumbered into the sleep. Suddenly she heard a weird noise that woke her up. She looked around and realized she slept on the rock. When she tried to find the noise that she heard, something moved above her.

She looked up and her heart stopped. Fear paralyzed her body. Instead of diving into the water, she stared at the creature that is flying above in the sky.

"Is that a dragon?" She questioned herself not believing what she is seeing. "Maybe it is a dream." She furrowed her eyebrows.

While she is staring at the dragon in bewilderment, the creature above noticed the mermaid lying on the rock. It wouldn't have noticed if not for the fins that are glittering in the night.

Dragon stopped flying for the second. Neha's eyes met the dragon's eye. Next second dragon started flying towards it.

Neha's eyes widened in shock as the creature rushed to her.

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