
Chapter 1

It was a long night at the hotel and when Xander woke up he saw that Geralt had bought him new clothes since his old ones were destroyed in the fire.

"Prince Xander, here are some clean clothes for you to wear. And if there is anything you need then tell me, and I shall get it for you." Geralt said

"Thank you" Xander replied "but please, just call me Xander. And I will remember to ask you for anything I need."

"Your welcome, Xander." Geralt replied.

"But first" Xanded added "We need to get you some clean clothes to wear too. How about we go shopping today?"

"That sounds great, but where should we go to get some clothes?" Geralt questioned.

"How about the Central Mall, we can get clothes and eat there too."

"That sounds gre-" Geralt suddenly stopped speaking mid-sentence, and flung his head toward the door.

"Whats wrong?" Xander questioned.

"Someones at the door, and it's not room service. I heard them cock their gun. Quick get under the bed." Geralt replied.

Without hesitation Xander went under the bed and Geralt quickly opened the door and grab the man by his hand, and flung him on his back in thier room. He then kicked the gun out of the mans reach.

"Who and why sent you here!" Geralt exclaimed while his hands were tightening on the man.

"I was sent by Sir Vince, he wanted me to kidnap Xander, He was also the one to burn the castle down." The man said in rush.

"Why does he want Xander?" Geralt Exclaimed while his hands were making a fist.

"He wants to make him his toy." The man nervously said.

When Geralt heard those words he brutally punched the man and threw him in the dumpster to get rid of him. When he came back he was still upset that Sir Vince would do that to Xander. Meanwhile, Xander came out from under the bed and started to cry and get scared. He didn't want to become that man's play thing.

"Why, why does this have to happen. Now I'm putting Geralt in danger because of me. I should go give myself up to Vince so Geralt can be safe."

When Geralt heard this he immediatly rushed over to Xander's side and tried to tell him he shouldn't do that.

"I'm still fine and it's not your fault it is Vince. He will never get hold of you because i'll be there to protect you."

When Xander hear those words, i'll be there to protect you, he realized. He just fell in love with Geralt.