
What Happened To Your Hair?

They arrived in the city of Rodena just before dawn, as the guard had predicted, and Luke tapped Bella's arm softly when he tried to wake her up.

"We are now in Rodena," Luke announced when she finally opened her eyes. 

"Oh!" Bella exclaimed as she rubbed her eyes and sat up. She looked around them, and when she noticed that it was almost dawn, but it seemed like the kingdom was still asleep, she shook her head, "Let's find somewhere to wait until we can find someone to direct us to Emilia's cottage," Bella suggested, and the guard nodded as he moved the carriage away from the road.

Now that they were here, and she knew that it was only a matter of hours before she faced Becca, her heartbeat increased. Knowing herself very well, and if Becca was anything like her present self, Bella knew that this wouldn't be an easy task. 

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