
Chapter 1

Jaelynn had to leave her mother's body behind at the forest and kept running to survive. She somehow managed to escape and ended up in a market. She was glad as she saw people walking around, buying and selling things.

Now the slave catchers won't easily be able to find her as long as she keeps awareness of them. But the problem was that she didn't know which kingdom she was in.

Back when she and her mother and some others were taken to the slave house to be sold, they were all blindfolded.

Jaelynn's stomach growled loudly, she looked around to see if anyone can help her or atleast tell her where she is and maybe some directions. Luckily she saw a stall nearby with a man in it who seemed to be frying dumplins, she went over to him.

"Excuse me mister" she said politely.

The man looked at her from head to toe which made her slightly nervous.

"Yes what do you want ?" he asked in a polite tone.

"Please may i know what kingdom this is?"

"What..? you don't know where you are?...are you lost?"

Jaelynn sighed internally, she didn't want to tell this man that she had escape from the slave house, but she was lost though.

"Yes I'm lost and I'm looking for my way back"

The man looked at her once again and saw the mark on her below arm, he immediately figured out she was a slave.

"We are in the Roseville Kingdom" he finally

told her.

So she was still in her hometown, that was good, Jaelynn thought to herself.

"Thank you Mister i shall take my leave now"

She bowed her head and turned to leave.

"Wait...." she heard the man call out to her, before she turned around to face him.


"You must be hungry, you poor little thing, they probably don't feed you over there" he said.

"What do you mean Mister" she said confused

He motioned for her to come closer, she hesitated at first but decided to atleast go forward a little bit.

"I know you are a slave young lady"

Jaelynn's eyes widened.

"How did you know?" she asked him.

"The slave mark is on your arm" he answered.

Hearing this, she looked at her left arm which was not covered well, She didn't know how to reply the man.

"Here" he handed her a paper wrapped around something hot. "There are some dumplings in there, try to eat okay" he added.

"Thank you so much Mister" she bowed.

"You are welcome" he smiled.

She turned and left. Jaelynn decided to eat under a tree nearby the market gates.

Just as she finished eating them, she got up to look for a well or stream to drink from.

She decided to walk around to look for one but then she saw a man running towards her.

When he got closer, she saw it was the man from earlier who gave her the dumplings.

But why was he coming towards her?

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