
The Primitive Girl Who was Transported into the Primitive Beastworld

Artemis is a carefree woman just coming of age. She lives in the grim and boring Human world not realizing she belongs somewhere completely different... the BeastWorld. Will Artemis be able to adjust to all of these new changes, grow and find love along the way?

Jovonna_Ross · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 6

Grandma Shuu tried to start the day off as normal. She made Artemis her absolute favorite breakfast dishes. Then by removing the window covers she let the natural sunlight shine through the little cottage. She picked out a nice dress and hair accessories for Artemis. When Artemis finally woke up she noticed how much care Grandma Shuu was putting in to create a peaceful mood for her. Even though it only annoyed her more because she hated to think that she was so mean. Artemis wouldn't tell her that though. The contemplation on which route to take only led her to stay quiet which would only make Grandma Shuu feel worse. As Artemis ate her breakfast Kasper and Apollo were outside working on the outside of the cottage. Suddenly Kasper came running into the house. "Mother. We have a visitor" Kasper said, a little shaken. Grandma stood up and looked out of the front window. "Artemis. It's your grandfather, the Wolf King" Grandma Shuu told Artemis.

Before anyone could say anything else there was a knock at the door. "Come in Maximus," Grandma Shuu said. The door opened and a tall brawny man came through the threshold. He stood there for a second taking in Grandma Shuu's appearance. "Ah'Shuu" he said to her, still not moving. "Xhi'er" she said to him "you've returned" he said looking hopeful. "It is time I brought our Granddaughter back. She was not safe in the human world anymore" Grandma Shuu said, gesturing towards Artemis. "King Maximus… this is your granddaughter Princess Artemis" she said to him. Artemis went to stand up and formally greet the King but he stopped her and sat her back down. "Don't worry about formalities young Artemis. Can I call you Xhi'er? Its my traditional language from home" King Maximus said to Artemis. She nodded and looked at Grandma Shuu who nodded as well. "You have suffered for sometime now. I turned a blind eye to my daughters murder out of shame and let you separate from me for so long. I was a coward, Xhi'er" King Maximus said. Artemis was meeting her grandfather for the first time and he had so much to say she was shocked. "Papa" she said in almost a whisper. King Maximus whipped his head up to look into Artemis' eyes "Yes Xhi'er. I'm your papa" he beamed with tears coming down his face. "Ah'Shuu she's perfect" King Maximus cried. Grandma Shuu was crying as well.

Artemis and King Maximus sat in the little cottage talking for the whole day. He was reluctant to leave his granddaughter whom he nicknamed his 'Xhi'er. "Are you comfortable here in this little cottage? I can send men to make any adjustments that you would like. I can send you more food and gold too, tell me, Xhi'er" King Maximus said to Artemis. Artemis nodded her head. "This place is very comfortable, papa. I have no complaints. Nana, Apollo and Kasper take great care of me" Artemis told her grandfather "very well. I should get back to the castle. Your arrival has caused a lot of excitement through the beastworld and it has made me more busy than ever. I have men coming to my door asking to mate with my Princess and I hadn't even met her in person yet" King Maximus said standing up straight to where he nearly filled the whole cottage. Kasper finally spoke after being silent all day. "Father. Artemis already was almost taken away by a crazed Eagle Beastman. She saved herself as another eagle was coming to save her" Kasper said. "Eagle Beastman came into our kingdom to take a female better yet my Princess?" King Maximus asked. Kasper nodded shamefully. "Kasper you are lucky she made it back unscathed or else I would deal with you the way I'm going to deal with those Eagles" King Maximus threatened. Artemis was quick to react to defend her uncle; she stood up and stood in front of him. "Papa. Uncle Kasper and Brother Apollo never leave my side. They have sworn to be my guardians and take their positions seriously. It was not their fault I had gotten taken away but they also know I can handle myself. Please don't be angry with them. They can only protect me so much" Artemis said to King Maximus.

The King was completely blown away and he smiled from ear to ear. "My dear Xhi'er. You are too good aren't you. I will let this matter go. But you shouldn't rely on having just guardians. You need mates to protect you as well. Your mates can connect with you in a way a guardian can't and it would be beneficial in those circumstances" King Maximus said as he walked to the door. "I'll be back to visit you soon. Xhi'er, be safe" he said, ducking out of the door. Artemis let out a deep sigh. "I have a papa!" she said, remembering the human families back in the human world. She used to feel like there was definitely something missing from her and Grandma Shuu's life there and now she knows that it was family. Her heart is so heavy with love for all of these people. Artemis relaxed and sat back down to the table. "Papa was tense" Apollo said, letting out a deep breath. "He did seem genuine," Artemis commented. "Years ago I hastily made the decision to run away from the palace then run to the human world. I abandoned him and my remaining cubs. He feels just as much guilt as I do because he is the one who initially abandoned our daughter" Grandma Shuu said. "And apparently for no reason because he surely loves you after meeting you today, Xhi'er!" Grandma Shuu said smiling.

Suddenly Apollo and Kasper both started grunting and grabbing their chests and curling up on the floor. "Nana what's happening? Why are they both like this?" Artemis asked. Grandma Shuu got on the floor and pulled Apollo's hand away from his chest. She saw black markings forming on the spot right above his heart. Grandma Shuu stood up and smiled. "Don't worry dear. It'll be over very quickly" Grandma Shuu said, patting her hand. Finally the pain had resided in the two men and they both stood up. Artemis gasped in shock. Both men had grown maybe an inch taller and were more muscular suddenly. Not only that they both had a tattoo of a wolf on their chests with a huge black ring around it. "Nana what type of witchcraft is this" Artemis asked, shocked. "It's barely witchcraft, Artemis. But its life here in this Beastworld. Your brother and your uncle now bear your mark and their first stripe marking the level of power they are now at. This is very significant" Grandma Shuu said. "But I thought you said we were not going to be mates," Artemis said confused. "Yes, that is still true. These are guardian markings they've leveled up because of their love and care for you as family. When you find a mate it will surely be different but now your brother and uncle are truly by your side with the utmost loyalty" Grandma Shuu told her.

Artemis sat at the table silently eating fruits and drinking fruit juice. She sat and thought over the events leading up to today. Lost in thought she suddenly smelt a faint and distinct scent making its way through the little cottage. Artemis noticed it immediately. "What's that smell coming from outside nana?" Artemis asked curiously but nobody else could smell the scent but her. Kasper stood up and looked out the window to investigate. The little girl Jenny and her brother were back and this time with their mother. "Artemis has another visitor," Kasper said, going to the door. "Come inside neighbors" Grandma Shuu said, walking to the threshold and motioning them inside. All three of them poured inside carrying gifts. Artemis already had a feeling where this visit was going to go. "My name is Valeria and these are my children Jennifer and Daniel, I've come to apologize for Daniel's impudence the other day" Valeria said. "Please come in and sit down, Artemis is just relaxing," Grandma Shuu said, inviting them further into the house.

"We've brought you some herbs to make tea with that will keep you strong and healthy. Also Jenny and I stayed up all night one night to make you these blankets, dresses and shoes to keep you warm" Valeria said, revealing all of the gifts. "Oh how thoughtful of you to consider our Artemis," Grandma Shuu said, accepting them and passing them to Kasper. Danny knelt down in front of Artemis and presented his gifts "Princess Artemis, I apologize for my behavior the other day. I personally made you dresses and jewelry in hopes that it would make up for my mistake and we can start over" Danny said, bowing his head to her. Everyone was quiet waiting to hear Artemis' response and how this conversation would play out. Artemis looked at Apollo to accept the gifts for her like a true princess would accept gifts. "Daniel. It is nice to finally meet you. If it makes you feel better I didn't even know I was a Princess until a few months ago" Artemis said to him. Daniel was happy with the positive greeting she gave him and smiled showing all of his teeth. "I also made you a fur cloak.The wind is going to get heavier and the temp will lower. You should avoid the cold to not fall ill this winter" Danny said, pulling out a black fur cloak. "How about I make some of this tea to refresh everyone" Grandma Shuu said, taking the package of herbs from Kasper. Kasper followed Grandma Shuu over to the kitchen area and whispered to her "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked her. She nodded her head and smiled as she put a pot of water over the fire. Apollo sat with Artemis while Valeria talked their ears off about what Jenny and Danny can do as far as talent and skill goes.

Valeria stayed in Grandma Shuu's little cottage for a couple of hours talking and talking away and finally Jenny mentioned to her mother that she was hungry but she got the hint that it was time to go and stop embarrassing her children. "Well I have enjoyed this visit and I do hope we can visit again sometime soon. Otherwise I don't mind if Jenny and Danny came up the road to hang out" Valeria said standing up

Valeria. They formally bowed to everyone and then quickly left. You could hear Jenny complaining to her mother all the way up the road about her enthusiasm and how she took over their play date. Artemis looked over all of the blankets and dresses that were brought to her then she looked over all of the jewelry that Danny said he had made for her. He had made a hand of things but one that stood out the most was a necklace with a wolf and two black shiny stones for the eyes. "Beastmen are naturally great at crafting anything. Jewelry is no exception." Grandma Shuu said, looking over the jewelry as well.

"He must have felt very guilty to put so much time and effort into his gifts. I can tell his mother and sister were almost sincere but I feel the mother just wants the attention" Artemis said bluntly. "Do you not like his jewelry?" Kasper asked. Artemis looked at him and gave off the faintest smile. "I like them," she said. But she ended the subject by wrapping the jewelry back up in its sachet. "Now I have to make more wooden trunks to put all of this stuff in. If I keep getting gifts and making things I will completely run out of room and nobody will have anywhere to sleep" Artemis said, looking a little stressed. "Are you ready to move out on your own yet?" Grandma Shuu asked, "Nana, are you kicking me out!" She shrieked "not necessarily but it makes sense. You're grown. You don't need me to take care of you and now you have your uncle and brother to live with you. Maybe it's time you settle in your own place to live. A bigger place that would be fit for you" Grandma Shuu said to Artemis. "But nana-" Artmeis started to say but Grandma Shuu cut her off with a wave of her hand.

"This cottage… I built it myself way before your papa came along and started to pursue me. My father accepted and let him stay in the castle so he could learn from him and take over the throne when we got married. But I lived on my own for years and I would often come here to hunt and vacation away from the castle. When I went into the human world you were so tiny I never had to worry about getting a bigger space and you never wanted to leave my side and you still don't. It is time. You can start soon and take as much time as you need but you need to find a bigger place to live in Artemis. Besides, The king may call me back to the castle since I am the one from the royal bloodline and not him" Grandma Shuu lectured.

Artemis looked like she could cry at any moment. Seeing her like this made Kasper and Apollo's hearts tie into tight knots. "Don't worry Artemis. I will build you the perfect home. One fit for a Queen" Kasper said, kneeling at her side. "I'll help too of course sister im still not going anywhere" Apollo said kneeling as well. "Nana says this is for my own good and everything will be ok… but why does it hurt my heart to think about separating from you" Artemis said, letting the tears fall.