
Chapter Fifteen : Nightmare

Xia was pissed off. Why it's always her? Anyone could have joined that sordid squad! But it was her bad luck today. She walked to join her group but she tripped in her way.

"Look how her majesty rolls," Lila laughed and gave hi-five to Ingrid.

"Great," Xia sighed. It was Lila who pushed her.

She quietly stood behind her group to avoid any further troubles.

Now the battle for survival in this task has begun for Xia.

The 'Sordid squad' consist of Lila, Ingrid, Helena and Ivy. To the others they were like any other typical Mean girls. As pretty as plastic dolls, fashion conscious, empty headed with bitchy nature. But in reality there was more about them. They were not just mean girls but they were also witches. They were too good in hiding their true nature.

Their rivalry from Xia started during fresher's party where Xia was awarded as 'Miss Fresher's'. It was first time for them to lose any beauty pageant, otherwise out of four one always used to win but now things were not going in their favour. Even last year Xia won town's beauty pageant and again Sordid squad has to swallow their defeat. They tried to use their magic on Xia but it never worked on her. They were shocked and irritated. They tried for ample amount of time to figure out what is so odd with Xia that their magic is not working on her but they failed in that too.

For them Xia was their sole enemy. She topped in every exam, she won every beauty pageant, she was in cheer leading group too. She was an all rounder. She was favourite of teachers and very famous in college. She has spotlight on her. Sordid squad just wished that she never existed, this would have been so much better for them.

Mrs Nate noted name of the members of each group and assigned them their tasks. She informed them that internship starts from monday.

Xia and her friends were eating in the cafeteria. She was little bit upset about what happened in the assembly hall. She was awfully quiet.

"Xia you'll be fine. Cheer up," Tora rubbed her shoulder.

"Xia why are you letting them ruin your mood? Just chill okay. It's not the first time they tired to mess with you. Next time just call me I will strangle them to death," Reese smirked.

"Xia, what are you upset about?," Gordon asked with concern.

"For three months I have to tolerate them. I don't know for how much time I will be patient. I just don't want to ruin my internship." Xia replied with sad tone.

"Don't worry. You will do fine. It's not like you are going to Antarctica with them. We will be there, we will make sure they don't mess with you again. Even if they tried to you know us what we are capable of," Tora smiled wickedly.

"What? You will kill her with water balloons?," Xia laughed.

"Something like that," Tora replied munching her burger.

Reese side hugged Xia.

"How are you?," He asked.

"I'm fine," she smiled. "What was that for?,"

"For coming home safely. These idiots gave duty of keeping an eye on your parents so that they don't know about you going missing and I didn't had chance to see you when you came back so," he shrugged.

"Awww so sweet of you Reese," Xia teased him.

"Don't do this okay," Reese said in irritated manner.

"Gordon how is the preparation of the ball going?," Tora asked.

"Gordon you are helping that new family? Nice. I never knew you were such a kind hearted person," Reese mocked him.

"Reese they are his relatives. Why he will not help them?," Tora frowned.

"Wait! What?? That super rich family is related to you?," Xia was astonished.

"Yes." Gordon stated.

"That cousin of yours he is their son?," Xia was curious now.

"Yep." Gordon answered.

"Now please stop interrogating him on his family matters," Tora intervened.

"Okay", Xia replied.

"What about your plus ones?," Tora asked Gordon and Reese.

Gordon was now not interested in this conversation. He was worried about his friends, he didn't want them to become a part of his secrets. He wanted to keep them away as far as possible. But right now it didn't seem to happen. He remembered yesterday's meeting with uncle and Aunt. He went to their house with Orion. His aunt was glad to see her son return though she was bit angry that he didn't attended the meeting. But she knew it was typical Orion thing.

He never care about meeting or social formalities. He always do what he pleases and never ever answers anyone about it. That is one of many reasons why he has dangerous reputation amongst his kind. He has a mysterious aura about him that makes people terrified mere with his presence.

His uncle was not at home,he has some business to attend. His aunt informed Orion about the ball and that anyhow he has to be there in order to get introduced to the people of the town. Orion agreed. His aunt requested Gordon to help with the arrangements of the ball. His aunt always adored Gordon. He agreed for helping.

"Hey Gordon! Let's go," Tora elbowed him. Gordon came out of his thoughts and nodded.

While they were moving out of the cafeteria. Ivy came out of nowhere and was about to collide with Xia but she dodged her. When she turned back she saw Ivy was lying on the floor with cake all over her face.

"Oops!! Well this is not what I consider a proper way of bowing to your queen," Xia smirked.

"Bitch!," Ivy gritted her teeth.

"Yeah I know you are. You don't need to tell this every now and then," Xia chuckled.

"Now that's how dumbo rolls," Tora taunted Ivy.

Reese and Gordon were enjoying the scene. After paying the bills they left for home.

Xia was in her bed bit tired due to all the events that occurred today and the assignment works. She completed her project plan for the internship and was trying to get some sleep. It was midnight still she wasn't able to sleep she was feeling restless without any reason.

She got up from the bed and went to the garden which was in the backyard. She sat on the swing which was on the palm tree. She was feeling bit relaxed now. Cold air touching her skin was a soothing feeling. She was slowly swinging on the swing when she heard sound of leaves being crushed. It was footsteps. She got little scared. Who it can be at this time? She stopped the swing and went to see near the bushes, she saw someone in sky blue t-shirt and black jeans. The person was tall but she couldn't see his face. The footsteps were getting close. She was standing still waiting to see the face of the person. The person entered the garden and came near her. She finally saw his face. He was Gordon's cousin. She was confused what he is doing here in the middle of the night. She was looking at him. His jet black hair were shining in the moon light, so his emerald eyes. She notice his eyes were mix of ocean blue and green. But she noticed there was sadness in his eyes. His face was expression less. She couldn't figure out what was going on.

"What are you doing here," she asked.

"So you finally found me," he replied with sad tone. It seemed his is fighting some inner battles.

"What do you mean," Xia was now confused.

"You shouldn't have," he replied but voice cracked.

"What are you talking about?," Xia got tensed.

He walked closer to her and was about to touch her.....

Suddenly she gasped to breathe and she opened her eyes to see she was still in her bed room.

"Phew! Everything is fine," she whispered to herself.

She felt relieved. That was only a nightmare! But it was so strange. She wondered why she is dreaming about Gordon's cousin, she didn't even know his name. Maybe because of what happened few days ago is the reason of this strange nightmare.

She noticed the window of her room was open. Curtains were flying due to blowing wind. She got up and moved towards the window when she saw reflection of something sitting on the window. She quietly removed the curtains to see a cat sitting there. She was surprised to see that cat, there were no cats in her neighborhood so where it came from?

Cat was chubby with light ochreous gray coloured fur and dark spots and strips on the back. It was having copper coloured eyes. Xia loves cat but from far away only or on internet videos. She never had any pets. So she didn't know what to do.

She tried to pet him by softy putting her hands its head. But it stared her oddly.

"Hi there little buddy," she whispered sweetly.

But it didn't have any reaction just stared her for a while and jumped from the window and left.

"What a rude cat," Xia sighed. She closed the window and went to sleep.


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