
Chapter XXIV - Rainbow Leprechauns

"Vol tar", was leading them, swiftly through the dimly lit corridors, heading towards the emergency exit, The secret chamber where the escape portal was kept. Having the advantage of his height ( 6.5 ft), and mighty powerful legs.

But "Esmeralda", was doing the implausable, She was surprisingly. keeping at pace with "Vol tar", moving pretty fast for a civillian.

"Well, look at her go!" Said L.T. (astonished)

"That's one extremely, super-fast witch." Said Bat Ski.

"What's yer secret gurl?" asked Softy.

"Esmeralda", didn't even bother to reply, she'd just, momentarily stared at him (instead), with her creepy looks. Then suddenly, flashed a malevolent grin, with those soul piercing eyes (sending shivers down his spine). As she sped-off, keeping up with "Vol tar".

"Man, you've just been, out run by a witch! you're getting, pretty-much, outta shape! Move-it Softy! double-time!" Said L.T.

"She nearly spilled, the crap outta me." Said Softy.