
A lot in one class

We got to the school gates with Apex mumbling behind us. The knights left because they aren't allowed in. The school was huge, about a mile long and a half a mile wide. It had five floors. I went to a big black board and it shot out a card to me. The card had my information for class.


Name: Max Sathe

Class: S1

Rank ?


I went to class S1 witch is on the top floor, all the people there including the teacher were in robes. I sat in the back were I heard a little giggle next to me. The teacher removed his hood to show his brown hair and his brown eyes. "Hello everyone, I'm going to be your homeroom teacher, Mr. Kep for the remainder of your high school.' he said. "I will see what elemental Affinities. We will see if you have an earth, fire, water, air, dark, light, death, life, space, blood, holy, demonic, or a sub affinity." Mr. Kep said as he pulled an orb and put it on his desk.

He pulled his clipboard and said" First Luna Moonborn will check". The person next to me that giggled stood up and took off the hood. She had blond wolf ears and hair, with tan skin and blue eyes. She walked to the desk and I heard a mumble a few seats away. She touched the orb and it glowed four colors, dark red, black, brown, and fluttering purple. "She has blood, space, dark, and earth affinities" Mr. Kep said. The next guy got up and removed his hood, I could instantly tell it was Apex. He walked and touched the orb, it glowed orange." Apex has the fire affinity, Next" Mr. Kep said. The next few students went then it was my turn. I got up and touched the orb. When I touched it a huge amount of some kind of energy went through the whole school, it even pushed the teacher down, the orb cracked and shattered.

Mr.Kep got up sweating a bit, he decided to pretend nothing happened. "We will be going to the spirit caves today to see if any of you can get a spirit weapon" he said as he led us outside. to a dark cave. As soon as we all go in the cave closes and there is multiple different lights that show. I see Luna going to a black whip. She grabbed it and it wrapped around her and disappeared. "Great Luna, she has clamed an epic level soul weapon." Mr Kep said. I saw Apex see trying every weapon but they all reject him. I start to feel a pull to a big stone in the wall that starts to glow white. I see the Mr.Kep trying to tell me something but all the noise is gone. I walk to the stone and touch it and a big flash. I rub my eyes and see a black room with no light. Just then I see a shinning blue sword, a pair of red gauntlets, a green staff, a blue trident, a blue axe, a white spear, a black bow, a red chain, a purple cube, a brown sphere, a black shield, a purple dagger, a green bracelet, and a black ring. All of those went to him and blacked out.

I woke up at the infirmary, with Luna on my right and Mr. Kep on my left. Mr. Kep said " You should rest for a bit, when you feel well enough you can follow Luna to your room..". "Wait, how can Luna go to a men's dorm room?" I ask. "Well you are not in the men's dorm, you and Luna are going to be in the same room" Mr. Kep said. "Why is a commoner sharing a room with my girlfriend! She should be with me!" I heard Apex yell. I see him running to me then got knocked out. I see Mr. Kep have a magic circle around his mouth. I sat up and looked at Apex fall down. Mr. Apex carried him off. I got up and Luna helped me get to our room. When she opened the door it just looked like a room that has two beds across from each other. The only difference is that the left side has a couple cases and the right has none. I lie on my bed and fall asleep.

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