
The Power-Shifting Ability is Convenient Even in Another World

"I am the rigid mountain you won't be able to overcome. With my ability alone, none of you would stand a chance against me." - Shin Soru The eccentric Shin Soru and a slightly popular Mitsuha Reika were both students of Class 1-A at Itami High School. Strangers at first, their fates began to intertwine when both of them were mysteriously teleported to another world by a strange pillar of light. Upon their arrival, they were welcomed by the harsh nature of this parallel world. The vast lands were filled with peculiar monsters, followed by a multitude of dangers and threats. However, both of them managed to survive thanks to Soru's mysterious power, which he already possessed before their arrival on the other world. This power he possessed was soon found out by Reika, whom she dubbed it as "Power-Shift" ability. With Soru's ability and Reika's adaptability, they ventured into this new world together. Although their personalities didn't match well, they discovered places that seemed unreal, meet new people and friends, and awaken their innermost emotions which they thought won't happen. [CHAPTER UPDATES ON SATURDAYS]

Boundless0 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 7: Inequitable Exchange

     She looked among the crowds, searching for Sylva's whereabouts. Up ahead, she saw Sylva carrying two cups with a spoon on them and heading towards her. When Sylva reached her, she gave the other cup to Reika.

     "You didn't have your dinner yet, right? Here you go."

     Reika got the cup using her two hands and smiled.

     "Thank you."

     In the distance, Soru saw that Reika was talking with someone else, so he didn't bother her and looked back while following the line of people that leads to the cook who offers stew for dinner. While he was waiting for his turn, he heard someone calling his name from behind.

     "Soru! You don't need to line up there. I already have a stew for you."

     Soru turned around, and it was the old man Silas, carrying a bowl of stew with his hands.

     Soru slowly walked away from the line and went to the old man, who was meters away from him.

     When he reached the old man, Silas gave him the wooden bowl filled with stew.

     "Fill your belly with this hot stew and look for a spot to eat on. I'll tend others who haven't eaten their dinners yet, so I won't be accompanying you for the time being..."

     Soru nodded at him in response. Silas smiled at him and walked away, heading to the village men who worked with the dragon corpse.

     As he saw Silas talking to them, he looked at the bowl and stared at it. He noticed that it was still hot and steaming, with a slight hint of fragrance. It had various vegetables, like potatoes and carrots, in it. He also saw some meat on it, but Soru didn't know what kind of meat it was.

     Out of curiosity, he tried to taste it, and he quickly realized it was lamb's meat based on the taste and texture when he tasted it. He looked around, searching for a spot to eat the delicious stew he was carrying in peace. While looking around, he saw a person sitting on the ground near a healthy tree.

      That person...

      The person he saw was the guard from the entrance gate from before, the same guard who had tried to end his life with a hatchet.

      The guard noticed that someone was approaching in his direction and saw that it was the male guest that he encountered before, which is Soru. But despite being familiar with that person, he ignored Soru and continued sulking.

     Soru quietly sat beside him and ate his bowl. While looking at the guard, Soru tried to reach him by giving him his bowl of soup.

     The guard noticed it, but he simply raised his hand and blocked the bowl, indicating that he refused Soru's offer to lend the bowl of stew to him. Soru quickly understood it and continued eating.

     While he was in the middle of eating his stew, Soru heard a deep sigh beside him. In his peripheral view, he saw the guard before looking at the night sky above them with a tear falling from his cheek. Soru also looked up above, and he saw the beautiful night sky.

     It was mesmerizing to watch. Countless twinkling stars were scattered across the night sky. There were no clouds that obstructed the mesmerizing view, revealing the beauty of the night sky.

     On the right side of his view, he saw two moons hovering above the vast night sky. The large one was placed much higher than the smaller one, forming a binary moon system. Even though the scenery gives off a sense of tranquility, Soru didn't feel anything at all. He continued eating his bowl of stew while etching the view in his mind.


     While Reika was eating, she noticed that Sylva was done with her stew. Sylva noticed that Reika wasn't done yet, so she waited for her to finish.

     "After you're done with your stew, we'll guide those village men to the forest."

     Reika nodded and continued eating the remaining stew in her cup.

     "You don't need to rush, though. Those men are still eating their stews, just like you."

     Upon hearing Sylva, Reika slowed down her pace. Several minutes later, she completed her stew.

     "Give that to me; I'll return it along with my cup."

     Reika gave her cup to Sylva along with the spoon. Sylva smiled and walked away, giving the cups she brought to the washers.

     Those village men who helped discard the dragon's corpse were also done eating their dinners and preparing themselves for their journey towards the forest. After they were done with their preparations, they waited on the wagons that carried the dragon's carcasses.

     Reika saw Sylva heading towards the wagons. Sylva looked back and called her.

     "Come, we've got to go!"

     Reika followed Sylva, along with the men pulling the wagons, towards the forest. They got past the village entrance and are currently in the middle of the wheat fields, following the path that leads to the forest.

     With Sylva guiding them, Reika quietly followed behind her. While observing the area, she noticed that the moon was bright enough to cast a shadow on the ground.

     Is it full moon now?

     Reika looked up and saw the night sky above them. She noticed the two moons hanging in the sky, along with the countless stars that scattered the quiet night sky. Reika felt bliss while staring at the scenery above her.

     "Beautiful, isn't it?"

     Reika heard someone talking beside her and looked back. She saw Sylva beside her, staring at the sky.

     "According to the legend, there was only a single moon many eras ago. Many were mesmerized by the beauty that the moon exuded. Along with its sheer size, it stood in the night sky, shining the entire continent during nighttime."

     "At that time, there was a powerful entity. It got envious at how the moon got the attention of many people, yet its existence wasn't. In order to unleash its jealousy and hatred, the entity decided to blow the moon into pieces. In that way, the entire continent might divert their attention to that said entity and gain the recognition that it always wanted."

     "On a certain peaceful evening, the moon emerged from the horizon. As usual, the people on the continent watched the moon in the night sky, without knowing the malicious intent that the said entity would do. Using all of its might, the entity unleashed its most powerful attack on the moon, trying to destroy the moon in pieces."

     Reika silently listened as they followed the path to the forest.

     "Fortunately, the moon wasn't completely destroyed. Due to its sheer size, one-third of the moon chipped out from the main body and formed into another moon. The plan of that entity failed, and it fled from the continent in fear of humilation and never came back."

     Reika raised one of her eyebrows, unconvinced by the story that Sylva told her.

     "That doesn't make sense at all!"

     Reika looked up into the sky and observed the moon.

     "You see, there are no signs of a dent around the moon, plus their shape is round, indicating that they were formed billions of years ago-"

     Reika realized something and glanced at Sylva, confused at what Reika was blabbering about.

     Oh. They don't know how the moon was formed at all...

     Suddenly, Sylva giggled.

     "Fufufu... You have the same reaction as Fumeirō!"

     Sylva looked up into the sky, staring at the two majestic moons.

     "Whether the legend makes sense or not, the fact that we could see their beauty is a gift sent from the heavens. Whenever we look at them, we could feel that all of our worries fade away in an instant..."

     Reika fell silent upon hearing Sylva. She stared at the sky once more and sighed.

     "Sigh... You're right."

     After half an hour of walking, they finally reached the edge of the forest. Reika saw the village entrance from afar, emanating a faint glow from the torches attached from each side. Sylva looked around the area and signaled the first man on the wagon.

     "l̶͖̑a̷̫̔t̴̘̽i̶̜̚f̵̼͐a̸̳̓ ̸͍͒'̷̩̿ḷ̸͝ĕ̸̺k̸̼͌h̷̯̓.̸̲̓e̵͘͜ ̷̖̄ŝ̶̩o̵͓͒r̷͔̽ ̴͙͒t̵̩̒i̵̙̋!"


     With Sylva's command, they started to place the chopped corpse on the ground. Reika watched as the dragon's carcasses were carefully scattered by the village men. Minutes later, their task was done, and they were ready to head back to the village.

     Sylva commanded them to pull their wagons back to the village.

     "ḏ̸̐ȃ̷̩c̸̭̏g̵̮̀ ̴͕̐ḻ̶̃!̸̨̌ ̴̱̎"

     Sylva saw Reika staring at them in silence. 

     "You're just staring at us the entire time! I'm sure you're bored now..."

     Sylva picked up the torch that had been pierced from the ground by one of the men.

     "Let's head back to the village."

     Reika nodded her head. She was about to take another step when she heard that someone was calling her from behind. She stopped upon hearing the call.

     Come here...

     She looked around, searching for the source of the mysterious voice that kept calling her. But all she could see were the dark trees and the dragon's corpse. Puzzled by the situation, a mysterious hand tapped her right shoulder.

     "Are you okay...?" 

     Reika got surprised and jolted in response.

     "What the...?"

     Reika noticed that it was Sylva who tapped her shoulders.

     Oh... It was Sylva.

     "You seem not to be your usual self. Is everything alright?"

     Reika looked around the area, with a confused Sylva staring at her strange actions.

     "D-Did you hear someone calling at us? That voice..." 

     Sylva looked around, but all she could hear were the sounds of the crickets hidden behind the grass.

     "What are you talking about? All I could hear were those crickets and the swaying of the leaves... " Sylva responded.


     Reika sighed.

     "Well, nevermind. You go first; I'll stay here a little bit longer." Reika said.

     Sylva was surprised and tried to block her.

     "No! There might be monsters lurking around the area!"

     Reika smiled at her.

     "Don't worry. I won't stay here longer; just a quick snoop!"

     Sylva sighed, as she was unable to convince her. 

     "Just follow us afterwards. And, be careful. The monsters might be attracted by the dragon's corpse, and they might attack you too."

     Sylva gave Reika the torch she was holding before.

     "Here's the torch. You can use it to see in the dark and also to ward off those monsters in case they might come to harm you."

      Reika accepted the torch and held it firmly.

     "Thank you..."

     Sylva walked away, worried about Reika being alone. Reika saw Sylva walking towards the village men, who waited on them. Sylva talked to them and looked back in her direction.

     Reika didn't mind them and continued to look around. She searched for anything suspicious, but there was nothing at all. 

     "That seems strange. I'm sure I heard it clearly this time..."

     Suddenly, she heard the voice from before calling her once more.

     Come a little closer...

     Reika immediately turned her head behind her. There, she saw a faint, pulsating glow on the dragon's chest. Reika got curious and tried to approach it.

     Is that...?

     As she walked closer, a sudden gust of wind blew. The harsh wind blew away the flame from the torch that she was carrying, and the entire area dimmed out.

     Despite the absence of light, Reika didn't pay any attention and continued to approach the faint, pulsating glow. After a while, Reika heard the mysterious voice again.

     You... Do you want to acquire immense power?

Reika got surprised and dropped the torch she was holding. She looked around and realized that the voice originated from this strange glow.

     Is that strange glow on the dragon's body the one that's been calling me...?

     Reika approached the pulsating glow within the dragon's body. She observed it quietly.

     "What do you want from me?" Reika asked.

     The mysterious voice laughed softly.


     Suddenly, the strange glow pulsated.

     I... I could give you something you humans truly desire: Power.

     Reika fell silent while listening to the mysterious voice.

     (This human... )

     You humans, are weak and fragile. In order to overcome your weakness, you sought a greater power. Power that can move the mountains and do everything as you please... Isn't that your desire?

     Upon hearing the mysterious voice's temptation, Reika became hesitant about its offer. The possibility of obtaining greater power is close, but the chance that it is a trap that could bring her harm isn't out of the question. In her judgment, it was a double-edged sword.

     It seems kind of fishy! Who would try to offer such a bargain for free? Only an idiot would do that...

     While she was conflicted, Reika realized something.

     Although I don't desire power for my personal gains, seeing others in dangerous situations while unable to do anything... I couldn't even help myself but stand and watch them die in front of my eyes...!

     Soru... He had a mysterious power that could save anyone. I am grateful that he saved me multiple times, but relying on him too much... 

     While Reika was hesitating, the mysterious light inside the dragon's chest was waiting for her answer.

     (She's taking too long to respond...)

     The mysterious light couldn't take it anymore and decided to take action.

     In a second, the mysterious light swiftly entered Reika's body. Reika noticed it, but it was too late to take action. Suddenly, Reika felt an immense pain coming from her chest. She fell to the ground and held her chest tightly.

     "W-What did you do to me!?" Reika uttered while suffering in pain.

     The mysterious voice spoke to her in an amused tone.

     Ha! Hesitating won't get you anywhere, mortal. Seizing your body by force is the best action!

     Reika couldn't believe she had been set up by an unknown entity. Being powerless to take action, Reika felt that she was being played from the other's palm.

     "Is this what y-you want...? In exchange for giving me p-power, y-you want to s-seize my body?" 

     The mysterious voice laughed at her.

     HAHAHAHAHAHA! Isn't that obvious? The exchange is inequitable to begin with!

     Reika groaned in pain. It kept getting stronger as the seconds went by. 

     Now... This might be a little bit painful, but this will be over soon once I wipe out your soul and take control over your body. Sleep well, mortal...

     Unable to withstand the pain she felt, Reika screamed at the top of her lungs.


     In the distance, Sylva heard Reika screaming in pain. She turned around and noticed that there was no light in Reika's direction. 

     Oh no... What happened to her..?

     Without hesitation, she immediately ran in the direction where she left Reika, but she was pulled by someone else. She turned around and saw one of the village men who came along with her and stopped her from going further.

     "It's too dangerous to go there. Better report it to the elder Silas first; we'll handle the situation here..."


     Sylva had no choice but to obey the man's advice. She immediately ran away towards the village as fast as she could.

     After a while, she reached the village. She looked around and saw the old man talking to the woman near the tree.

     "Mister Silas...!"

     The old man noticed that someone was calling his name and saw that his son's childhood friend, Sylva, came running towards him in a hurry.

     Sylva stopped in front of the old man while panting due to her running with haste back to the village.

     "What happened?" Silas asked her.

     "Reika... The guest from before... Seems to be in trouble!"