8 Getting to Know Each Other

I'm still in pain because no one took the bullet out and I tell Blade that he's forgotten that I got shot. He then comes to a realization and gently lays me down on the bed or bench or chair. His mom comes closer to me and rubs my hair back telling me to calm down and take deep breathes. Next thing I know is something cold went deep in my leg as a pain traveled through my whole body, and i'm eager to bite or squeeze anything. I grab Blade mother's shirt and start sqeezing and stretching. The bullet is out, Blade tells me that I did a wonderful job, but i'm in a little bit of tears. I didn't even know when he got the first aid kit or where for a matter of fact. After a few seconds of silence pass, I ask what's going on and Blade's Mother says," So we are from a planet called bleelovergamp 1086 in another solar system, but like your planet. We are heading there now in this here spaceship that you are in now. We came to save you because Blade have dreams where he can see things happening at the same time but different place and apperently he fell in love with you and been watching over you." Now I get why I love Blade so quickly, this is some kind of connection formed between us. Blade's Father tells me that he doesn't approve of our relationship, but since we love each other he will accept me. Blades Father is like a king on that planet, whatever the name is, and he can do whatever he wants. Well, Blade helps me up off the chair and in a room to get some rest. He lays me down on his bed and he gets under the covers while sliding them on me. I ask Blade what he's doing and he tells me that he's going to get some rest with his new lover. Honestly, sometimes I really think Blade is a monk. I slide and lay my head on blade's chest. And he wraps his hand around my waste while humming a song that makes me so calm. It's almost as if I already heard it. My eyes get heavier and heavier the longer I listen to the melody. And just like that i'm asleep.

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