9 Deep memory

The melody is still playing in my head, and soon images start popping up. They show a woman smiling so brightly playing the piano while singing to me. She's so beautiful with her different shades of red hair. I think she's my mom,... my biological mom. But I thought the mother I have now is my real mother. The woman and I do have a few similarities like the color of our eyes and the shade of my skin, but I wonder where I get my bergany looking hair from? So as shes playing the piano, I am coloring on some paper. But, what shocked me is that there is a man in the picture that kinda looks similar to me. Then, I here a knock and mom stops playing the piano, but the music's still playing. Mom picks me up and takes me to the wardrobe, then she whispers to me, "whatever you do, don't come out and don't make a single move or sound. I will always love you my little precious." She had this sad "goodbye look" on her face before closing the wardrobe tight, but not tight enough that I can see through a crack. Mother opens the knocking door and some men rushed in, but this one man stood out from the rest. He was wearing a grey suit and had a cane in his hand. He held the cane up to my moms head and the the cane broke apart to form a smaller version. then before I could distinguish what the figure was, "BANG", my moms on the ground and there's her blood on the floor. I start to cry and a little sniff came out of the wardrobe and no one heard it, or at least that's what I thought. A man looked my way and I moved back a little more, then he smiled at me as if he was going to get me. The man next to him asked whats wrong but I couldn't understand much. the man in the grey suit left and ask the man that saw me to clean up the mess, so he stayed behind while everyone else left. I closed my eyes thinking that this nightmare is over but as soon as the door closed, the man opened the wardrobe door and pulled me out. He has my arms tight and he looks like Father up close, which he was father. I started crying while his eyes were piercing through my soul, then he picked me up and hugged me to calm me. I pushed myself away from him and asked him if something was wrong with my mom and he says that she's sleeping for a long time. how in the world did Father come from this gentle and patient man to an abusive, demon-like stranger towards me. And I don't know whats going on with my eyes, but they start getting darker and next thing is that i'm awake and Blade is trying to calm me. He said that I had a nightmare and was hyperventilating. I was sweating and I began to cry so bad when I told Blade about my nightmare and how I think I saw my biological mom. He caresses my hair and continuously kisses me on the forehead while telling me that its okay. That was a bad memory, but something about it is weird. If my Mother and Father isn't my biological parents, then where in the hell did I come from with these weird powers i'm picking up along the way. That looked like it happened when I was five, but I remember being with Mother and father even before that, not with mom and not drawing. There is something weird going on and i'm going to try to uncover it with Blade's help, my lover's help.

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