
1. Nameless Boy

In the World of Arcabia, the kingdom of Glayden was ruled by the King goes by the name Charles Barton, he had a 4 wives and he has a 5 son and 3 daughter he had a 3 son from his first wife,2 son and 1 daughter from his Second wife and 1 daughter from his third wife but his 4th wife was about to gave birth.

Queen "Liza Morphin Barton" the 4th wife of King Charles gave birth to a Healthy baby boy but after she gave birth to the 6th prince she died.

The mid wife told what happened but King Charles wasn't even affected to his wife's death.

The great wizard told something to the King that made him Tremble in fear, the wizard said that the 6th prince has a cursed power and once he turned 16 he will be a treat to his throne and because of that the King didn't name the baby.

15 years later...

As the 6th prince grew older and without his mother's guidances and help, he was treated differently, they locked him up inside his room full of books, while his other siblings was living a beautiful,wonderful and a happy life.

He live a miserable life, his father doesn't even let him go to school,and his own siblings was even bullying him.

The king and the king's mistresses treated The 6th Prince as an outcast and the 5 prince especially The eldest Prince "Tristan" is the one who treated him the worst because he treats him as a Punching bag,His other siblings, Prince Warlo the 2nd "prince", Prince "Edward" the 3rd prince "Vince" Michael the 4th prince and Jonas the 5th prince, als treated him differently and they didn't considered him as a family and made him their own slave the 3 princesses wasn't around because they are studying in a different kingdom.

The only one who treated him like a normal person was "Angelica Gremory" Angelica is a 17 years old maid, she had to work at a young age because she wanted to support her 2 young Siblings and she was also separated from them and her siblings got adopted by their close relatives from another kingdom and she still wants to help them because she made a promise to her Deceased Parents that she will take of them, Angelica is also a living alone in a small house.

Angelica is also a beautiful Girl with a golden hair and a Blue eyes,She is the one who always brings food to the 6th prince. and she also plays with him and because of that they grow closer.

He told Angelica what his dream is and he said that he wanted to become a Great Hero just like the The Guild Masters.

The eldest brother, Tristan likes Angelica and when he saw Angelica and the boy laughing together he didn't hesitate to punch his younger brother in the face.

He tried to fight back but he wasn't strong enough, Tristan pulled Angelica's hand and slap her face and told her to "never talked to the 4th prince again" but Angelica refused, Tristan was so angry that he pulled Angelica's hair and Drag her outside.

The boy planned to escape from his room at night and to see Angelica if she's ok, He opened the window,created a Rope using his bed sheets and climbed down out of his room, as he was at the ground a guard saw him and captured him.

His parents was so angry at him and they put him in a cell and tortured him and beat him up until his half dead.

Angelica went at the 4th prince cell to save him, there were guards that are guarding the 4th Prince cell, Angelica put a drugs in a cup of coffee and gave it to the guards,when the guards already finished drinking their coffee they immediately fell asleep, she rushed at the 4th prince cell and help him escape, both of them sneak out of a secret door to get out of the palace and both of them manage to get out.

As they were walking at the street The 6th prince suddenly pass out because of the torture that they gave him, Angelica carried him and hide him at her house.

When the guards woke up they realized that the 6th prince is gone, they immediately reported it to the king, King Charles ordered the Guards and knight of the Kingdom to start a search operation and because Angelica help the 6th prince to escape, she and the 6th prince became wanted, dead or alive, the reason why the king wanted them to be dead or get captured was because the 6th prince would be a treat because he will turning 16 soon.

a few days later...

Angelica went to the Market to buy some foods but when she saw the prince and her poster on the wall she immediately went back to her house because she thinks that the guards might know her place.

When she arrive at her house, the 6th Prince was still unconscious but he was still fine then suddenly the 6th prince woke up and asked Angelica why she look so frightened.

Angelica told that the king was looking for them.

The 6th prince suggested that both he and her should leave the Kingdom and go to a safe place were noone can find them.

Angelica agreed to the prince plan, Angelica and the 6th prince disguised themselves wearing a mask so that they will be able to get out of the Kingdom and safely manage to pass the Kingdoms Knights and Guards.

When they are near at the Kingdoms gate, Owen one of the Kingdom's royal knight noticed them and ask where are they going, Angelica said that the both of them will going to a another kingdom, luckily Owen didn't get suspicious at them.

The 6th prince and Angelica manage to got out of the Kingdom, the two of them asked an old man in a carriage if he could give them a lift and luckily the old man happily agreed.