

The wall

After we had left the house on the ocean harry kept questioning the big man named Hagrid on our parents considering he said he knew them. "But Hagrid, why would uncle vernon and aunt petunia not tell us mom and dad were killed by a wizard?" Harry asked. Hagrid looked at him and back at the sky in front of us. "Well harry I think that's because your aunt was always jealous of your mother" I looked at Hagrid and smiled. "But...Hagrid you should know why Voldemort killed our parents? Don't you?" I asked. He looked at me like I had three heads and looked back at the sky completely ignoring me.

Who knew being practically forced out of a house by a giant and thrown into a flying motorcycle could have been this exhilarating!

    A couple minutes later we arrived at this place called "the leaky cauldron" we stepped inside and everyone stopped talking as soon as they looked at me and Harry. "Why are they all staring at us?" I asked Hagrid. "Well because you two are famous in the wizarding world" me and Harry looked at each other with wide eyes. Hagrid brought us over to this strange man with this purple hat thing around his head. "Professor quirell this is Ophelia and Harry Potter." Professor quirrel? Hm weird name. "Sweet Merlin your the potter siblings!" He yelled in response. I looked at Harry and he was looking at the professor very weirdly.

We were talking for awhile and the strange professor seemed very nervous. I wonder why. We went and sat down after awhile and talked with Hagrid.

"Who was that and why did he seem so nervous?" I asked Hagrid "That's professor quirrel he's going to be one of your teachers when you go to Hogwarts, and he's always nervous nothing new with him" he responded. Nobody said anything for a few moments until Harry broke the silence "Did he know our parents?" He asked. "Of course he did he went to school with them for Merlin sakes!" Hagrid groaned. "C-could he maybe tell us about them?" Harry continued to ask. "Why don't you wait and ask him when he's your teacher" Hagrid snapped. We talked a bit more and we asked Hagrid if he knew anything else on why Voldemort would kill our parents but he said he didn't know or couldn't tell us.

We got up and left and went to this place called "Diagon Alley''? And Hagrid sent me and Harry into this shop called Ollivanders to get our wands while he went to get... I don't remember what he said he was going to get.

Harry and I walked into the strange looking store, we walked over to the desk looking for someone but there didn't seem to be anyone there. "I dont think anyones here harry." I whispered. Harry looked at me then at a bell on the desk in front of us and rang it. Suddenly a strange old man appeared from behind a shelf with a handful of boxes. Once he noticed me and Harry, the strange man gasped and dropped the boxes from his hands. "Oh my merlin Harry, Ophelia, look how much you two have grown." me and harry looked at each other confused, he looked at the old man. "You know who we are?" he asked him. "Of course I know who you are, I remember your parents first time stepping into this shop to get there wands. Amazing people they were. It's a shame there gone now" the man said while turning to face the wall behind him. "Let's get you two a wand." He pulled out two boxes and handed one to me and one to Harry. We opened them and the strange man said "go on give it a whirl" so that's what we did. I smashed a vase by accident and Harry made paper fly all over the place. "No no definitely not" the strange man said while taking the wands out of our hands. He went to the back and grabbed two more box's "try these ones" he handed me and Harry the boxes. We opened them. We whirled them. We made a mess. The man took them back.

   A couple minutes later we both had a wand. A golden light surrounded around me and Harry as the old man gasped. "I think we found you two a wand" he said while smiling.

Me and Harry paid for our wands then left the shop. Hagrid was standing outside it holding two cages with owls in it! "Here you are, happy birthday Harry. Happy late birthday Ophelia" he said while handing us the birds. I got a dark brown owl but white stripes on its head and Harry got an all white one with a few spots of brown. "His name is hedwig and her name is ruby." He said pointing to the birds. Me and Harry looked at them in amazement. I've never seen an owl this close before. It was weird.

After awhile of being in diagon alley me and Harry bough a bunch of things we needed for school like robes,potion vale's and books. Hagrid gave us a trolley with all of our stuff in it and a train ticket while dropping us off at the train station on kings cross. Hagrid started to say something but I was too focused on my ticket to understand what he was saying. Harry read what the ticket said "platform 9 3/4. But there is no 9 3/4...is there?" He ask me. "I don't think so... Hagrid is there-" I started to ask but I noticed he wasn't there anymore. Where did he go? Me and Harry started walking and seen a platform "9-10" but no 9 3/4. We asked some people how to get to the platform and they just thought we were crazy.

I know about Hogwarts but not how to get there.

"Come on dear your going to be late and miss the train!" I heard a voice call. "Come on" they said again. I grabbed Harry's arm dragging him over to the voice. There was a red headed woman with...four other boys and another girl that looked younger then all the boys behind her. "Come on Fred through the wall" the woman said pointing at a brick wall. I looked at Harry with my eye brows raised and my jaw dropped. I looked back at the group of people when we heard a young boy say "he's not Fred I am!" Then...woah there twins...the other twin said "honestly woman you call yourself our mother" "oh sorry George" "I'm only joking I am Fred!" He yelled before disappearing into a wall.

Me and Harry started sneaking toward them when the lady caught us and said hello. She told us her name was molly and she was with her sons Fred,George,Ron, and Percy. She also has her daughter with her named Ginny . Molly looked at me and Harry and started speaking "This is Ron its his first time in the platform to" the boy from beside her came up smiled, "hi I'm Ron!" He said. I waved back at him and said "Hi Ron I'm Ophelia, you can call me lia for short oh and this is Harry." I said pointing at Harry. "Hi" he said looking at Ron. Molly told me and Harry to "run straight through that brick wall" is she insane? Run through a bloody wall? I'm not doing that. Of course Harry hesitated and grabbed my arm and his trolley. I grabbed mine and we started running. Followed by Ron.

We were through the wall

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