
The Quiz Bee

Ten seconds remained, and I was panicking profusely. I'm at a loss for an answer. His buzzer goes off. I stared up at him in panic. He looked directly at me and grinned. I rolled my eyes and hoped he would provide the incorrect response.

"The three types of rocks are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic," he stated.

The host responded, "That's correct, Mr. Tanaka." I was too shocked.

Suddenly, an athletic boy with no interest in learning won a science quiz bee. Who would not be taken back? I didn't even bother to acquire my certificate before leaving right away.

I studied for hours, committed numbers and facts to memory, and worked on my speed reading abilities. Although I was sure I could win the tournament, I was in for a surprise.

I was excited and nervous at the same time when I walked in. My heart was racing when I sat down at the podium. I was too excited to see who my opponent was until I saw it was the athletic boy.

"Tanaka, right? Good luck," I remarked.

"You too, Ms. Reed," the boy replied.

Thinking it was a joke, I laughed it off. It should be simple to win this, right? Following a successful first round, Louise had a boost in confidence. However, catastrophe struck during the second round. Her thoughts vanished.

I noticed the audience quieten as she stammered over the second question since she couldn't recall the first. It's unbelievable that I'm losing to some strange stranger who has no passion for studying.

Louise came to the realization as she was walking home that she had been so preoccupied with winning that she had overlooked the true reason she enjoyed quiz bees: the excitement of learning.

The following day, I went to see my friends Finn and Monica. Sitting next to those two in class, I adored them, even if they were annoying.

"How did that science quiz bee go?" asked Finn.

I exhale. "I lost to Sho Tanaka."

Their eyes enlarge. "Sho Tanaka, the dumb athlete?"

I nodded. "Yeah, yeah, that dude."

The English instructor called my name as soon as she entered. I furrowed my brow and walked in her direction.

"Ms. Reed, could you please do me a favor?" she said.

"What favor?" I asked.

"Please help me with Mr. Tanaka from the athlete section; his grades are falling, and I dont want him to repeat. Ill give you extra grades for this, I promise you."

intrigued by grades, I agreed.

What could go wrong? Am I right? After class, I asked my friend to go with me to the athlete section. As I was passing by, I noticed the tall, black-haired man chatting with his pals. I approached him.

"Mr. Tanaka." He scowled and gave me a derogatory glance.

He asked, "What's wrong, Ms. Nerd?"

Offended, I rolled my eyes. "Can I talk to you?" with a sly smile.

"Sure thing."

My friends should wait while I talk to him, please.

"Ms. Jane told me to tutor you."

With an arched eyebrow, he asked, "Tutor me?"


It was he who said, "I don't need your help."

"You got no choice if you fail. Youll repeat, repeat, repeat. No more basketball, got it?" I responded.

This is my first time writing T^T.

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