
Chapter 1 I New School


It's the first day of school.

I pulled up to the parking lot, in my black Jeep, and hopped out of my car. I started to walk into the school when I saw a beautiful girl.

She had long, brown, wavy hair, she had piercing blue eyes, make-up on, a long white-sleeved shirt, and a purple mini skirt.

She looked at me at I quickly looked away.

I started to feel butterflies in my stomach, and I realized I had a crush on her.

I can't stop staring at how beautiful she is.

The bell went and everyone including her started to walk to their classes and I forgot that I had to go to the office and get my timetable. I started to walk to the office.

I walked in and asked the girl who was at the front desk

"Excuse me can I have a timetable please?"

"Yeah sure. What's your name ?" She asked.

"Jay Matthews."

"OK." She started typing on her computer and a few seconds later a piece of paper came out of the printer. She grabbed it and handed it over to me.

"Thank you," I said

"You're welcome." I left the office and looked at my timetable.

"AH MATH I HATE IT!" I yelled to myself.

I went up to a small group of girls who were walking to what I'm assuming were their classes and I asked,

"Do you know where math is?" A girl turned around and noticed it was the girl I was staring at earlier.

"Uh yeah I'll show you," she replied.

"Uh, Jasmine do you seriously wanna show this skank where math is, let him figure it out on his own." Said the bitch girl in a bitchy voice.

"Well, how about you stop being a bitch and let her help me. And besides, I'm a girl!" I said angrily,

"NO!" She stormed off with the girls following her.

Jasmine looked at me with sadness in her eyes, and started walking away, I started walking miserably down the hallway, thinking about my past.

I get bullied my entire school life, and I kept going to school, hoping that one day the bullying will stop, but it probably never will. And when I got my hair cut, they all called me a weird trans bitch, and they would beat me up, even though I'm not transgender. And at one point I even started punching back, hoping that that would stop. But nope. They kept hitting back and we would get into fights, They would even do me in and I would get suspended. And some of it was self-defence. And I cry myself to sleep every night wishing that it would stop, but it hasn't. I have tried to kill myself a few times but failed, usually ending up in a hospital. And I never had any friends either, or a girlfriend. As you can tell I'm a lesbian. The only friends I have are my Xbox live friends and that's it.

I saw my math class. I opened the door and it creaked. I opened the door more slowly so the door wouldn't creak, but nope it still did. I walked in slowly and noticed everyone was staring at me.

I started to feel nervous. The sweat started dripping down my forehead.

The teacher stopped writing, looked at me once the door was fully open and I stepped in and asked,

"You must be the new student?"

"Yes," I replied nervously.

"I'm Mr Watson" he introduced himself. "And you are?"

"Jay Mathews," I replied nervously.

"Take a seat." Mr Watson said while pointing to a seat in the front row.

I took a seat. Mr Watson started talking about math things.

I got bored so I put my head on my desk and started to doze off.

The teacher said my name and I woke up

"Yes," I said sleepily.

"Are you paying attention?" He questioned.

"No," I replied sleepily.

"Then pay attention next time, or you'll get detention." The teacher said angrily.


I hate math. Sports and math are my least favourite subjects.

The bell rang and I looked at my timetable.

Ugh, English next.

I asked a guy if he knew where it was and he said yes. He started showing me where English is.

He stopped and pointed at a door

"It's right there." The man said

I thanked him. The man started walking away.

He's probably going to his next class.

I walked in, I looked at all the kids in the class and notice Jasmine all alone. I went and sat next to her at the back of the class.

"Hey," I said to her.

She said nothing back. I felt disappointed.

Eventually, the bell rang.

History and Physics went by and eventually it was lunch.

I went to the cafeteria and saw hundreds of kids in there all chatting away. I went up to the line and waited, I scanned the room for Jasmine.

I eventually found her sitting with that bitch and the girls I saw earlier. They were talking, but I couldn't make out what they were saying because I was too far away.

Soon, it was my turn to buy food. I picked out nuggets and chips. I looked around to see if there were any free seats but there were none. I decided to sit by the wall. I sat by the wall and started eating.

I finished my lunch and the bell rang, I stood up and headed for sport.

Ugh, sport I hate it.

I started walking to the gym.

I'm starting to know the school a little.

Eventually, I was at the gym and headed inside the girl's locker room and saw girls getting changed. I stood there my mouth gaping.

I love the girl's locker room. Seeing all those naked ladies is my favourite part of the day.

I noticed Jasmine in the corner of my eye so I looked at her.

Damn, she's got a nice body.

She's got big tits, she's skinny and she's thicc.

I stopped staring at her cause I didn't want to look like a massive creep.

I got changed into my gym clothes. and went into the gym.

Soon gym was over we were playing football and all I did was stand in the corner the whole time. I had health next.

I started to walk to health and walked in. The teacher came in and said,

"OK students, we are learning sex ed."

I groaned and so did some people.

I hate sex ed cause they only teach you about the straight stuff and I'm a lesbian. Like why can't they teach you about the gay shit too?

It was the end of class.

We just learned what we're gonna be doing, and it's the end of school YAY!

I walked out of the school building and walked to my car, jumped in, grabbed my keys from my pocket and started the car, and drove off.

I came home and went inside.

"How was your first day of school?" I heard my mum from the kitchen.

"It was alright, I'll be in my room," I said.

I went into my room and went to my bed. I thinking about Jasmine.

My room was kind of small but it still fit in all of my stuff. I have a dark grey bed against a wall. I had a light grey blanket and several dark grey pillows on my bed. I had a light grey nightstand next to my bed. The nightstand is covered with junk. I have a maroon closet that's along the wall. I have a light brown guitar in another corner. I have a black TV stand in front of my bed. On the TV stand, I have a small TV and an Xbox One next to my TV. I have some Xbox One games on the other side of my TV. My walls were white, and my floor was white carpet.

She would never date me she's too popular.


So that's the end of the first chapter of my first book. Woopy 🙌.

For any of my fellow writers out there, what do you do when you're writing stories? I either watch TV or listen to music.

Next chapter