
Train Ride

Harry sat down in the train station waiting for the train to arrive. Not many people left Burfront this time of year, especially in the the direction Harry was going. South, the direction which the beasts lied, it was about the time they became active. The weather started to warm up, and many beasts started to come out of hibernation. With these beast active again, companies started to hire hunters.

Harry was going very far South, it was quite unsafe, and most people would call him a dumbass if they found out he was going there, but he really was very determined in becoming a hunter, and he would take any opportunity. Much like a broke prostitute, Harry was willing to take any job available, even if it was a shitty, small company like Fargo.

Harry got on the train and found a place to sit. People made gestures, and moved to the edge of their seats, trying to make it clear that they did not want to sit next to them. He was a large, hairy "gentleman" after all. Just one look at his fedora would cause people to want to throw up.

Eventually Harry felt a little helpless and sat with a rough looking man. He looked like he had killed at least 2 people. The man took a glance at Harry, and went back to looking out the window.

Harry was a little frightened at first, but he slowly grew numb to the feeling and fell asleep. He snored deeply, and loudly, which greatly annoyed everyone on the train.


After a few hours, Harry was violently awoken by the rough pushing of a large hand. Frightened, he looked up and saw the rough man who he sat next to.

"I'm getting off. Move." The man said with a deep voice. Harry hurriedly apologised and stood up, making way. He saw the name of the city they stopped at, St. Alexsberg, the Johnson Company's home base. 'Only a badass like that could join the Johnson Company'. Harry thought with great regret. However he simply assumed based on how the man looked, and acted. The man actually owned a small bakery, and he was on his way home from seeing his sick mother.

Harry went back to sleep.

By the time he woke up, it was already morning. Harry looked around, there were only a few people around. Most of which were strong men. They were most likely also hunters, recruits that recently joined companies. They didn't seem very friendly.

Harry's stop was the two stops before the last. New Sanders, that's where the Fargo Company was located. The population in the train became scarcer and scarcer. Eventually Harry was alone with two other people, a short man with a buzz cut, and a lanky, flat nosed black fellow. The cart was dead silent.

"Arriving at New Sanders, please prepare to get off." A robotic female voice announced. The three men gathered their things and waited for the train to stop. "We have arrived at New Sanders, please get off." The female voice sounded once more. The three men got up and stepped off the train.

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