

As a few days pass by, Thomas trained and trained very hard. With Shu around, he did all sorts of training, and barely need any break. When Thomas came back to the training room, Shu did not ask him to train, but wanted to talk about something.

"Thomas, so far, you have trained very well, there is a national tournament coming up soon," Shu said. "Wow! A tournament?!!" Thomas exclaimed. "Yes, in school, we will pick three bladers to participate. All the bladers have to fight with each other, the top three best performance will be selected. Shu ended. "But when is the selection?" Thomas asked. "Three days from now," Shu replied.

When Thomas heard the dateline, he rushed to practice, for three days straight, he kept and training his arms, shooting style and having battles. He could not afford to rest, but there was one battle with Shu that he really liked, "3,2,2! Let it rip!!" Both bladers launched their beys, Typhon landed on the center and stayed there like a stamina type while Spryzen went for the attack, when Spryzen attacked Typhon with a huge blow, Thomas thought the game was over. But instead of flying out of the stadium, it hit the wall and changed to an attack type. It went very smoothly and attacked with Spryzen with the same speed, at the end of the game, Spryzen lost. "Yes!!!" Thomas exclaimed.

"Good, you have to keep to this blading style," Shu said. Thomas failed to keep the style a lot of times but managed to pull it off a few times.

During the last day, when Thomas was about to train, Shu stopped him and said,"Last day is very important for you to rest," So for the rest of the day, Shu brought Thomas to different places to eat.

During dinner, Shu and Thomas had a scrumptious meal at a steamboat restaurant. There were different types of food, chicken, beef, pork and seafood. They drank soft drinks and ate the delicious food. "Cheers to the best student I have taught!!" Shu toast. "Cheers!!" Thomas said as he drink. This day was full with excitement.

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