
The Poison God

Young Tang Wei returns from training to find his clan annihilated and their secrets stolen. Fueled by vengeance and armed with the mysterious Poison God System, Tang Wei sets out on a dangerous journey. Dark forces and powerful enemies await. Will Tang Wei rise to become the ultimate Poison God, or will he be consumed by the very poison he wields?

NewbieNovel · Action
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22 Chs

Tang Wei's Plan

As Tang Wei returned to the hidden dwelling, the moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the forest. The scent of smoke lingered on his clothes, a reminder of the fiery chaos he had left behind. He approached the secluded meeting place, his mind focused and ready for the next phase of their plan.

Inside the hidden chamber, the elder waited with four others, their faces shadowed but their presence commanding. The elder rose to greet Tang Wei. "Welcome back, young master. Allow me to introduce the hidden elders: Elder Xu, Elder Qian, Elder Lei, and Elder Ning."

Each elder nodded in turn, their eyes filled with curiosity and respect. The elder continued, "These are our most trusted and skilled allies. They have been gathering intelligence and preparing for this day. Tonight, we begin our strategic planning."

Tang Wei bowed slightly in respect. "Elders, I bring crucial information. The Iron Fist Clan's goal is to expand their power, and they are using various merchant companies to generate the necessary funds. We must start by dismantling their financial support."

The elders exchanged glances, impressed by Tang Wei's knowledge. Elder Xu spoke first. "We've gathered intelligence over the past three years. The Iron Fist Clan has been aggressively expanding their influence, using money to bribe officials and buy loyalty."

Elder Qian added, "They've been targeting smaller clans and businesses, using intimidation and force to assimilate them. Many have suffered or disappeared under mysterious circumstances."

Elder Lei nodded. "Their reach is vast, and their methods are ruthless. We need a precise and effective strategy to weaken them."

Tang Wei's eyes narrowed, a cold fire burning within them. "We will begin by dismantling their financial lifelines," he declared, his voice as sharp as a blade. "By targeting the companies that fuel their wealth, we will strike at their very foundation. However, we must move with cunning. Our attacks will be masked as the work of the Demon Cult, sparking conflict between the Murim Alliance and our enemies."

The elders listened intently as Tang Wei outlined his plan with meticulous detail. "I will infiltrate the Blood Shadow Demon Cult. By joining them, I can orchestrate attacks on the Iron Fist Clan from within, making it appear as though the Demon Cult is retaliating against our enemies. This deception will provoke the Iron Fist Clan to strike back, escalating tensions further."

He continued, his voice steady and devoid of emotion, "During the chaos, I will gather intelligence on the mastermind behind the attack on the Tang Clan. When we destroy the Iron Fist Clan, I will then join the Murim Alliance. The Murim Alliance will have the perfect opportunity to eliminate the weakened Demon Cult. In the end, I will ensure the Blood Shadow Demon Cult is completely destroyed."

Elder Ning, who had remained silent until now, spoke with a hint of awe. "Your plan is bold and intricate, young master. You aim to manipulate two powerful factions into destroying each other, all while uncovering the truth behind the attack on our clan."

Tang Wei nodded resolutely. "Precisely. By weakening both the Iron Fist Clan and the Blood Shadow Demon Cult, we not only avenge our clan but also restore balance and justice. The Murim Alliance will be more than willing to support our cause once they see the Demon Cult as the aggressor."

Elder Lei expressed concern. "Such a plan requires resources. We don't have the necessary funds to execute it effectively."

Tang Wei reached into his robes and placed a heavy bag of gold on the table. "And now, will this suffice?"

The elders stared at the bag, its contents gleaming under the dim light. Elder Xu spoke with newfound determination. "This will suffice. With this gold, we can fund our operations and ensure the success of our plan."

Tang Wei's gaze hardened. "Prepare yourselves, elders. We are about to embark on a path of deception and destruction. Our enemies will fall, and justice will be served for our clan members. We move with precision, striking from the shadows. This is our retribution."

The room fell silent, the weight of Tang Wei's words settling over the gathered elders. They understood the gravity of their mission and the cold, calculated nature of the young master's strategy. With unwavering resolve, they nodded in agreement, ready to follow Tang Wei into the darkness.