
Music Is The Reason For My Existence

Music is the reason for my existence.

I love the way music is always there for you

And it never leaves

Even when everyone else does…

Music is the reason for my existence

I am meant to sing louder than

the voices of everyone on this earth.

I am meant to send messages through my songs

Like Michael Jackson's song "Change the World"

Music is the reason for my existence

After all it's inside all of us

Our heart beat

Is always on the beat

Our steps have rhythm

Like a single guitar strum

Music is the reason for my existence

But not many people can be a singer they say

It's alright I will keep trying

Your gonna get knocked down they say

Then I'm gonna get up

I will never give up my dream of singing.

Music is the reason for my existence

I will become a singer

I will inspire people

And live in the hearts of the people who hear me


My music

My voice

Will out live me

And when someone tells me

Stop singing you don't sound good

Stop dreaming about music

it's a stupid dream

Stop doing what makes you happy

And be more realistic

I will tell them no

I refuse


Music is my reason

For existing.

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