
The Poet’s Tricks

Soron Fletcher (sore-on) was a young man going to University. He was a bright man with a brighter future. He planned on becoming a skilled engineer and working for big companies. But, it all changed the day he met Kye. Kye was mysterious and cunning. He had a way of twisting his words and getting what he wanted. Soron made a deal with Kyler Joseph, but it wasn’t what he thought.

Ave_The_GOAT · Fantasy
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'Dammit, where's that book' Soron thought to himself. It was the first day of University and he wanted to make a good first impression, but that wasn't going so well for him. He could've sworn he organized everything to where he could easily find it.

"Soron, you've got 10 minutes to be out that door!"

His mother yelled to him. His mother was 5'6 and had beautiful sandy blond hair. She had raised Soron by herself after her husband died in a house fire. She was cooking eggs in the morning on Fathers Day. She didn't turn the stove nob far enough and the gas ended up igniting. Soron's dad couldn't breath with the combination of gas and smoke, and ended dying in the bedroom.

"I know! Give me a few more minutes!" He called down. "Where is that God damm book??"

He searched under his bed, the closet, his dresser, everywhere! In defeat he lazily grabbed his bag and headed downstairs. He waved his mom goodbye and headed out to his car. It was a 2003 slim, grey, rusty Chevy. It wasn't anything special, but it got him from point A to point B. He got in and headed on his was to school, the entire time still thinking about where his physics book could be. By the time he reached the school, he had 10 minutes to make it to his first class. He hastily parked his car and made his way inside. He found his locker and put everything extra inside of it. Three minutes left. He grabbed his needed materials and his class map and headed down the hallways. He looked at a clock perched on the hallway wall. One minute thirty seconds left. He stared running whilst still looking at his map, desperately looking for his class. He looked down at his watch. Thirty seconds left. He read the classroom number, 208. He looked to his right to see a classroom titled 202. Perfect. He jogged down the hallway, fifteen seconds left. 204, 205, 206, 207... There! He ran into the classroom and slipped into a seat, three seconds to spare. As the professor did role call, he examined the classroom and the kids he'd share it with.

As he looked around to see average kids, most of them to be about 5'5-5'7, darker hair, all of them observing the classroom just as he was. But there was one kid who had caught his eye. He wore all black. A black tee-shirt, black ripped jeans. Black socks and black shoes. He stared out the second story window, seeming to be talking to himself. Other than that, he seemed just as average as the others. Soron continued to look around the room until the lesson started.