
Dragon x Bat

<Okay, let me get this straight. You are not really Issei Hyoudou but a consciousness from another dimension entirely inhabiting his body with reality modifying powers that let you interact with it as if it was a game basically giving you literally unlimited potential and a ridiculous growth rate even by normal standards. Also you have a custom made sacred gear thats stronger than the longinus class dimension lost. And if that isn't enough you have seen future events of this dimension and you are planning to get powerful enough to deal with all of them. Did I get all that right?>

<Kekeke you forgot about the being a harem king part, red>

<Ooo yeah that too, haaah why do I always end up with the weird ones?>

I nodded my head with a smirk. "Im not weird! call me unique instead. Anyways that's basically the gist of it. Normally I wouldn't have revealed that much but you are inside my head technically speaking so you'd only need a glance to my memories and you'd find out so I want to nip that problem in the bud right now before it becomes an issue that would undoubtedly get me killed."

<I see. And I you sure that Issei Hyoudou would've been a, and I quote, 'Admittedly very strong guy eventually but mentally a wimp that would freeze up at everything and would let everyone walk over him before he did something about it even if he hear was always in the right place'. He doesn't sound like a bad guy but if what you is true, and given the proof you've shown me I am very inclined to believe you, then I would've probably gone insane while dealing with him as my wielder and partner.>

I nodded again. "That is right. While Issei became incredibly strong in the future a lot of things happened that could've been avoided if he had been more proactive and trained more. I admit that my ability is utterly broken and that even if I only am strong enough to fight one winged fallen angels and low-class reincarnated devils, you have to take into consideration that I am just a human and I have been in this world for less than a week. Imagine were I am going to be a year from now. Exciting, right?"

There was a significant pause before Ddraig responded.

<I would go with terrifying, really. But I have to admit that your potential has its appeal seeing that you can become stronger than the current host of that prick Albion. This is an opportunity I cannot let go to waste and you are already strong so my pride will not be wounded by supporting you and besides it haven't been ten minutes and I am already involved in plots that could mean the end of existence. Might as well go with the flow and get used to all the insanity I feel coming before I end up depressed or something like that.>

<Don't even speak about that lowly heavenly dragon as if it's even a threat, kekeke with me around, we may even put up a fight against dream and infinity>

My smirk turned into a grin at that. "I'm glad you guys understand, Let's begin right now with what you guys can do to help me. In my world, I saw that Ddraig could partially modify the users body so specific parts resemble that of a dragon's? I know that dragons are resistant to magic while at the same time having a high affinity for it, especial raw magical energy and elemental magic, while bats have the ability of echo location right? so I was thinking if it was possible to change some parts of my body to improve my overall level."

<Oh great. I have a smart nut job as a host. The joy. I ignored the jab even if I felt amused at the groan in Ddraig's gravelly voice. And yes. I can do that. I was even willing to offer you that option since you'll be needing a lot of power to comfortably deal with what is going to happen if who you tell me is going to be involved is actually going to be involved. Ugh. This is giving me a headache and I don't even have a body.>

<Not only can I grant you echo location but also hypnosis and aura vision if you trade in your eyes or being able to use high level blood magic if you trade in your marrow, heart and arteries. But it will definately hurt like hell kikiki>

"According to my memory, Draig is better a channeling raw magical energy and fire magic so I was thinking about changing my skin for dragon scales to better use that, both to enhance physical combat and my own natural affinity to that element. It will also make me more durable. I would also like the lungs of a dragon because breathing fire and shooting energy blasts from my mouth is just cool. As for you Vern, id take you up on your offer and take a bats's sense of sight, smell and hearing because there is no such thing as over awareness and the requirements for blood magic."

<Understood, my master. Whenever you're ready>

<That's surprisingly sensible and well thought out. I have to tell you that I also dabbled in Lightning Magic to diversify my arsenal and Wind magic to enhance my natural elemental magic so if we go with what you requested then you will also be able to use those elements easier. Again, I am surprised. I would've figured that you'd ask for the dick of a dragon seeing that you are planning on gathering a harem.>

"In the process of gathering my harem since I just got my first girl today." I corrected him. "And can you really give me the dick of a dragon?" I wasn't excited at the premise but I was definitely intrigued.

<Yeah. We dragons have a mix between a turtle's dick and a kangaroo's dick. I never got complains from any of my mates so it could work for you.>

"I'll pass."

Oh, well. I literally felt him shrugging ethereal shoulders at that and I almost sweat dropped. Back to the important topic: I have to tell you that the process is going to hurt like a bitch and then some. The benefits, however, are going to be very worthy. I did this with me previous wielders and the only exchanged their arms and sometimes and eye or two and they always got incredible boosts physical and magical wise. And you want to exchange your skin, three of your senses and your lungs… I don't even know how strong you'll get when that happens.

A nod was his answer. "I figured that and it is precisely the reason while I am willing to go with this. If some pain in a controlled environment now is going to save from getting killed in the future then I can go with it even if I am not very fond of pain." I never thanked Gamer's Body enough for making any pain I felt non-permanent.

<That's a good reasoning that I can agree with. So… are you ready?>

I nodded my head. "Yeah. But there some other stuff we need to talk about first. For some reason I know I'm going to pass out and I don't want to waste any more time that I have to. I want to spend every waking time getting stronger somehow and seeing that I don't have to sleep because of how my mind and body works then that means I will always be improving. And that's a habit I don't want to even risk losing."

<Very well. What is that other thing you want to talk about?>

"Your manifestation of the Sacred Gear."

<What it's wrong with it?>

I heard the indignation a defensiveness in his voice and it only served to amuse me a lot but I just shrugged my shoulders. "To tell you the truth: Nothing. It's just a matter of personal preference and convenience. While the gauntlet is very awesome is also very bulky and will mess up my speed based fighting style. I was hoping that the appearance could be change to suit my needs."

<Oh. I see. What did you have in mind?>

"I know that you are a fan of cool looking this as much as the next guy so I was thinking about a pair of light armored boots, gloves and vest. The jewel can go in the center of the vest but I want to keep as much as an aerodynamic design as I can. You think that can be done?"

<Hmmm… Can I put claws and talons?>

"Of course."

I could feel the draconian grin on Ddraig's face and it also made me grin savagely. As cliché as this sounds I believe this is the start of a very beautiful friendship, partner.

"Likewise, Ddraig, likewise. Now. Begin the changing process. I am as ready as I ever will be. And don't hold back on the pain either. I have a skill that reduces the damage I get and it grows as I feel pain. This will most likely drain my DP and HP but as long as it doesn't kill me then I can deal with it. So whenever you are go ahead and make me half dragon."

<Alright then. Don't hate me when you wake up of you pass out.>

I shook my head. "Don't worry. I won't."

How bad it could be anyways? I doubted that it'll be worse than what happened to my original body when I got killed and…

I just jinxed it, didn't I?

Here I go.

I felt my skin melting as if I was inside a boiling pot, my eyes exploding while inside their sockets because someone shoved something into them from all directions, my lungs burning as if they were lacking air and were being filled with water instead, my ear drums rupturing as if there was a sudden and extreme change in atmospheric pressure and finally my nose burned with the worst scents known and not known to mankind before it was ripped off.

Before I passed out I saw a notification appearing.

[Physical Endurance has reached Lvl Max! Congratulations!]

Sorry guys, you'll just have to make do with this, because editing at inkstone on mobile is just pure cancer.

Also, Just letting yoi guys know that ill be away for 2 days. So if you cant wait anymore then I highly reccomend readinv the original book : DxD gamer. We are up to chapter 4.

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