
Chapter 1 – Twin Stars

That night in the Land of the Nine Gods, two twin stars shone brightly above the Soul Kingdom and the Spirit Kingdom. A pink four-pointed star shone in the south while a seven-pointed star shone in the north but from the ground no one knew how many points the stars had. The whole land was staring up in wonder at the sky. Everyone knew what was happening, two Scions have been born. Eleven months ago, the first Scion was born to the Star Kingdom until finally the last two Scions were born on the same day.

<The Second Wife's Palace in the Capital of the Soul Kingdom>

"The Fourth Princess and Third Prince is born," a palace maid exclaims

"Oh no! The Scion has been born but they are twins!" A second palace maid exclaims, "which one is the Scion!"

"Quick! Take the boy to the King and send someone to leave the girl in the Southern forests," The doctor says to the maid, "it must be the boy."

The doctor passes the newly born baby girl to an old maid of the Second Wife's Palace named Lilian. As Lilian quickly escapes the Second Wife weakly says to her, "don't abandon the baby… please… leave her somewhere safe…"

<The Third Wife's Palace in the Capital of the Spirit Kingdom>

"It's the Sixth Prince and Seventh Princess!" A palace maid excitedly says.

The doctor says to the maid shush then hands her the baby boy, "take him to the Main Palace for the King to see."

"What about the girl?" Askes the maid, "which one is the Scion?"

"The Scion must be the boy, take him and go!"

The doctor passes the girl to a second maid who was a young girl named, Stella, who took pity on the baby girl and he said, "leave her in in the Northern forests."


That night under the cover of darkness two palace maids from south and north slowly made their way to the centre of the Land of the Nine Gods to their hometowns in the Star Kingdom. After a month of travelling the land too busy celebrating the birth of two new Scions that no one noticed the two haggard and exhausted maids trudging through the snow. Barely reaching the Star Kingdom through giving all their food to the babies the two maids collapsed on the doorsteps to two strangers.

By morning the two families woke up to find a sleeping baby and a collapsed maid on their doorstep. The two maids could not be salvaged anymore so they were buried and the two families decided to take the two babies.

The family living in the south who received the Fourth Princess of the Soul Kingdom were overjoyed as they were a couple whose children had all died and had no grandchildren and happily took in the princess and named her Yue. The family living in the north who received the Seventh Princess of the Spirit Kingdom were also overjoyed as they were a couple whose children had all died and had no grandchildren and happily took in the princess and named her Dal.

Here's the first chapter!

Thank you!

MinMin_MeiYueLiancreators' thoughts
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