
chapter 2

Richard entered his room in the dormitory. He met 3 other students which he was supposed to occupy the room with. The room was of medium size with a wardrobe located opposite to the entrance.

There was a ceiling fan moving at a very fast speed. Two of his roommates seemed to have just arrived from their home with their luggage.

"You are all welcome," Richard said to them and proceeded to shake each and every one of them.

"Are you also in this room?" one of the boys asked.

"Yes I am, there is my stuff," Richard pointed a table with some items on it.

"You must be rich, how can you leave the door opened with your stuff left unprotected?" one of the boys asked surprisingly.

"I don't think I own anything that worth stealing in my bag," Richard said grinning. "You never know the importance of what you have, until you lose it," one of his roommates replied.

He was very tall and dark in complexion.

"I can say you are right about that," Richard smiled.

"So, what level are you?" the tall man asked. "I am in 100 level," Richard replied. "No wonder you look very young, how old you are?" the man asked.

"I am 18 years old," Richard responded.

"I thought you will be the youngest in this room, but it seems not," the man revealed.

"Of course I am the youngest," Richard said considering the fact that he looked to be the smallest of them all in the room.

"You older than Gabriel, the boy behind you," the man said pointed at the boy behind Richard.

Richard was totally amazed when he noticed the height of the boy. He was the tallest in the room and fair in complexion.

"You must be kidding, right?" Richard asked unbelievably. "Do I look like someone who will Kid around with you?" the man asked with a serious face. "How old are you Gabriel?" Richard asked.

"I am 17," Gabriel responded.

"Wow!" Richard exclaimed speechlessly.

"I don't know what your name is," the man said.

"Oh, I am Richard," he answered.

"Alright Richard, you can call me RG," the man said.

"What does RG means," Richard asked curiously.

"I am sorry that's classified," the man laughed.

Richard proceeded to his luggage and unloaded everything into his locker in the room. After he was done, he took a bag containing his laptop and went out of the room.

He walked to a garden at the extreme of his dormitory. It was at a border between the student campus and the staff quarters.

The garden was the quietest place in the whole campus, and Richard thought he had found the perfect place for his studies. He sat on a bench in the garden and brought down his bag.

He took out his laptop and some A4 papers out of his bag. He turned on his computer and went through all the courses he will having for that semester.

As he took his pen trying to schedule how he is going to study for the semester, he saw a girl dressed in white approaching. She was holding the hand of a little boy as she walked majestically on high heels.

For a moment, Richard halted trying to see who the girl was. But as the girl got closer, he noticed that it was the little girl he had an argument with earlier.

He became surprised by how she had changed in her personal dress unlike when she was her uniform.

Suddenly, the girl caught him staring and he quickly looked away. "Oh my God!" he said as he came back to his senses.

He was usually the type that wasn't into girls that are younger than him. According to him, any girl younger than him will just be very childish and especially secondary school students like her.

The girl walked past the garden and headed towards the staff quarters. It was then that he realized that she must be the daughter of one of the lecturers in the university, and that gave him an explanation of her behaviour earlier.

He focused back on his paper and continued writing when his phone started ringing. When he took it, he noticed that it was an unknown number. He quickly answered it wondering who it was.

Richard: Hello, can I know who's on the line, please?

Janet: Is Janet, the girl you met earlier today in your lectures in the morning.

Richard: Oh sorry about that, I didn't know that it was you.

Janet: Oh no no, you don't need to apologize

Richard: so, how are you doing?

Janet: Doing okay. Where are you right now? Because I am close to Block D.

Richard: Tell me where you are, I will come and meet you

Janet: No, you tell me.

Richard: Okay, I'm in a garden close to the staff quarters.

Janet: Alright, I'll be there.

After the call ended, Richard saw her approaching with her friend. She wore a red dress with black trousers that looked extremely beautiful on her. Richard tried his very best to stop himself from staring at her.

He pretended as if he was focused on what he was writing. "Mr First class," she said with a smile as she walked into the garden.

"So you are here," Richard said as he turned.

"Yes, I am. Look who is serious, we just started lectures today and he has already started studying," Janet said looking at her friend.

"Well, that one of the secrets of maintaining a good result," Richard responded.

"Oh, I really? Then I guess you have a lot to teach me," Janet smiled.

"I don't think a lazy girl like you can cope with something like that," her friend laughed.

"Is easy once you have the determination," Richard explained.

"Well, I think you will teach me about determination too," Janet said and a friend laughed. "By the way, this is my friend Farida; she is studying radiography," Janet introduced.

"It is a pleasure meeting you Farida," Richard smiled. "The pleasure is all mine," Farida smiled back.

Janet moved closer to Richard to give herself a better look at what he was writing. "Is this a timetable you are writing?" Janet asked.

"Sort of, but is more like my routines for a day," Richard answered.

"Wow, do you mean all that you have to do in a day will be written on these sheets of papers?" she asked.

"I think so," Richard smiled. "I've never met a person like you. You are so dedicated, I wouldn't be surprised from now on if you will have a result more than the first-class degree," Janet said completely amazed. "Come on Janet, stop exaggerating," Richard said, even though he was impressed.

They talked for about 15 minutes before Janet decided that they will be going. "Alright Janet, we will meet during lectures tomorrow," Richard said. "Yes Richard, I will see you tomorrow," Janet responded.

Thirty minutes after they were gone, the place became dark. The garden got more beautiful with the street lights shining in it. It was then that Richard chose to go and have something to eat. As soon as he got out of the garden, he saw Paul calling him.

Paul: where are you are? I am standing by the door of your room.

Richard: Give me a few minutes, I will be there.

After the call ended, Richard rushed to his room and found Paul trying to leave. "Come on, you just called me; where are you going again?" Richard asked with an angered face.

"Relax. I was called by a girl I met earlier today," Paul said smiling as he walked away. "You don't ever get tired of girls," Richard said as he shook his head watching Paul as he walked away from the dormitory area. "Well, I can die tomorrow. Let me enjoy my life before I die," Paul responded.

"Alright then, enjoy yourself," Richard said.

"I will," Paul laughed.

"By the way, I just met with Janet some few minutes ago," Richard announced.

"Oh really?" Paul asked as he walked back to Richard eager to hear more.

"Yes, of course, we talked for a couple of minutes," Richard explained.

"I think this your chance of getting a girl in this school. You will hardly get a girl like her, you can still win her heart while she is trying to use you," Paul said after he got to where Richard was standing.

"But I don't think she is trying to use me, her intentions look real," Richard replied.

"If her intention were real, why didn't she approached you last semester? Just see how beautiful she is and tell me her intention is real. Girls like her are usually arrogant," Paul explained.

Richard became speechless after that. As far as he could recall, Janet hadn't shown any interesting in using him. Besides, being with her will make him have more confidence and experience with girls in the future.

"When next you are with her, call me. I know you will not do anything reasonable," Paul laughed.

"I will show you what I am capable of," Richard responded.

After Paul left, Richard went to his room to prepare something to eat for the night. He cooked some spaghetti with stew and sat by his bed and ate.

He invited the rest of the members of his room to join him, but they all claimed to be filled. After he was done eating, he took his computer and walked out of the campus to the closest faculty where he got his computer to a Wi‐Fi network. He used his computer to watch a movie throughout the night, for it was the first day of the semester.

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