
The Pillars of Financial Freedom

motivation is the source of everything!

"Pillars of Financial Freedom"

It is said to have been a humorous and fascinating story.

In a public park in a city in the United States, a man in his forties is sitting on a wooden bench for recreation. This man has been in business for some years. He was sitting there thinking about his current financial situation.

He was a successful businessman. Nowadays, even though he has a limited amount of money, he probably wanders around in a bank, thinking that he may have tried something and not lose it.

The merchant heard Kote's voice coming closer to him, and when he looked up from his neck, he saw a man standing next to him. He is well-dressed and handsome.

The man said, "Why are you sitting with your head bowed?" He asked. The merchant said, "I am a little sad because I have failed many attempts. I am also sadly thinking about my past and present. "

The man said, "Have you ever heard of Rockefeller, the greatest American millionaire and philanthropist?" it has. The merchant said, "So you think there is an American who has never heard of a millionaire? Yes, I know him by name and reputation, but I do not even know what he looks like. "

The man continued, "I am Rockefeller. Sometimes I like to alleviate their problems by talking to people who are sad and lonely in such parks. If you tell me what you want to do, I'll give you enough money. " The merchant, struggling between his beliefs and his beliefs, slowly recounted the difficult course of his heart and all his desires.

Without hesitation, the man sat down next to him, opened his wallet, opened his knees, and pulled out a checkbook. He asked for the name of the merchant on the check, wrote down a million dollars, and said: "Put that one million dollars into the business you want and improve your life. It takes time to plan and it doesn't matter if you don't get this check for up to a year. The money is waiting for you. "He disappeared.

Unable to think about what to do, the merchant got up and went home thinking. He said to himself, "Now keep this one million dollar check in my house and boldly withdraw my money and start a business." He had been thinking of a business, so he kept the check at home and took out the money he had in the bank. In less than a year, he made a lot of money. One day when he went to the bank to withdraw the check, he was told that the check was not a real check.

Shocked, he returned home to think about what had happened to the park, and as he walked toward the park, he saw the person giving the check doing the same thing to someone else. Surprised by what he saw, he listened intently and saw that what was happening to him was happening to another person. As he thought about what to do, three elderly men came running up to him and grabbed the man who said, "I'm a Rockefeller." They took him by surprise. After all, he was a mentally ill man. It is unknown at this time what he did with the money, but he is known for giving false checks and cheating.

The merchant was upset, but one fact was clear. When he was imprisoned for fear of losing his money, he began to believe that he had a lot of money because of his false hopes. As a result, he established a lucrative business within a year. Although the "One Million Dollar" check was empty, he was upset by the lie, but as a result, he was motivated and reached his present level.

This story shows that sometimes it is not the amount of money we need but the motivation and attitude that we need.