
Shadow Stalkers


Aiden's miraculous recovery stunned the doctors, considering the severity of his injuries. However, they had to accept the reality of his swift healing.

However, they had to give up after seeing his complete recovery.

As for the media, the government quickly shut all the news about the involvement of his people to maintain their image and compensated Aiden's family with 500.000 soulbits, money that Aiden wouldn't be able to enjoy because he would have to pay for the Noxus academy entrance fees.

Now Aiden and his father were in front of the GA (Gifted Association).

"Ok Aiden I will ask you this for the last time; are you sure about picking the Noxus?"

"Yes" said Aiden firmly

"Then we will enter a D- rank Gate you want to enter into one of the most dangerous academies so I must give you a task of equal footing"

"Ok you will still be there for any unforeseen situations so I'm at ease"


"Hello Philomen, I would like to register my son into the database since he will accompany me in a Gate"

"Hi, Lenn did your son finally awaken his flaming feet?"

"Nope he awakened another one"

" Oh, that's surprising it's very rare for a family Gift to not be passed.

Well, what rank are you at boy?"

"Im at D- rank"

Saying so stunned the receptionist but he quickly recomposed himself and said

"Sorry but I will need to see your status for confirmation"

Aiden expected it who would believe it if someone told them that a 16 years old with no real battle esperience went feom rank E to D- in just 1 week?

It would have been fine if it was the descendant of a High rank Gift holder but a C- rank Gift Hunter?

So accepted and mentally draw out his [Status] obviously blurring his skills, race, traits, and his Gift.

Seeing the Status Philomen could not believe his eyes {He must have awakened at least an A-rank Gift}

"Ok, which rank and type do you want to conquer?"

"I would like an extermination type and for the rank D-"

"Ok...Done here your ID boy and already I registered your prenotation for the Gate you will find it at..."

Entering the gate Aiden got welcomed by the the cold an mechanical voice of the System

[Extermination type Gate]

[Kill all the Shadow stalkers]

[Subject Aiden Ouroboros does not have any equipment. Providing the most compatible one]

Under Aiden's stupefied Eyes, his clothes change to a Black Bodysuit with subtle white dealing. Reinforced padding and armor were strategically placed in key areas, providing protection without compromising agility or combat prowess.

There was also a cool-looking hood.

"You knew about this?"

"Of course, I wouldn't have brought you here without any equipment otherwise"

"So only Gifted with High-rank Gifts can have it?"

"Yes but only the first time they enter a combat gate"

Aiden was about to ask another question when he and his father heard a growl.

Deep within the mysterious and eerie forest, Aiden and his father, Lenn, faced their first challenge - a Shadow Stalker. The creature lurked in the shadows, its dark form blending perfectly with the surrounding darkness. Its eyes gleamed with an unsettling glow as it fixed its gaze on the intruders.

The Shadow Stalker was a sleek and fearsome creature, resembling a panther shrouded in darkness. Its jet-black fur seemed to absorb the surrounding light, rendering it nearly invisible in the shadows. With eyes that glowed like fiery embers, the creature exuded an aura of malevolence and stealth, making it a formidable adversary in the darkness of the forest. Its lithe and agile form allowed it to move with deadly grace, striking from unexpected angles with razor-sharp claws.

As the battle commenced, Aiden's heart pounded with adrenaline. His body tensed, and he took a defensive stance, preparing to face the menacing foe. The Shadow Stalker moved with unnatural speed, its talons glinting in the dim light.

Without hesitation, Aiden activated [Beastification]. His body began to transform, his feet elongating into deadly talons, sharp and ready for combat. The bodysuit he wore adjusted seamlessly to his transformation, allowing him the freedom to move with ease.

The Shadow Stalker lunged at Aiden, its movements a blur of darkness. Aiden reacted swiftly, sidestepping the attack and countering with a powerful swipe of his talons. The creature let out a screech of pain as Aiden's talons grazed its side, leaving behind deep gashes.

But the Shadow Stalker was relentless. It retaliated with a barrage of swift strikes, forcing Aiden to focus on defense. His father watched intently, ready to intervene if needed, but he knew that this battle was a crucial test for Aiden's growth as a Hunter.

As the fight wore on, Aiden began to adapt to the Shadow Stalker's movements. He noticed patterns in its attacks and seized the opportunity to strike back. With each exchange, he gained more confidence in his abilities.

{I trained my Hellfire mastery during my hospitalization and discovered that even though I couldn't control it I can coat my talons with it}

So he coated his talons and started striking the Shadow stalker relentlessly each strike causing immense pain to the target.

In a final, decisive move, Aiden unleashed a powerful flurry of strikes, each one guided by the instinctual knowledge granted by his martial skills. The Shadow Stalker tried to defend itself, but it was no match for Aiden's skill and determination.

With one last devastating strike, Aiden's talons pierced the creature's heart, and the Shadow Stalker let out a haunting cry before dissolving into shadows, vanishing from existence.

Aiden stood there smiling his get interjected by his father

"Aiden you could have ended the battle faster"

"Yea, but where would be the fun?" Aiden [Battle maniac] flaw started kicking in.

Seeing Lenn shook his head {Oh my lord it's started}

The battles within the D- rank Gate fueled something primal within Aiden – an insatiable thirst for combat, an adrenaline rush that he couldn't resist. With each victory against the Shadow Stalkers, his eyes gleamed with excitement, and a wide grin spread across his face. The thrill of battle coursed through his veins, and he found himself craving more.

His father, Lenn, watched his son with a mix of pride and concern. He knew Aiden's battle mania well, having seen it awaken when Aiden was just a child. As much as he admired his son's determination and bravery, he also knew the dangers of becoming consumed by the thirst for battle.

"Aiden, remember to stay focused," Lenn called out, his voice a mixture of caution and guidance. "Your Gift is powerful, but it's not invincible. Take care not to overexert yourself."

But Aiden's battle mania drove him forward, pushing him to seek out more challenging opponents. He sought the thrill of testing his limits, eager to discover just how far he could push himself. The remaining Shadow Stalkers provided ample opportunities to satisfy his desire for combat.

As they encountered another group of Shadow Stalkers, Aiden felt the exhilaration build within him. His [Beastification] mastery allowed him to alternate between talons and wings with ease, and he relished the versatility it offered in battle. With a flurry of strikes, he dispatched the creatures one by one, their howls of pain only fueling his excitement.

His father's voice echoed in the background, a constant reminder to be cautious, but Aiden's battle mania urged him onward. The encounters became more intense, and the Shadow Stalkers seemed to grow in strength and numbers. Yet, Aiden welcomed the challenge, embracing the chaos of battle with a fervor that seemed almost unquenchable.

The final showdown with the Shadow Stalker boss tested Aiden's battle mania to its limits. The creature's shadow manipulation proved to be a formidable challenge, and its attacks were relentless. But Aiden's determination burned bright, and he met each strike with unwavering resolve.

With a roar of exhilaration, Aiden unleashed his [Hellfire] coating technique, engulfing his talons in scorching flames. The pain he inflicted on the Shadow Stalker boss only served to amplify his battle mania further. He reveled in the intensity of the fight, savoring every moment of the adrenaline rush.

His father's voice broke through the haze of battle, urging him to stay focused, but Aiden's battle mania had taken hold. He was lost in the thrill of combat, the world around him reduced to nothing but the clash of steel and the rush of blood.

As the battle drew to a close, Aiden emerged victorious, panting with excitement and a wild grin on his face. The Shadow Stalker boss lay defeated, and a sense of triumph surged within him. But even as the adrenaline subsided, the battle mania remained, burning as fiercely as ever.

In the aftermath of the battle, Aiden's father approached him with a mix of concern and pride. "You have a warrior's spirit, Aiden," he said, "but remember that battles should not be taken lightly. Your Gift is a powerful tool, but it's also a responsibility."

Aiden nodded, his battle mania still simmering beneath the surface. He knew his father was right, but the thrill of combat was hard to resist. He would need to find a way to balance his desire for battle with the wisdom of caution.

[The mission has been completed]

[The Hunter Aiden fought valiantly so he will get a special reward]

[Reward:Shadow Piercer(D-)

Dungeon starter Equipment(D)]

"The Shadow Piercer Skill allows me to locate weak point and strike them with a Shadow arrow,but I don't need it.

An for the Dungeon Starter equipment..."

Seeing the Bodysuit Passives Aiden was flabbergasted


[Aiden Ouroboros Hunter Equipment]

Specifically designed by the #@$&/ of ç#°*§ for the Gifted individual known as Aiden Ouroboros.

[Fire Immunity] [Overlapper&Retractable] [Soulbound] [Growthable]


Telling his father the characteristic of the Suit Lenn almost pucked out blood as the System's shamelessness

Wasn't it supposed to be impartial?

"Ahh, you must be really blessed By the Goddess of Luck; I think that you already know what Fire Imuunity and Soulbound mean as for OVerllaper& Retractable It's mean that you can wear it at any time otherwise you can retract it and it will become an accessory of your choice.

For [Growthable] That's the most important, it's mean that the equipment get stronger with you."

"Really? How come this is not public knowledge?"

"Well first of all Growth type weapons and equipment are exceedingly rare and second even people without a Gift can use them.."

"Aiden immediately realized the thing that his father was trying to convey him. The Giftless oppression was very strong and there were some extremist groups that believed that the Gifts were leash put onto the Human by the System and they worshipped the Devils.

"Also here you. You wanted it right?"I don't know what are you trying to create but don't get in trouble ok" Said Lenn while exiting the Gate and Throwing a Blue glowing crystal at Aiden.

[Mana Crystal(D-)]

"Thank you Dad and don't worry it's not dangerous"

Hi guys ik ik there was a lot of plot armor moments but...

Who cares???

Pls give me stones

Also next chapter I will a bit of Aiden Backstory and a surprise for yall-

See ya

P.S. Pls give me stones

Evandarcreators' thoughts
Next chapter