
1- The Person I Admire

Akira's POV

I love yandere's.

I don't think I will ever be able to be in a happy relationship if my partner doesn't obsess over me to an extreme degree.

Why?.... I don't exactly know either. Maybe it's the thrill that comes with it or maybe I am very insecure and obsessiveness from a partner eases that, or maybe I am just so starved of affection that all I want is someone to love me or maybe I am just a submissive individual who likes it when my partner is the dominant one. I personally believe that it's a mix of all these reasons, dialled up to an extreme degree.

Regardless, this is just the way I am. As a result, I have never been in a relationship before, not that I have ever regretted it or felt like I was missing out. I knew a long time ago that I would rather never be in a relationship than be in one where I can't get what I need with my specific interest.

Of course, I am not delusional...I am very well aware that yanderes don't really exist in real life and the ones who do are quite dangerous, I had come to accept this fact very early on as well. So being alone was something I was quite comfortable with, and it also led me to develop my platonic relationships well. I am quite proud of the tight-knit group of friends I have, though I must admit that some women in high school did mistake my friendship for romantic interest but then again I have absolutely no interest in that and shot them down politely. I barely ever saw them again and they would run away in almost fear when I approached them almost like I was some kind of monster. I guess they held grudges or something...Oh well.

However, there was one person who was....special. I didn't love her or anything, I guess you could call it respect and admiration. She is my childhood friend, Elena Kisaki. She is two years older than me and we met when I was five and she was seven. I still remember the first words she said to me..."I am older than you so you should call me Onee-chan, if you obey me I will be your friend".

Maybe it was funny to me the way she acted or maybe my submissive nature was present even back then. I did as she said and we have been close ever since, and of course, I still call her Onee-chan. It was a bit later I found out the reason she was talking like a noble lady was because she was one....or to be more accurate, she was the daughter of the prestigious Kisaki family. A business conglomerate so big that calling them wealthy would be an understatement.

I would spend most of my childhood with her, doing as she says and enjoying every moment of it. She was perfect in every sense of the word, only I know since I have been with her so long. The almost fictional goddess-like beauty that she bears was not something she grew into and it existed since I met her. Her absolute dominance in anything academic or sports-related was a result of innate talent and years of hard work. Her cool and assertive demeanour that demanded respect existed since long before she met the world...It was no understatement to say that she was a perfect human.

Honestly, If I was normal and my special proclivity didn't exist, I would have fallen head over heels for her a long long time ago. However, there was something I was extremely afraid of....

I was walking as all these thoughts flowed through my mind like a river but my train of thought suddenly took a halt as I arrived at the entrance of my college...The University Of Tokyo. I took a deep breath to get rid of the nervousness I was feeling and stepped inside. It was my first day of college, the start of a new journey. Only Elena and I know how much pain and effort I had to go through to get here and without her, I wouldn't be here anyway.

I started walking towards the main building but something caught my eye in the not-so-far distance. A huge crowd had formed around a certain person and immediately I knew why. I started walking towards the crowd and it was evident from the faces of the crowd that they were all freshmen. Nervous gazes that had been painted over with fondness and adoration at the person in the middle of that large group, my suspicions were basically confirmed at this point.

I pushed through in between the crowd, annoying everyone else who wanted to take a glimpse. After a few thorough pushes, I was finally near the middle but I tripped on someone's foot as I was entering it and stumbled forward into the centre. My head banged into someone's legs, though they were very soft so it didn't hurt much. As I gathered myself and looked up from the ground, my eyes went wide with surprise.

Light grey-blue eyes with pitch-black pupils, specks of yellow and green freckled in the iris. Her wavy hair flowed down from her shoulders to the middle of her back, black in colour but still lighter than her pupils. Her lashes were long and prominent and her face looked like it was personally sculpted by god himself, with natural blushes on the cheek with high cheekbones that enhanced her jawline. Skin paler than snow without a single blemish or discoloration. She was wearing a black off-shoulder knit sweater with a light grey cardigan over it, along with some grey cargo pants that flowed down her covered legs.

However, my eyes were caught in the small, almost invisible grin she had with her supple red rose-tinted lips. I sighed as I looked up at her properly and smiled in return. I had seen this face almost every day for years now but to this day I would still be filled with awe at this perfect being.

"Senior some help please...." I said as I chuckled.

The grin on her lips only grew wider but instead of lending out her hand she bent down to my eye level in front of me and placed her hand on my cheek.

"Don't call me senior" she said in an annoyed tone. "I'll save you from further embarrassment only if you say 'please Onee-chan...' " she said in a whisper only I could hear, her tone was that of a demand rather request.

Her voice flowed like honey through my ears, her soft breath tickling my senses. If I was anyone else but myself, I would have gone crazy at this very moment...but alas, I was different. You see, I care only a little about my reputation in the eyes of other people but there was one person where I couldn't lose the trust I had gained. This person had qualities I wanted to emulate, this person was someone I looked up to and I wanted them to be proud of me. I am a hundred per cent sure that I would have wanted to be with her if I didn't have my special interests but I knew that If I lost her trust or the respect she had for me I would become a failure of a human being.

So there was no chance of me ever revealing my deepest secret to her under any circumstance, in essence, my fear of her hating me for my weirdness was the only small lock that was keeping my emotions in check.

I started laughing and looked at her again, straight into her eyes.

"Please Onee-chan...help me" I said obediently, whispering just as she had done.

The smile on her face grew wider and it was finally visible to everyone, I knew because everyone stood there hypnotised. Her smirk locked them in their place....this was the power of Elena Kisaki, this was the power of my closest friend, this was the power of the heir of the Kisaki conglomerate.

This was the power of the person I admired the most in the world.....


Hello guys! hope you liked the first chapter...the setting for this novel is quite different from my previous ones but I am really excited to write this story!

P.S.- Also I have another work that I haven't updated in months due to a hiatus but if you wish you can read through it if you want. If I get enough of a positive response I will try to restart that story as well!

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