
First Chapter

I bent down to the ground covered with thick grass and plucked a sky-blue flower with my fingers. I inserted it into the middle of the bouquet I was holding in my hand and admired it in awe. It looked truly beautiful! Although they bloomed in the same color every day, today's flowers turned out exceptionally exquisite.

"Miss! Miss!"

Anne shouted from afar, her thin voice carried to me by the wind. I spun around, my long pale yellow dress billowing around me.

"Miss... Miss, I finally... Finally found you," the young girl gasped as she knelt in front of me, her brown hair cascading onto her face. "Come quickly!" she exclaimed as she managed to catch her breath.

Her eyes pleaded desperately.

"What happened, Anne?" I stepped closer to her and embraced her, helping her stand up.

"We need to hurry, her father is very ill! He sent me, he wants to speak with you."

She spoke in a rush, barely finishing her sentence before I started running back to the castle. I dropped the bouquet of flowers on the ground and pushed open the right wing of the massive wooden entrance door. I took the spiral staircase two steps at a time, sprinted down the hallway, and barged into my father's bedroom without knocking.

A servant was wiping his forehead with a damp cloth, but as soon as he saw me, he curtsied quickly and left us alone in the blood-red room. I hurried to the bed and sat down beside him. He slowly raised his gaze and weakly smiled at me, but then a deep, guttural sound escaped his mouth. Leaning to the side, he coughed, lifting the white embroidered handkerchief to his mouth.

"Father!" Seeing his condition, I clutched my hand to my mouth in alarm; I had never seen him so ill.

The cough subsided slowly, and he sank back into the pillows.

"My daughter," his voice was no more than a faint whisper, "My dear daughter."

His trembling hand reached out to me, and I immediately embraced it, leaning closer to him. His face was pale, his lips chapped, and sweat trickled down his forehead.

"Father, everything will be fine. You will recover," I lifted his large hand to my lips and placed a gentle kiss on it.His eyes were soaked in tears, trickling down his wrinkled skin, down his chin, to his grayish beard. Seeing his pain, my eyes blurred too. I wanted to stay strong, but seeing my father, I completely lost my composure. I had never seen him cry before.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he sobbed loudly, not entirely himself.

"Shhh," I reassured him, but inside, I trembled with fear.

"I love you, Carina!" He ruffled my honey-colored hair and pulled me close to his chest. "Never forget me and how much I love you!"

My lungs tightened as I realized he was bidding me farewell. I couldn't bear it anymore; my entire being shook as I cried out.

"Father, you will recover!" I cradled his face in my hands and looked into those beautiful dark brown eyes.

"I'm sorry, Carina, it's all my fault." I didn't understand what he was talking about; perhaps he was losing his mind.

"Father, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

He reached under his pillow and pulled out a burgundy leather-bound notebook, pressing it into my hands.

"Listen to me, my little girl." He cupped my face in his hands. "This is... This is a curse."

Suddenly, he clutched his chest, gasping in pain, his breath quickening.

"No, Father! Fight it, don't die!" My tears flowed, and I trembled with dread.

"Carina," he breathed heavily, "This is a c-curse... You have to escape. Y-you're not... not safe."

I was completely bewildered; I didn't want to believe what I was hearing. What kind of curse was he talking about? I didn't understand why I wasn't safe.

"Father, why are you saying this? And where should I escape to? I've never been beyond the estate; I don't know what's outside the castle," I sobbed.

"You have to flee from the Prince of Darkness; he has already set out and wants to kill you." Each word was a struggle for him to utter. "You must hurry, lest he catches up with you!"

Dread filled me as I comprehended his words, feeling he was speaking the truth, not just the delirium of illness. Someone wanted to kill me, and they were already on their way to find me.

"I love you, my daughter, never forget!" he murmured softly, then a deep sigh escaped his lips.

"Father! Father!" I cried out while shaking him, but he didn't move.

"NOOOOO!" I screamed towards the sky, then simply collapsed.

I sobbed and screamed for minutes, entering a state of shock. Then I felt someone lifting me and carrying me in their arms, finally laying me on a soft bed. I looked up and saw Charles, but then I sank back into the pillows and slowly succumbed to sleep.

Next chapter