
You're So Immaturely Cute

After coming out of a daze, Lu Ching blushed hard. So hard, that she could feel her cheeks burning. As Jing Shone saw this, he started to smile. He quickly looked straight ahead to ensure that no one else saw this scene. He couldn't help but continue smirking at the fact that Lu Ching was blushing because of him. 'She looks so cute when she blushes' Jing Shone thought to himself. After he reached his seat, everyone started acting normally again. Jing Shone picked up some small talk about him.

" I never thought that Jing Shone could smile."

" I wonder what he was smiling at."

" Do you think he was smiling at the girl in that red dress?"

" I think so. How do you think she made him do that?!?"

As he herd this, a cold era came off of Jing Shone. everyone naturally keep an invisible barrier around him. After some time, the music started up and the lights on the dance floor were turned on in a way so that only one side was bright, the other being a little more shady. A random girl that somehow new Jing Shone as a kid came up to him and said very formally, " May I have this dance?" There was an instant reply of, " No, I don't dance." The girl was a little shocked that her offer got turned down. She left immediately. After she left, Jing Shone continued looking at Lu Ching. She stud next to her brother. As he looked, he could tell that Lu Ching was wearing a beautiful red dress with a pairbof heels that were the color of silver with a shade of darkly-bright red stitching. She looked overly beautiful in her outfit. He got up and walked over to her. As he did, Lu Ting whispered, " Look who's coming over here. You know that look is an 'I'm interested in you' look. He likes you, ya know? I can't believe my sister managed to snag the richest man in the state, let alone the king of the underworld." Lu Ching looked at the man coming over to her. She couldn't help but think that her brother was right. She decided to look at the people dancing and not Jing Shone so that he would think that she was interested in him. But, soon enough, he was at her side. Lu Ting left so that they could have each other to themselves. Jing Shone suddenly said, " can I have this dance?" Lu Ching replied, " Sure." As they moved out onto the dance floor, the music changed to a slow song. They both stood in the proper way, with Lu Ching putting her hand on Jing Shone's shoulder and on his back, while Jing Shone put his hands on her lower back and upper back so that they were both evenly supported. The girls that had a crush on Jing Shone stood there, shocked and filled with jealousy. As the couple continued dance, Jing Shone moved them to the shady side of the dance floor. After they got there, Lu Ching felt Jing Shone's hands start moving on her back, making her tense up. As she continued to look at him, she couldn't help but think that he was somewhat cute. She also felt that he was putting her in position to kiss. At this thought, she tried to pull away, but was held firmly by Jing Shone's hands. He lowered his head and said in her ear, " Why are you trying to pull away? Do you not like me? Am I not hansom enough?" Lu Ching replied, " I like you, you look fine, and I don't know." Well in that case, stop struggling. Just move with the flow untill this song is over." They continued dancing untill the song was over. Once it was over, Lu Ching moved away, said thanks for the dance, and turned around and walked out one of the door's that lead out back. Jing Shone followed when he saw that the one girl that asked to dance came over with 2 glasses of white wine. Jing Shone quickly turned around and went out the same door that Lu Ching went out if. The girl followed Jing Shone's retreating back. As Jing Shone cought up to Lu Ching, he grabbed her and said in an urgent tone, " How close is that girl?" Lu Ching responded in a wisper, " She's really close." Jing Shone desperately said, " Now, don't move. Don't struggle. You understand?" Lu Ching replied slightly shocked, " Ya...." Just as she was about to respond, a pair if lips smashed onto her's.