
How cocky can you get?

I stomped my foot heavily as I reached my classroom. Kagura won't be coming to school today so I'm stuck with being alone. Not to mention my other friend, Miya, is in another class. I did my best and used one of my skills just to swiftly come up here while avoiding Gusion. That hateful guy embarrassed me in front of so many people. I barely have a face to show around and he does something like that? I'm starting to have personal reasons to hate him.

Looking at our subject lists for today, I noticed that target hitting assesment is included. Which actually put a smile on my face. I'll ace this, I need to be on the lists of students who will compete in the Moniyan & Abyss Contest. I stood up and was about to leave the classroom when I heard familiar squeals, I gulped and tiptoed back to my seat.

The squeals grew louder that I hid behind the curtains near my place, then finally it stopped. If only Kagura's here, we'd ride her umbrella out of this place.

"Is Lesley Vance, in this class?"

I literally froze. Why is that guy here again? And why is he even looking for me? I scooted a little bit and tried to peak.


Only to see him staring at me with that mischievous smile of his. I immediately covered behind the curtains again and this time I heard footsteps approaching. Can I jump, right here? right now? I can just borrow Harley's Hat, right?


My chain of thoughts were cut off when someone grabbed my wrist and dragged me to who knows where.

"Hey! Let go of me!"

I tried to break free and pulled my hand from his but his grip is too strong. So I resorted to biting his hand.

"Ow! What are you a monster?"

He winced lightly and I rolled my eyes while fixing the sleeves of my uniform. I turned around and was about to leave him when he spoke.

"Do you want to team up with me for the Moniyan & Abyss Contest? We'll win first place if you have me on your team"

I was pissed by what he said. Walking back to him, I grabbed his collar and pushed him to a wall.

"How cocky can you get? I'll win first place by myself, I don't need your help"

And yet again, he gave me a smirk.

"Let's test that spirit of yours then, Lady 2nd"

And he removed my hand from his collar and kissed it before leaving my sight.

Haven't he pestered me enough yesterday?!

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