
The path of a normal guy

Hi, my name is Alexander Kingstone, and this is the story of how fate wanted to fuck me with a 13-inch dildo, so I fucked her back by surviving and becoming more powerful than her ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel, I am trying to become a serious author, I will try to commit no errors in my grammar, if there are just tell me. Chapters will come out whenever I can, I still have to go to school

daoistofeverything · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 2

The sun has just risen, and the moons have just dissapeared, the animals begin to wake up, and a few of them get back to sleep, the sound of birds singing and the rumbling of a stomach causes Alex to wake up from his sleeping state.

Not being used to sleeping on a tree, he begins to move, thinking that he still is in his bed.

And just like that, he falls from the branch he was sleeping in.

Luckily he had attached himself to the trunk of the tree, stopping the fall and making him able to grab the branch to adjust himself again.

Unfortunately, the sword fell to the ground.

Alex:'That was close, Thirsty Games taught me well.'

He begins to descend the tree, and he notices that, unlike yesterday, it is much easier to climb the tree, even without a sword.

Alex:'Might be because of the Climbing skill, but a basic level 1 skill is still making such a difference?'

When he gets down he gets his sword back and sits down to read all of his skills, because even though he might understand how he got them he doesn't know the boost they give.



Combat Skills:

Basic Unarmed Combat Lv1

Before weapons, humans used hands and stones to fight, you gain a minor boost in strength when fighting with hands


Secondary Skills:

Basic Common Language Lv.1

You know how to understand and speak the most common language, but you won't understand the more advanced words.

Basic Running Lv.1

You know how to run and not fall to the ground, you gain a minor boost in Endurance and Agility when running

Basic Skinning Lv.2

You know how to skin basic animals without much waste, you gain a minor boost in Dexterity when skinning

Basic Cooking Lv.1

You know how to not burn animals, you gain a minimal boost in Agility and Dexterity when cooking

Basic Climbing Lv.1

You know how to climb trees and not fall, you gain a small boost in Strength, Endurance, and Agility when climbing


Resistance Skills:

Basic Fear Resistance Lv.2

You know how to fight fear, it won't disappear, but you can resist it.

Basic Pain Resistance Lv.1ù

You know to fight pain, it won't disappear, but you can resist it.

Basic Poison Resistance Lv.1

Your body has resisted poison thus giving it a small resistance to poison

Basic Cold Resistance Lv.1

You know how to fight cold, it won't disappear, but you can resist it.


Alex:' Different from usual games, they don't give knowledge, they just give me a boost and they represent my advance in the skills.'

His stomach rumbles again, ordering him food.

He turns around, the body of the wolf disappeared, so he will have to either hunt something or try to find something that isn't poisonous.

Alex:' Before food, I should find water, I might be able to hunt food but without water, I won't last long.'

Before going he has to know where he is going, so to know East and West he watches the sun, and for the Nord and Sud he searches for moss, when he finds it, he knows Nord, Sud, East, and West position.

Alex:'Usually humans prefer to build their homes in the Nord, so it is the best decision to go there, the only problem would be the lower temperatures, but I have no choice.'

So with a broken rusty sword in hand, clothes covered in blood, his and not his, and with a system that might help him, he begins his journey to the north.

While walking he saw several vegetables, but not wanting to test his poison resistance he chooses to not try his luck, considering that it is nullified by his fate.

While walking he looks at the ground searching for any type of trace that might lead him to an animal.

After thirty minutes, and a stomach throwing a tantrum he finally found some traces.

Alex:'Too small to be a wolf, but there are still four toes, so it might be a rabbit.'

He crouches on the ground and slowly follows the tracks.

His luck works, and he finds the rabbit, it is eating some kind of berries from a bush, while near him there also is a small pond of water.

Alex:'Perfect, the body of the rabbit is small and the meat will stink if not cooked right, but I can use his pelt to make a pouch to store the barries.'

He slowly heads towards the bunny, but what he didn't notice is that under his feet there is a stick, alerting the rabbit of his presence.

The rabbit turns around, and only now he can see that the bunny has a horn on his head.

Unlike what he expected the bunny instead of running away dashed towards him, the speed of a bunny is nothing to joke about, even more, if there is a horn in his head.

He jumps out of the way evading the attack, but the bunny takes few seconds to dash again.

But this time, he didn't move until the bunny jumped, why? Because behind Alex there is a tree.

The bunny being in the air couldn't evade the tree, when his horn pierced the trunk of the tree, Alex didn't think twice to use his sword to behead the bunny, the bunny died, but the sword got stuck again.

He removes the sword, takes the bunny from the ears, and frees his horn.

He walks towards the bush of barriers, he takes one of the barriers, puts one in his mouth and he begins to chew.

The sweet juice of the berry fills his mouth and minimally calms his hunger, but before taking another one he waits to see if there is some kind of side effect from eating one.

When nothing happens he begins to eat the berries, while also drinking some of the water from the pond.

Alex:'It isn't mineral water, but at least it's water.'

He then removes the pelt of the bunny and knots the ears and legs together to make something similar to a bag, he uses the remaining water to wash the inside of the bunny, the meat is useless to him, but he still saves a small piece, so he might use it as a bait for bigger animals, he also takes the horn as a secondary weapon, he puts it in one of his pockets.

He opens his status to see if there are any changes and 2 new skills appeared, a Combat Skill and a Secondary Skill.



Combat Skills:

Basic stealth Lv.1

You know how to crouch, good job, when you try to sneak around you receive a minimal boost in Agility and Dexterity, and your presence gets minimally hidden.


Secondary Skills:

Basic Tracking Lv.1

You know the difference between a dog and an elephant, good job, when following tracks, you gain a minimal boost in Perception.


The rest of his status is the same.

He begins to walk again towards the Nord while paying attention to find any other traces of animals, if it is small he would fight, if it is a predator he will evade that zone, killing a wolf by luck and a bunny because it was stupid doesn't mean he knows how to fight.

There were few traces, mostly because the sun had just risen and the animals had just woken, and the few traces he had discovered, apart from the rabbit one, belonged either to a wolf or to a boar, so he didn't even go near them.

When the sun had risen to its highest point, he heard something that made him smile.

The sound of water falling from a high place.

He heads towards the waterfall, knowing that where there is water there might be humans.

Alex:'Wait, I don't know how they would react to my presence, I don't exactly look light a friendly person, I should go stealth until I am sure.'

He slowly walks towards the waterfall, hoping to find humans, and that they wouldn't be bandits.

When he gets there he sees on the lower part of the waterfall a lake, he doesn't see anyone near it, but when he concentrates he hears some voices, from the other side of the lake, so he stays crouched and walks towards the voices.

But before he could move he feels a cold sensation on his neck.

???:'' Your stealth skill sucks'' Said a masculine voice

Instead of panicking and trying to attack the holder of the weapon, he slowly raises his hand in the air, gets up from his crouching position, and slowly turns towards the masculine voice.

Alex:'The skill works, I have never heard the language he is speaking, but I still can understand it.'

The man holding the knife is a young man, no more than 25 years, on his back there is a bow and he is wearing leather armor.

Alex:''I know, listen I woke up in the middle of this forest, and almost died 4 times, I am covered in blood, dirt, and something that I don't even want to describe, so could you please let me go?''

???:'' Why should I believe you?'' He says while not removing the knife from my neck.

Alex:'' Look at me, the only weapon I have is a broken rusty sword, and my only source of food is berries and a piece of raw meat.''

He looks at me in the eyes and removes the knife from my neck, but Alex doesn't change his pose, he still stays with his hand raised, at least until the young man says so.

???:'' Wait here, I am calling the others.'' He says while creating what is like a magic circle in the middle of the air.

A few minutes later a group formed by 3 men and 2 women came out.

They first look at him and then at Alex, when one of the girls saw Alex she immediately neared him.

???:'' Lin you idiot you should have called sooner, he has 2 open injuries and he might faint from blood loss.''

Alex is stunned by these words, he might be a little weak, but he doesn't feel this weak to the point of fainting.

She gets neat him and positions her hand on the back of Alex.

???:'' Don't resist.'' Says the girl

Suddenly her hands begin to glow and a hot sensation covers the back of Alex, it isn't painful it feels like when you drink a hot tea during winter, relaxing.

Lin:'' Sorry, I had to be sure he wasn't a bandit, this is the zone of the red wolf, since he is wearing a wolf pelt I thought he might be one of them.''

One of the other men, this time much older than the first one, at least 40 years, approach me.

???:'' How did you get here, and who are you?''

Not wanting to anger the ones healing him he answers truthfully, apart from the world traveling part and status part he says everything.

???:'' Mhhh, Susan check his status.'' He says while looking at the other girl, she is wearing a long dress with a book on her side and what looks like a catalyzer on her back.

Alex:'Ok so there are status, the only problem is if they can see titles.'

Susan:'' Yes captain, <Apprasil>... nothing out of the norm, his name is Alexander like he said and he has no bounty, the strange part is that he has a surname, Kingstone.''

The man looks back at me, this time with his hand on the sword.

Captain:'' Are you a noble?''

Alex:'' No, at least, I am sure I am not, I don't remember anything before I woke up inside the forest.''

Alex:'Let's play the amnesia part and let's hope it works.'

Captain:''... Guess we have no choice then, everyone let's get back to the village, we have already completed our mission of today, Sara have you finished?''

She woman behind removes her hand from my back and looks at the captain.

Sara:'' Yes, he is as good as new, but the scars will remain.''

And just like she said, Alex feels good, the pain from the leg and his back disappeared, and the exhaustion he felt from walking all this time disappeared.

Captain:'' Perfect, then let's go, if we stay here during the night we might get in trouble.''

Alex:'Guess this time luck, really was on my side... did I raise a flag?'

Before we could move from the spot, some growls could be heard all around us.

Captain:''Fuck, Lin get on one of the trees, Sara and Susan behind me, Jack and Roy, you know your job.''


He thinks while taking out his horn from his pocket and position his sword in front of him.