
Chapter one- This is me here and now. Listen to my story.

This day I still think about my oc's and different situations. I love them to this day. But being the age I am now I don't write stories about them. It flows through my mind. But I have a count of 30 boy ocs. You might think I'm crazy in my head. No, I'm not. I have a list of names and I know what they look like still. I can give details and back stories of them in each chapter. But for now let's start with me. Hi, I'm Patra and I am indeed a panda. I'm sweet and kind. I love animals and everything around me which is nature. I was born with a mother and a father but the past away from a building collapsing. But it wasn't a building...it was a cave... My mother was a full panda bear and my dad was human. You think it's weird. I don't think so if both of them love each other. Which they do. My dad knows how to communicate to animals. And when my mom was in trouble once. She was attacked by wolves or foxes. My dad told the wolves to go away and find something around their size because pandas are big. My dad helped my mom get rapped up as they talked about life. But then they got closer as lovers. And they actually have to stay together and grow a family. Then soon they have me. I was able to switch from human with panda ears to a full panda bear. I love my parents. Even if my dad had to work and live in a cave. I didn't play with the toys like normal kids I always chase butterflies, play with my parents and walk around with my mom because I was to young to be alone. But my dad had a week off of work and he spent the time with me and my mom. But then the cave slowly falling. My mommy grabbed me and tried to get me to safely. Which she did. But not herself. I look around as I cried out to them. That was when I was 7. I didn't know what to do at that age except for sleeping by the collapse cave and cry myself to sleep. But then I didn't know how to get my own food clothes or a home. I was slowly getting hungry eating hour of the day. Until a women found me sleeping by the cave. She was my father's helper. She took me to her place and took care of me and tell people that I was her " cousin" or anything thing related to her. I wasn't used to some foods she gives me but I still eat it. She gives me toys and clothes that she thought I would like. But only like one outfit. It was small butts with any black pants or tights, white and black shirt and a cute black hoodie. She told me that she was happy to meet me. She always want me to have a normal life like a human because most animals are treated wrong. Here I am, 17 and strong. I live with her still and I work with her when I'm not working on school stuff. I like working with her but I always have to wear a hat over my ears. I still have fun though and I make some money to save for myself. But that's all about me. How about we start talking about my ocs.